Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:511 It Was No Damn Bear



Now I was scared for him. “Dobbs!” I yelled. “Dobbs!” My voice echoed through the woods. I scanned the area with my light but didn’t see anything else. Keep steady, I thought to myself. He could have just dropped it. Or maybe the other Ranger, what’s-his-name. They were likely at the tower together. Or maybe scouting the fire they had spotted.  “Dobbs!” I screamed this time. The sky now was now a little illuminated by the tell-tale orange glow of fire. “Dobbs, can you hear me?” ​Then I heard a man’s voice say, “Shut up!”  His sudden voice surprised the tar out of me. If hadn’t been so exhausted I’d have jumped up a tree right then and there. “Where are you?” he was close but I couldn’t see him. “Shhh! Keep quiet! It’ll hear us!” he said to me. I located where the voice was coming from, about 10 feet away and a little behind me, then swung the light at him. I saw Dobbs under a thick patch of cedars up against a big rock, huddled on the ground.  “Turn the light off and get over here,” he whispered. I was moving