Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:499 Dead Men Tell No Tales



Spoke to the witness he said "Wes, I basically grew up around these things. My family and I lived on the reservation and my grandfather and the other elders would talk about these creatures. There was one that would smack the house almost every night. One time he hit the back window and moshed his face in the back door. I looked up right at this thing. My dad was scared and his patience was running out. One time it hit the back window so hard hits arm came through. My father grabbed his shotgun and I heard him fire several rounds. He calming came in the home and called a family member and asked him to bring his truck. I later found out he killed it and then disposed of the body. It didn't seem that big. Things around the property started getting bad. Aggression from these things picked up and horses and other live stock were being killed. We had to move. There are so many details and accounts I would be happy to come on and share what has happened to me and my family. I can tell you they are not human and the