Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh



Real talk, with real people, and real results so YOU can heal yourself naturally. Hosted by Dr. Anh, a board-certified pharmacist and health coach who believes the answer to better health is NOT found in a pill bottle but in WHAT we eat and HOW we choose to live our lives. Dr. Anh conducts weekly interviews with people who have healed themselves or their clients using food as medicine, including Dr. Terry Wahls, Abel James, and Ari Meisel. While the show focuses on food and nutrition, you'll also learn about supplements, exercise, mindset, and other alternative therapies that contribute to overall health and well-being.


  • Healing Chronic Pain, Ayurvedic Medicine, and Eating for Your Body Type with Martha Gesegnet-Blessing - #029

    28/05/2015 Duration: 45min  Today’s guest is Martha Blessing, who is the founder of Niagara Ayurvedic Wellness and Healing Center, in Buffalo, NY.  Martha began her career as a nurse in traditional Western medicine, but then turned to a more holistic approach.  She became a 3rd generation metaphysical and spiritual leader and healer and has written the book titled 8 Steps to Naturally Heal Chronic Pain.  Martha holds certifications as a Healing Touch practitioner/instructor, a clinical ayurvedic practitioner, a nutritional specialist, and a Kripalu Holistic Health practitioner.  You can see that she has a wealth of information to share, so join us to learn more! Martha faced many health challenges, including chronic pain, multiple surgeries, and confinement in a wheelchair.  Her diagnosis was “fibromyalgia,” which she views as a “garbage can diagnosis.”  When a patient experiences chronic, unexplainable pain, traditional doctors will diagnose it as fibromyalgia, and then prescribe medications to manage the s

  • Why Diets Fail, Tips for Fat Loss, and 3 Steps to Get Started with Weight Loss with Lacy Arnold - #028

    25/05/2015 Duration: 46min Today’s guest is Lacy Arnold, who is the founder and CEO of  She is a devoted mother to three daughters, who are the inspiration for her company.  She holds a BS degree in Health and Wellness and offers a unique approach to women’s fitness.  Lacy’s passion is to help mothers achieve their ideal body, have a holistic lifestyle, and “get their sexy back!” Like many mothers, Lacy struggled in trying to get fit again after having her three daughters.  She decided to develop a realistic program that WORKS and use it to help other women. Lacy knew her program had to fit into a busy mom’s lifestyle, so she based it on three main principles:  strength training, high-intensity interval training (HIT), and right nutrition.  Join us to hear details about each of these aspects of the Lean Moms program. Lacy shares with us some of the keys to her program: Diet is 80% of the work!  Use Lacy’s 90/10 rule to help you stick to the plan. The main reason diets don’t work is that people

  • Weight-Loss Resistance, Bio-Individuality, and Nutrition Misinformation with Ivy Stirling - #027

    11/05/2015 Duration: 47min Today’s guest is Ivy Stirling, who is a nutritionist and health coach who healed herself by changing her diet.  She is a firm believer in “bio-individuality,” which means that there isn’t a single diet plan that works for everyone because we are all different!  Ivy teaches the healing power of food to prevent and reverse disease and to slow the aging process.  She has worked in almost every facet of the food industry, from the USDA, publishing, the weight-loss industry, the corporate level, and the Montana State Extension Service.  Her background has given her a unique perspective on the food industry, and she is eager to help others navigate through the “maze of misinformation” that exists. Ivy gives helpful information about the following topics: Ø  There is much misinformation in the food industry.  We must realize that food businesses exist to make a profit; they are NOT concerned with bringing good nutrition.  Ivy shares specific examples of how the consumer is being “duped”

  • BONUS: Overcoming an Eating Disorder, Healing Fatty Liver Disease, and Avoiding Endless Cardio with Stephanie Inness - #026

    06/05/2015 Duration: 35min Overcoming an Eating Disorder, Healing Fatty Liver Disease, and Avoiding Endless Cardio--#026   My guest today is Stephanie Inness, who is a personal trainer from Asheville, NC.  Stephanie has much insight to nutrition and wellness, as she comes from a past of eating disorders, sickness, and yo-yo dieting.  She now has a different perspective, and is DOING IT RIGHT!  Listen to her advice about how to change your life by changing your diet! Stephanie shares what she does to maintain her own health, and what she teaches others: §  Eat regularly!  Smaller meals/snacks every 2-3 hours are better than heavy meals. §  Focus on protein and veggies!  Stephanie shares her typical day’s nutrition with us, and it revolves around protein and veggies. §  Eat most of your food before 1 pm!  Eating early in the day helps maintain energy. §  Keep blood sugar levels even!  Eating regularly will guard against energy swings, mood swings, wild hormone levels, and harmful cortisol/insulin levels. §  Ke

  • Gentler Menopause, Tonic Herbs and Jing Energy--#025

    04/05/2015 Duration: 41min My guest for today’s show is George Lamoureux from Jing Herbs.  George left a high-stress job  as a crude oil trader on Wall Street to become a tonic and clinical herbalist.  He received a master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and founded Jing Herbs.  He has been a featured speaker at the Take Back Your Health Conference in Washington, DC. George was introduced to tonic herbs by a coworker; this was after he left a stressful NYC job to work in the restaurant business in CA.  He was intrigued by tonic herbs and set out to learn more. Do you want to learn more about tonic herbs?  I invite you to listen to the show and enjoy our discussion of the following: Ø  Tonic herbs are a special class of herbs, used to treat major states of health.  The focus is achieving and maintaining all aspects of good health, and not just treating illness. Ø  Traditional Chinese medicine focuses on “the Three Treasures”—jing, qi, and shen.  Join us to learn more about this fascinating philosoph

  • Essential Micronutrients and How to Get them From Your Food with Dr. Barbara Keck--#024"

    30/04/2015 Duration: 44min Today, I have the incredible honor of interviewing Dr. Barbara Keck who is a licensed and board certified naprapath and a nutritional counselor who received her Doctor degree from the National College of Naprapathic Medicine in 2003.  Dr. Barb is a founder of Kuma Healthcare and Wellness Center and has over 10 years of that unique experience helping her patients heals themselves from within by connecting to their natural healing abilities and teaching them how to live a healthier life.  She has presented seminars related to nutritional counseling and detoxification and her practice offers a unique blend of naprapathic treatments, nutritional counseling, orthopedic and medical massage, endocrine and saliva testing, comprehensive metabolic testing and other related disciplines designed to optimize people’s health.  

  • 8 Underlying Causes of Health Issues with Dr. Bob Johnson - #023

    29/04/2015 Duration: 30min My guest today is Dr. Bob Johnson, who is a practicing biological dentist at National Integrated Health Associates (NIHA), in Washington, DC.  Dr. Bob has been a speaker at the “Take Back Your Health” conference in DC.  He has run over 30 marathons, and even qualified for the 1984 Olympic marathon trials.  He completed 2 Ironman Triathlon events in the late ‘80’s.  Dr. Bob focuses on the connection between dental health and overall health through his newsletter and website.  His personal interests include fitness, personal development, and travel. Dr. Bob began practicing as a traditional dentist, but then transitioned to a more holistic approach.  He opened an integrative health center and began focusing on treating patients’ PROBLEMS, and not just their SYMPTOMS.  He teaches that each person has to be their own best physician.  He believes that health issues all stem from basic problems that we can all learn to identify and eliminate.  Through this process, the body has the abili

  • Healing from Cancer, Food Therapy and Living Foods with Audree Lee - #022

    28/04/2015 Duration: 39min My guest today is Audree Lee Saunders, who is a nutrition and wellness educator in the Chicago area.  Audree is a certified holistic health coach, a health minister, and a medical missionary.  She also teaches classes that help others transform their lives by transforming their diet. Audree discusses her personal journey from sickness to wellness that led her to become a “food therapist,” helping others to heal their bodies through eating live foods.  Audree’s personal healing from cancer makes her passionate about her program. Audree gives detailed information on eliminating harmful foods from our diets; she calls them her HIT LIST FOODS: Ø  Meats—ALL of them! Ø  Dairy—The “pus” of a cow! Ø  White foods Ø  Fried foods Our discussion also covers the following exciting nutritional topics: Ø  Are  organic meats ok to eat? Ø  How do we feel “full” on a plant-based diet? Ø  What are the best ways to incorporate more “greens”? Ø  What are the best grains to include?  What about gluten i

  • Taking Back Your Health, Healing from JRA and Chronic Lyme Disease with Robin Shirley -#021

    24/04/2015 Duration: 54min My guest today is Robin Shirley, who is the president and founder of “Take Back Your Health.”  TBYH exists to empower people who suffer from chronic illness, and give them options to recover a vibrant, meaningful lifestyle.  Robin is also a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP).  She speaks, consults, and writes on topics of holistic healthcare and online business strategies.  Robin’s life mission is to support others with health challenges, and help them implement healthy lifestyle choices. Robin’s journey to health began in 1999, when she was at summer camp as a middle school student.  She experienced high fever, a rash, aches, and pains.  After numerous doctor visits, tests, and medications, she was diagnosed with systemic Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) and chronic Lyme disease. A few years later, as a college student, Robin took drastic steps to combat her chronic illness: Ø  She began an allergy-elimination diet to reduce her symptoms. Ø  She

  • Fungal Infection, Artificial Sweeteners, and Antioxidants with Brian Wright---#020

    22/04/2015 Duration: 57min Brian Wright is a medicinal chemist who is currently working on his PhD at the University of Illinois in Chicago.  He is a specialist in the field of food additives, and is known as “The Empowerment Scientist.”  Brian’s work consists of research and experiments, both in the lab and in everyday life, to find scientifically-valid ways that people can experience great health and a great life.  His findings have been featured on NBC News and in the Chicago Sun-Times. In this episode, Brian tells about a serious fungal infection that plagued him, until a little-known herbal remedy cured the infection plus other maladies.  This experience caused Brian to conclude that plants are powerful!  Listen to find out the remedy.

  • Healing from Crohn's Disease, Less Doing and Stress Reduction with Ari Meisel- #019

    19/04/2015 Duration: 28min Today, I’m excited to introduce you to Ari Meisel, who has a passion for helping others learn to reduce stress in their lives.  Ari is a real estate developer, triathlete, blogger, consultant, wellness and productivity coach, as well as a husband and father.  He helps others daily from his website,, and he’s here to share valuable information with us! Ari’s knowledge is an outgrowth of his personal journey from suffering with Crohn’s disease to taking control of his physical health through fitness, nutrition, and overall wellness.

  • Healing From a Very Weak Immune System, High Cholesterol, and Worsening Vision with Dr. Janae Devika - #018

    17/04/2015 Duration: 57min Dr. Janae Devika is a Family Nurse Practitioner, who has a long history of fighting disease with both traditional medicine and natural healing.  Janae is the creator of Cafe Janae, where she teaches healthy eating, classes on health, and shares lots of delicious and healthy recipes for raw, nutrient dense foods.  

  • Overcoming Back Pain by Addressing the Body's Structural Imbalances - #017

    15/04/2015 Duration: 57min Dr. Jerry Kennedy has been dealing with constant back pain since he was 17 years old and discovered through his own recovery that being healthy had very little to do with doctors and therapists.  He specializes in non-drug treatment of neck and back pain and is the creator of Neck Pain Unplugged and Back Pain UnPlugged.  He is an author, speaker, real food advocate, proud dad of 3 gorgeous kids, and a Jedi Knight (well that last one might have been made up). But he’s a really cool guy! Now in today’s show Jerry and I talk about: The concept of Body Balance and why it is important to look at the body as a whole How to assess your posture to know what your imbalances are What exercises to do if you have poor posture from sitting at the computer all the time What happened after he went on a 21 day sugar fast The appliance he uses to go from frozen to cooked in 15 minutes How to calculate the number of sugar packets there are in your food, and much more! You can find Dr. Kennedy onli

  • Ketogenic Diets, Low Carbs Diets and Gluten with Danny Lennon - #016

    13/04/2015 Duration: 52min If you don’t already know, you’ll soon find out that Danny is British and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Biology and Physics in 2011.  He has a passion for nutrition, human health, and athletic performance and after working for a year teaching biology, physics and math he decided to leave teaching and pursue his REAL passion of teaching people about real nutrition and is also pursuing his Master’s degree in Nutritional Science. Danny is the CEO of Sigma Nutrition.   In today's interview, I discuss the following topics with Danny: #1 Potential for ketogenic diets #2 Why should and who shouldn't be low-carb   #3 How important is it to be gluten free?   Science has changed over the years and there is still much misinformation about nutrition circulating.  Now, studies show it is better to have fewer carbs and higher fat content that had previously been thought.   Gone are the days of shaming people for eating fat.  New research suggests that healthy fats and low carbs form the foundat

  • Taming Type 2 Diabetes with Karlena Barron - #015

    10/04/2015 Duration: 43min Karlena Barron is a Type 2 diabetes health and fitness coach who has trained many individuals and helped them reach their fitness goals. She began her career at Duke University as a coaching assistant intern for some of best athletes in the world. She trained the Women and Men’s Soccer teams, Women and Men’s Swimming teams, Women’s Lacrosse, and Wrestling.  After kicking butt at Duke University, Karlena turned her attention to the private sector and conducting and instructing fitness boot camps. Over the years, she has found herself training individuals with type 2 diabetes, helping them to lower their blood sugar and dramatically reduce the dosage amount of medication prescribed.   In this episode, we discuss: 1. Overview of diabetes 2. Complications of diabetes 3. Two naturally proven methods to tame type 2 diabetes  Now it’s your turn! WHAT changes have you made in your diet? HOW have those changes affected your health?   WHAT has been your bigge

  • Lowering Disease, Eating Vegetables and Successful Behavior Change with Thomas Corson-Knowles, #014

    07/04/2015 Duration: 36min Today we are talking with Tom Corson-Knowles.  Tom went from being a teenager who was sick all of the time (even though his parents were medical doctors) to becoming a healthy and fit adult.  We have known each other for a few years when we first met at some personal development seminars.  He is a health coach and is the founder of the Authentic Health Coaching show. Tom is the co-author of the revolutionary book Dr. Corson's Top 5 Nutrition Tips with his mother, Dr. Candace Corson. Tom also blogs regularly about nutrition, healthy whole food recipes and growing your own food. In today's show, Tom and I chat about: The one change he made that made the biggest difference in his health (and it's not diet or exercise!) How true health is first determined by your mind, not by your body The one vitamin that is crucial to your health Other sources of omega 3’s besides fish oil The three secrets to success when it comes to changing habits And more! Resources Mentioned in the Show: Vita

  • Healing Scoliosis, Ulcerative Colitis and a Brain Tumor with Cliff and Marta - #013

    06/04/2015 Duration: 41min Cliff Wilde and Marta Napierala are nutritional therapists who specialize in helping people regain optimal health through targeted nutritional protocols (real food) and proven supplements.  While they have each had a different journey, they both have had some of the same trigger foods.  Using food, they found the cure in their diet for the following diseases: Scoliosis Ulcerative Colitis Brain tumorMarta has an extremely personal journey into nutrition that includes extreme fatigue, depression, panic attacks etc. Conventional medicine dismissed this and she turned to alternative approaches. She now flies the flag on educating people on stress related disorders and how what you eat or do not eat has a direct response on how you function.

  • Eating Weeds, Carb Cycling and Intermittent Fasting with Abel James - #012

    03/04/2015 Duration: 58min Abel James was raised by a natural health practitioner mother, who taught him the connection between real food and his body.  As Abel grew up and went out into the real world, he had the same issues everyone else had.  He worked a stressful job and didn’t have time to focus on his diet or exercise.  He began to have problems with his blood pressure and he felt terrible. In his early 20’s, he went through the terrible experience of having his apartment destroyed by fire.  He lost everything he had, but he gained valuable perspective.  He realized that he could control very little of the circumstances in his life.  This made him realize the one thing he can control is his diet, which can have a positive impact on his health.  So, he dove into health head first and got serious about his nutrition and exercise. 

  • Healing Lupus and How to Design Your Exercise and Nutrition Plan for Fat Loss and Muscle Building with Thomas Tadlock, M.S.-- #011

    01/04/2015 Duration: 53min Thomas Tadlock has been recognized as one of the top 5 trainers in the US and MTV’s 2003 Hottest Body.  He is currently the host of the Vegan Body Revolution Show, which is the #1 ranked fitness and diet podcast on He has also been sought after and has worked with top personal trainers of celebrities like Britney Spears and professional sports teams like the LA Angels of Anaheim to name a few.  He is an inventor and patent holder, creating the world's first muscle tempo control system.  He is an internationally recognized trainer educator, and has authored the weight loss programs for the fitness equipment company behind the hit TV show, "The Biggest Loser."  Most importantly, he is a devoted husband and father. Now in today’s show, Thomas and I talk about: How he accidentally healed his wife’s lupus What is the biggest thing that most people are deficient in these days? How to stay on your nutrition plan while traveling How much exercise he and his wife really did

  • Diet for Knee Pain, Maintaining Weight Loss When Eating Out, and Raw Milk-- #010

    30/03/2015 Duration: 50min Kim Hartke had lived a relatively healthy lifestyle, but when she got married later in life, her busy schedule caused her eating to get off track.  Weight gain quickly added up, and before she knew it, she was experiencing knee pain.  She knew she had to change her life and get back to her healthy self!  Kim shares the changes she made and how she and her husband lost 50 pounds and have kept it off.

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