Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh

Ketogenic Diets, Low Carbs Diets and Gluten with Danny Lennon - #016


Synopsis If you don’t already know, you’ll soon find out that Danny is British and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Biology and Physics in 2011.  He has a passion for nutrition, human health, and athletic performance and after working for a year teaching biology, physics and math he decided to leave teaching and pursue his REAL passion of teaching people about real nutrition and is also pursuing his Master’s degree in Nutritional Science. Danny is the CEO of Sigma Nutrition.   In today's interview, I discuss the following topics with Danny: #1 Potential for ketogenic diets #2 Why should and who shouldn't be low-carb   #3 How important is it to be gluten free?   Science has changed over the years and there is still much misinformation about nutrition circulating.  Now, studies show it is better to have fewer carbs and higher fat content that had previously been thought.   Gone are the days of shaming people for eating fat.  New research suggests that healthy fats and low carbs form the foundat