Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh

Why Diets Fail, Tips for Fat Loss, and 3 Steps to Get Started with Weight Loss with Lacy Arnold - #028


Synopsis Today’s guest is Lacy Arnold, who is the founder and CEO of  She is a devoted mother to three daughters, who are the inspiration for her company.  She holds a BS degree in Health and Wellness and offers a unique approach to women’s fitness.  Lacy’s passion is to help mothers achieve their ideal body, have a holistic lifestyle, and “get their sexy back!” Like many mothers, Lacy struggled in trying to get fit again after having her three daughters.  She decided to develop a realistic program that WORKS and use it to help other women. Lacy knew her program had to fit into a busy mom’s lifestyle, so she based it on three main principles:  strength training, high-intensity interval training (HIT), and right nutrition.  Join us to hear details about each of these aspects of the Lean Moms program. Lacy shares with us some of the keys to her program: Diet is 80% of the work!  Use Lacy’s 90/10 rule to help you stick to the plan. The main reason diets don’t work is that people