Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh

Weight-Loss Resistance, Bio-Individuality, and Nutrition Misinformation with Ivy Stirling - #027


Synopsis Today’s guest is Ivy Stirling, who is a nutritionist and health coach who healed herself by changing her diet.  She is a firm believer in “bio-individuality,” which means that there isn’t a single diet plan that works for everyone because we are all different!  Ivy teaches the healing power of food to prevent and reverse disease and to slow the aging process.  She has worked in almost every facet of the food industry, from the USDA, publishing, the weight-loss industry, the corporate level, and the Montana State Extension Service.  Her background has given her a unique perspective on the food industry, and she is eager to help others navigate through the “maze of misinformation” that exists. Ivy gives helpful information about the following topics: Ø  There is much misinformation in the food industry.  We must realize that food businesses exist to make a profit; they are NOT concerned with bringing good nutrition.  Ivy shares specific examples of how the consumer is being “duped”