Risen Church Nc



JustCare Ministries offers encouraging, convicting, and inspiring messages from God's Word with the goal of leading you in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, so you can live a life for the Glory of your Creator!


  • Judgment Day: Imagine - 1 Corinthians 3:9-14

    25/09/2023 Duration: 46min

    Imagine a world where everyone lived with Eternity on our minds at all times. Imagine a world where we all recognized that how we live out this life will have some sort of impact on what's next. Imagine a world where everyone lived, loved, and served knowing that these are what properly prepare us for Eternity... This shouldn't have to be an imaginary version of this world, but should indeed be ordinary for every believer. If we all lived each day aware that our current lives will impact our eternal state, we'd strive to live in this extraordinary way. In this message, we read how the Bible promises that Judgment Day can be a day of rewards for every believer, if we have lived our lives with an eternal mindset. If we are seeking to honor Christ and allow Him to live through us, then we have nothing to fear about the coming judgment. In fact, we can look forward to that Day if we dedicate every day to God.

  • Rising Kingdom: The God Box - 1 Samuel 4

    25/09/2023 Duration: 44min

    Believers under the Old Covenant didn't know many of the luxuries that we do when it comes to our relationship with God. One of our greatest privileges is knowing that God is always with us and that even when He can't be felt, His Spirit still abides near to us. For many complex reasons, God's presence was confined to a particular place and was only accessed through specific rituals. This led many to see God as a mere object that they could manipulate. They had a "God Box" that they attempted to control and use for their own gain. In this message, we break down the differences between accessing God then and now, and we learn about the many restrictions under the Old Covenant. We also see how Israel misunderstood God completely and reduced Him down to a commodity. In this text, they learn the valuable lesson of seeing God as anything less than their one and only King.

  • Rising Kingdom: Ears to Hear - 1 Samuel 3

    15/09/2023 Duration: 47min

    Learning how to listen to God is probably one of the most important habits we can develop. Having ears to hear means we not only listen to what He says, but we retain with an eager heart. We listen with an ambition to apply, obey, and do. In this message, we find in a young Samuel what it means to listen and learn from the Lord. Just as he came before God with an open mind and heart, so must we come humbly and earnestly to God's Word. There is nothing standing in between us and the Bible, unless we choose to be distracted or otherwise engaged. If we have ears to hear, we will present ourselves to God and say as Samuel did - "Speak, for your servant hears".

  • Rising Kingdom: Enduring Flames - 1 Samuel 2

    12/09/2023 Duration: 44min

    In this message, we take a closer look at Hannah's devotion to God in an ungodly world. We find inspiration in her perseverance and patience, as she committed herself to God through prayer. No doubt, her faithfulness fanned the flame in her son's heart as he began to pursue the Lord. Listen and see how this mother and son stood out in their generation and ushered in the presence of God like never before.

  • Judgment Day: Preparation Is Everything - Matthew 3:1-12

    11/09/2023 Duration: 54min

    When you think of Judgment Day, are you filled with anticipation or dread? Certainly this subject and all things to do with Eternity causes us all to react differently. While the Bible doesn't tell us much or anything about when it is coming or what things will be like afterwards, it most definitely reminds us again and again that there is a Judgement Day on the horizon for us all. Either we will run out of time, or time will run out on us. This series is all about coming to terms with the certainty and reality of Judgment Day and what awaits us in the next life. At its core, it's all about learning the importance of preparing for what's next by making the most of every single day. However, Jesus came to make it clear that whatever preparations we make must be built on the shoulders of His own preparation on our behalf. This message is all about learning why Jesus came and how He can make Judgment Day something we actually look forward to. Because of what's He done for us, we can know for sure where we'

  • The Rest of the Story - Isaiah 40:27-31

    03/09/2023 Duration: 52min

    Have you ever been so impatient that you ruined a surprise that someone had prepared for you? What about being so insistent on knowing how a story ended that you read the the back of the book when you were only a few chapters in? We've all got harmless stories like these to tell, but our impatience isn't limited to these kind of moments, are they? In different situations and seasons of our lives, we grow impatient with waiting on things to work out. Often, we become very frustrated with not knowing how things are going to play out. The thought of simply waiting on, trusting and resting in God's higher plan isn't at the top of our minds. This message is all about our struggles in those waiting periods of our lives, where we grow impatient and restless. We've all responded to the unknowns with impulsive decisions that have left us with many regrets, which begs the question, why didn't we listen to God's promises? If Jesus is our Lord and Savior - if He is who the Bible tells us He is and if He loves us lik

  • Rising Kingdom: Humble Beginnings - 1 Samuel 1

    01/09/2023 Duration: 46min

    A nation set apart for God's glory and the world's redemption was years in the making by days of 1 Samuel. The pieces and building blocks were in place, but the Hebrews were still spinning their wheels for the most part. However, thanks to a few faithful, chosen people things were finally going to come into place. This study, "Rising Kingdom" is going to chronicle the tribes of Israel finally coming under an anointed king and reaching their long-awaited potential. 1 Samuel's opening pages spotlights a generation with a rather bleak outlook, immersed in immorality, corruption, and spiritual confusion. This message shows how one person seemingly trapped in the worst possible circumstances brought Heaven's power down to earth. Thanks to her humble, patient prayers, a new day was about to dawn for Israel and a kingdom was about to rise up....

  • Back to School: Holy Ground - Joshua 1

    29/08/2023 Duration: 52min

    Have you ever had to fill a role occupied by someone else... someone that was particularly lauded and celebrated for their accomplishments and success? If you have, you probably faced that obligation with all sorts of emotions. The pressure of expectations, comparison, and opinions are enough to cause us to stumble before we even get started. Truth be told, it's almost impossible to fill someone else's shoes and even more difficult to attempt to walk in their shoes. If you've ever faced this kind of scenario, then you have an idea of what Joshua was dealing with when tapped to take Moses' place as Israel's leader. Just the thought of losing Moses, sent the entire nation into a state of mourning. After his passing, entering the Promised Land became an afterthought, as all the people stood still, numb and overcome by his death. How was Joshua ever going to gain their approval? How would he ever fill Moses' shoes? In this message, we hear God confront Joshua amidst his fear and anxiety, and put on repeat an

  • In Christ: Total Restoration - 2 Corinthians 13

    25/08/2023 Duration: 47min

    The final chapter of 2 Corinthians is a fitting send-off for a book all about RESTORATION. Listen as Paul makes one last plea for the Corinthians to be restored to their true potential in Christ. While we are accepted in our weaknesses, Jesus will never leave us that way. To be saved is to be filled with His restoring power. Paul also calls on us to examine our relationships with God and be on guard against Satan's deception. The devil is relentless in trying to undo the work of God in our lives, but thankfully Jesus is much more resilient and He is much more efficient with in restoring power towards us.

  • Back to School: I Am Not, But He Is - Exodus 3

    22/08/2023 Duration: 46min

    Have you ever been given an assignment that immediately made you feel inadequate? We've all been in those classrooms or meeting rooms where someone asked us to do something that felt way beyond our skillset. In real life, we've all stepped into challenging seasons and circumstances that made us doubt if we could endure any or all of it. However, at the core of our doubts and fears isn't an inability or a lack of resources. Usually, what's really holding us back is a lack of confidence. We may feel like we don't have it in us, but truth be told, we just need more confidence. In this message, we look at the story of Moses and see how God came to him at his lowest and weakest and called him into the most incredible work. Moses resisted and made countless excuses, but God wouldn't take "no" for an answer. Likewise, life often doesn't accept our "no's" and our excuses don't remove our burdens and callings. We need more than faith to step up and step out; we need confidence. Listen as Moses receives a revel

  • In Christ: Gladly Spent - 2 Corinthians 12:14-21

    18/08/2023 Duration: 50min

    In a letter filled with heartfelt, impassioned expressions from the Apostle Paul, his words in this passage may be the most remarkable. Certainly these do not get the attention they deserve, but in this message we attempt to give them their due. Listen and marvel at how Paul showcases his compassion and love for the lost, backslidden, and unconcerned believers in and around Corinth. His humbling words expose our often angry and cynical hearts, and show us how to love like Jesus does.

  • Back to School: Starting Point - Romans 4

    15/08/2023 Duration: 49min

    Faith is the starting point of a relationship with God. However, faith is not exclusive to this area of our life. We exercise faith every day of our lives, in so many different lanes of life. Thus, when it comes to knowing God, it's not a matter of having enough faith but simply transitioning and shifting our faith over to Him. In this message, we hear how the Scriptures define faith as the foundation and catalyst of coming to know the Lord. We also deconstruct the myth that faith must be blind, seeing as the Bible emphasizes God's trustworthiness and proven track-record. By focusing on the story of Abraham, we learn how his story should cause ever hearer to be confident in God. Much the same, the work of Jesus and the growth of His Church demands that we all evaluate where our faith rests. God has given us substantial proof, highlighting His reign and redemption plan. Christianity at its core is all about hearing God's invitation and trusting His Word. Everything else that matters - righteousness, obedi

  • His Body: Mighty, Matchless Power - 2 Corinthians 12:1-10

    10/08/2023 Duration: 46min

    "Sometimes God chooses to remove it. Oftentimes, He chooses to use it." In this message, we dive into the physical, mental, and spiritual struggles and trials that we face and learn how we are not alone in our suffering. The Apostle Paul reveals that like us, he asked God to remove him from many valleys, yet God had a different plan... Listen and learn how God can meet us in our greatest weaknesses and show us His grace and fill us with His power. What feels like being emptied could actually be the beginning of our empowerment. Greater than getting what we want is becoming who God wants us to be. What may feel like an exit ramp away from God's goodness, could prove to be an entry point into His grace and power. Like Paul, and many others before us, we must learn to rely on God for His greater provisions and trust that His grace is sufficient and at our weakest, we can indeed become our strongest.

  • Carpe Diem - Jeremiah 8:18-22

    07/08/2023 Duration: 52min

    Any given season brings with it all sorts of opportunities. Sometimes those opportunities are limited to that very season. When time has passed, the window often closes. In this message, we hear the Bible urge us to make the most of time before it gets away from us. We turn to the story of Israel coming unraveled at the seams, and hear the prophet Jeremiah call on the people to return to God. Ultimately, they don't repent and Jeremiah sits down despondent and overcome with grief over this missed opportunity. On this note, we discuss the ways that God might be trying to get our attention, and consider how this door may not always be open for us. What more could be on the line for any of us, on any given day? God has set life before us and offers us entrance into His Kingdom, how could we put off responding to Him?

  • What Disciples Do - Matthew 9

    03/08/2023 Duration: 41min

    A message all about discipleship: - What our motives should be as followers of Jesus - What an active, working faith looks like - How ready and willing we should be to respond to Jesus - The impact of true, pure faith A prayer for each day: God give me eyes to recognize when you pass by Give me ears to hear what you command me to do Give me feet that are swift to go wherever you send me

  • Summer Psalms: 85 (Jacob's Dream)

    31/07/2023 Duration: 47min

    The world has really changed over the last 150 years or so. Nothing is more emblematic of this transformation than summertime and all that it means to most of us. What once was a time of year that only made work more grueling, now mean vacation and days of play. America introduced brand new categories to the world, through which we've come to enjoy far better standards of living than our predecessors. We've relished in this American Dream for more than a century now, but has it made us all any happier? In so many ways, we're as strung out, stressed out, and burnt out as ever before. Perhaps all the avenues that promise us everything we could ever want, only actually tease us of what they cannot truly provide us. In this message, we hear an ancient anthem of Israel which reminded the people of God of their need for true revival. While Israel was enjoying prosperity like never before, Psalm 85 pointed them to their greater, outstanding, spiritual need. This Psalm reminds us of the story of Jacob, how he on

  • What Jesus Did - Matthew 8:18-34

    31/07/2023 Duration: 39min

    Remember the church trend from a few decades ago that prompted the question, What Would Jesus Do? Well, we don't really ever have to wonder what Jesus would do, because the Gospels show us exactly what Jesus did. We see Him across all the lanes of life, reacting to situations similar to those that we face each and every day. He set for us an example of how to always honor God and make the most of every opportunity afforded us by God. In this message, we hear how Jesus sacrificed everything for the Kingdom of God, valuing it and its mission above all else. We see how His commitment allowed Him to see and showcase the power of God in spectacular ways. All the while, we see and hear Him call us to FOLLOW Him, so that we might experience a similar life.

  • In Christ: All Other Ground... - 2 Corinthians 10-11

    27/07/2023 Duration: 43min

    Do you find that your joy, peace, and sense of worth is often effected or even controlled by other people? Do you live by the wins of this world and die by your losses? Do you thrive off things that make you feel better about yourself? Do you ever compare yourself to others and feel better/worse based on them? If your answer to any of these is yes, then your old, fallen nature is still exerting its dominance over your life. Did you know that "in Christ" you can find true, unwavering peace and acceptance? When we lean on Him for justification, we find a foundation that can withstand any and all of life's circumstances. In Christ, we are not fazed by others' opinions and aren't tempted to compare ourselves. In Him, we find the approval we desperately long for. In this message, we hear the Apostle Paul take on his critics with a stoic confidence. He shows us how we might be able to rise above this world's broken system of affirmation and judgment. We learn how to see ourselves complete in Christ and how t

  • Summer Psalms: 43 (Help My Unbelief)

    26/07/2023 Duration: 48min

    Psalm 43 is a lament like none other. It's messy, raw, and reveals a heart full of conflict and confusion. In it, David confesses that he has placed his trust in the Lord, yet he hardly feels anything as a result. He identifies the Lord as his refuge, but he admits that he still feels helpless and vulnerable. In this message, we look inside David's heart and see a reflection of our own. In his honesty with God, we see how we too can bring all of our emotions to God and find a listening, interested ear. We also discover how leaning into what faith we do have, allows us to overcome the pit of our unbelief and obtain true, lasting hope.

  • In Christ: The Battle Within - 2 Corinthians 10:1-6

    20/07/2023 Duration: 51min

    As Paul continues to detail how the grace of God has a transforming work in every believer, he turns his attention to his critics. They had attempted to discredit his ministry, and cited his meekness and gentle nature as proof of his weakness. Paul uses this as an opportunity to boast of these "weaknesses", pointing to how Spiritual strengths stand in contrast to what this world celebrates. It's on that note that we are clued into the battle within all of us, the push and pull from our flesh against what the Spirit wants to do in and through us. In this message we discuss this internal battle and hear how the Spirit enables our nature to become like Christ's. While it's tempting to see the battle around us or with others, we must keep in mind that the real battle is within and our true prize is becoming like Jesus. If we desire God to do great things through our lives, He must first bring about this great change within our hearts.

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