Risen Church Nc

The Rest of the Story - Isaiah 40:27-31



Have you ever been so impatient that you ruined a surprise that someone had prepared for you? What about being so insistent on knowing how a story ended that you read the the back of the book when you were only a few chapters in? We've all got harmless stories like these to tell, but our impatience isn't limited to these kind of moments, are they? In different situations and seasons of our lives, we grow impatient with waiting on things to work out. Often, we become very frustrated with not knowing how things are going to play out. The thought of simply waiting on, trusting and resting in God's higher plan isn't at the top of our minds. This message is all about our struggles in those waiting periods of our lives, where we grow impatient and restless. We've all responded to the unknowns with impulsive decisions that have left us with many regrets, which begs the question, why didn't we listen to God's promises? If Jesus is our Lord and Savior - if He is who the Bible tells us He is and if He loves us lik