Risen Church Nc

Carpe Diem - Jeremiah 8:18-22



Any given season brings with it all sorts of opportunities. Sometimes those opportunities are limited to that very season. When time has passed, the window often closes. In this message, we hear the Bible urge us to make the most of time before it gets away from us. We turn to the story of Israel coming unraveled at the seams, and hear the prophet Jeremiah call on the people to return to God. Ultimately, they don't repent and Jeremiah sits down despondent and overcome with grief over this missed opportunity. On this note, we discuss the ways that God might be trying to get our attention, and consider how this door may not always be open for us. What more could be on the line for any of us, on any given day? God has set life before us and offers us entrance into His Kingdom, how could we put off responding to Him?