Risen Church Nc

In Christ: The Battle Within - 2 Corinthians 10:1-6



As Paul continues to detail how the grace of God has a transforming work in every believer, he turns his attention to his critics. They had attempted to discredit his ministry, and cited his meekness and gentle nature as proof of his weakness. Paul uses this as an opportunity to boast of these "weaknesses", pointing to how Spiritual strengths stand in contrast to what this world celebrates. It's on that note that we are clued into the battle within all of us, the push and pull from our flesh against what the Spirit wants to do in and through us. In this message we discuss this internal battle and hear how the Spirit enables our nature to become like Christ's. While it's tempting to see the battle around us or with others, we must keep in mind that the real battle is within and our true prize is becoming like Jesus. If we desire God to do great things through our lives, He must first bring about this great change within our hearts.