Risen Church Nc

In Christ: All Other Ground... - 2 Corinthians 10-11



Do you find that your joy, peace, and sense of worth is often effected or even controlled by other people? Do you live by the wins of this world and die by your losses? Do you thrive off things that make you feel better about yourself? Do you ever compare yourself to others and feel better/worse based on them? If your answer to any of these is yes, then your old, fallen nature is still exerting its dominance over your life. Did you know that "in Christ" you can find true, unwavering peace and acceptance? When we lean on Him for justification, we find a foundation that can withstand any and all of life's circumstances. In Christ, we are not fazed by others' opinions and aren't tempted to compare ourselves. In Him, we find the approval we desperately long for. In this message, we hear the Apostle Paul take on his critics with a stoic confidence. He shows us how we might be able to rise above this world's broken system of affirmation and judgment. We learn how to see ourselves complete in Christ and how t