Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep40 Glass&Gill Show #5



You asked for it and you got it! Another batch of #Edumatainment with Lance Gill @lgp_inc and yours truly. Topics include marketing, team building and so much more. You need to surround yourself with talented professionals to truly succeed in the coaching industry. How do you create a team that works? Take care of your team and take care of the people who send you referrals. Give, Give, Give, Take! It is important to give to your referral team before you take from the team. This applies to all business and personal relationships.   We also dive into the topic of content creation and using social media as a marketing tool. Everyone is either on Facebook or Twitter nowadays. Well guess what? Facebook isn’t just for checking up on your ex girlfriend from high school. It can actually help you build a brand and increase revenue in your business. Creating content can become a full time job at times! You just need to be aware of why you create content and whether or not its coming from the right place. You don’t cre