Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep37 Corrective & Removing Limitations Phase



Do you understand how to remove the physical limitations that are getting in the way of your client’s best performance? Do you even know what their limitations are? If your not screening then you are only guessing. Functional corrective exercises are different to 90% of the common exercises you see in your local gym. No sets, no reps and most importantly NO Resistance. This isn’t the time for strength training and putting some meat on that frame. Its about moving better and feeling better so your body is functioning better so you can train as hard as you want without injuring yourself. This old school coach use to train like a meat head and trust me, I was at my best once I addressed my limitations and removed them. Once I was moving better I was able to train at a new intensity and complexity that was previously not possible without compensation. This episode breaks down the concept of corrective exercises and how to use them effectively. I highly recommend you educate yourself and get TPI, FMS, SFMA certifi