Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep28 Coaching 3 Generations of Clients



Here is a guide to things that each age group can do to enhance their ability to move better, feel better and ultimately play better Juniors The most important thing to do with a junior is to play as many sports and give them as many movement experiences as possible. If you were to watch us working with our juniors at The Tour Performance LAB you would see them sprinting, jumping, punching, kicking, batting, throwing, spinning and rolling. What do all these things have to do with golf? Everything! Rotational sports all have the same movement patterning, power source and basic sequencing. The longest hitters on the PGA Tour all played sports like baseball, hockey, tennis and soccer. The sport skills learnt in one sport have direct transfer of sport skill to the game of golf. Adults The number one question I get asked on the Coach Glass Podcast is what is my favorite exercise. My answer is always the same. The deadlift! The deadlift is the best way to develop glute strength and lower body power. Some people fea