Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep41 Dynamic Scapular Stability



So lets just say that I am wondering around the World Golf Fitness Summit and I found a magic lantern. I rub the lantern and a magic genie comes out of the bottle. “ I am the Magic hit the dam ball farther genie! I will grant you 3 wishes” Rub the genie bottle and get 3 wishes! The first 2 wishes I would take is scapular stability and pelvic stability! Your like seriously SERIOUSLY Jay? You got 3 wishes and your going to waste 2 of them on scap stab and pelvic stability? Before you get all worked and get you khakis is in a knot let me explain why!  Last summit there was a presenter talking about rotational power slings, forget his name but he was a chiseled handsome fellow in a labcoat. Well as genius as he was he was missing something. You see no matter how strong and dynamic your slings are….if they are not connected to a stable base they are useless!! In this episode we will focus on the scapula and how it works dynamically to create a stabile functional base to transfer power to the arms. Lets look at a K