Gracepointe Church - Franklin, Tn

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 305:44:33
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Here at GRACEPOINTE CHURCH there are no labels...just people.


  • The Meaning of the Cross | Meeting Jesus Again Series

    07/04/2023 Duration: 42min

    Why did Jesus die, and what does it mean for us today? Today, lead pastor Josh Scott examines how Christians have interpreted the question of the cross throughout history. He explains how Jesus’ death was a response to a movement that threatened the Roman empire, and he encourages us to ask the question, “Where do we find God?”  Episode Recap: As we head into Holy Week, today we’ll talk about the meaning of the crucifixion (0:10) Basically all Christians agree that Jesus died, but why? (2:13) How we understand the cross shapes how we view everything else (7:50) Crucifixion was the way Rome dealt with resistance (9:38) The gospels are not historical biographies of Jesus (13:08) The Jesus movement was changing human hearts, and that was threatening (18:35) Atonement theory is people’s answer to what Jesus’ death meant (22:01) The cross is not about Jesus dying in our place or for our sins (28:54) The cross is about exposing and defeating powers and demonstrating God’s love (30:32) Where do w

  • Jesus’ Healings and Exorcisms | Meeting Jesus Again Series

    30/03/2023 Duration: 36min

    What do we make of the stories of healings and exorcisms in the Bible? Today, lead pastor Josh Scott looks at some of the different stories of Jesus healing, raising the dead, and performing exorcisms. He explains how looking at these stories within a first century context can help us understand the larger messages about empire. He also encourages us to remember that we have an important role to play in changing the oppressive systems around us.  Episode Recap: People listened to Jesus largely because they knew him as a healer (0:10) The more important question is not if these stories happened, but what they mean (1:59) Jesus’ healings may represent the healing of social wounds (6:24) Exorcisms in the Bible challenge our 21st century view of the demonic (10:34) Exorcisms stories paint empire as the problem (20:21) The Jesus movement was a well-organized alternative to empire (24:42) Changing oppressive systems starts with us (32:36) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our sc

  • Teaching About the Kingdom | Meeting Jesus Again Series

    23/03/2023 Duration: 33min

    Sometimes Christians focus so much on Jesus’ birth and death that they overlook the powerful message of his life. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott examines the different ways Jesus taught about the kingdom, from parables to aphorisms to memorable demonstrations. He also explores the question of how we can best respond to the teachings of Jesus. Episode Recap: Jesus showed what the kingdom of God was like through meals (1:17) Many Christians focus on the birth and death of Jesus, but not Jesus’ life (2:40) Jesus taught in parables, and others used parables to describe him (6:25) When Jesus spoke in parables, he was encouraging people to really listen (12:56) God is not represented in the powerful characters, but in the powerless (16:05) Jesus used aphorisms to challenge the way people saw the world (17:16) Jesus taught through demonstrations (22:36) Jesus’ teachings were were creative, cryptic, subversive, and counterintuitive (25:30) How do we respond to the challenging teachings of Jesus? (28:

  • Liz Dyer | GracePointe Church

    16/03/2023 Duration: 29min

    We don’t have to choose between our faith and fully affirming the LGBTQ+ community. Today, Liz Dyer shares her journey to embracing an affirming theology, from studying scripture to talking with other Christians. Liz is the founder of Mama Bears, an organization dedicated to supporting, educating and empowering parents of LGBTQ kids. Episode Recap: “The only thing that matters is living out your faith through love” (0:15) Small acts of kindness can change lives in the LGBTQ+ community (2:09) The journey to embracing an affirming theology (6:25) Jesus said we would know people by their fruits (15:06) God is only love (19:57) Non-affirming theology brings separation from God (27:03) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook Mama Bears Website

  • The Kingdom of God | Meeting Jesus Again Series

    09/03/2023 Duration: 38min

    Everything Jesus did in his ministry came back to the way he viewed the kingdom of God. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott talks about what Jesus believed about this kingdom, and how Jesus worked to bring it to fruition throughout his life. He also reminds us that we have a role to play in bringing about a different kind of world. Episode Recap: Every part of Jesus’ ministry centered around the kingdom of God (0:10) The good news (gospel) is entirely different from empire (2:36) Jesus’ vision of the kingdom wasn’t about evacuating this world (9:33) For Jesus, the kingdom was here and now (13:45) What was Jesus’ kingdom like? (14:11) To understand Jesus’s ministry, look at how he approached meals (20:39) The kingdom of God is a process (28:53) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook “Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time” by Marcus Borg

  • What Was Jesus’ Vision of God? | Meeting Jesus Again Series

    01/03/2023 Duration: 31min

    The way we see God directly impacts the way we show up in the world. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott talks through some of the things we can glean from Scripture about how Jesus viewed God. He also reflects on the idea that God wants to collaborate with us to bring about justice and human flourishing. Episode Recap: How we see God shapes how we show up in the world (1:47) If our image of God is hostile and vindictive, we’ll likely treat others the same way (6:03) If our image of God is love, we’ll be love (8:53) Jesus understood God as an experienced reality (11:18) Jesus believed that God cares a lot about justice (13:32) Too often we’ve transformed what Jesus said because we didn’t want to listen (20:21) Jesus understood God as compassionate (22:30) Jesus saw God as collaborative (25:20) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook “Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time” by Marcus Borg

  • Who Was the Historical Jesus? | Meeting Jesus Again Series

    24/02/2023 Duration: 35min

    If we want to understand who Jesus was and what he stood for, we need to understand the historical context he lived in. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott shares some of the political and religious contexts that can help us better understand the historical person of Jesus. He also explains how people throughout history have re-examined and re-interpreted their faith within the context of the time they lived in. Episode Recap: Who was the historical person of Jesus? (1:10) We all see Jesus differently (2:49) The historical context Jesus lived in matters (7:12) Judaism in Jesus’ lifetime was monotheistic, messianic, and eschatological (12:47) Jesus lived under the oppression of the Roman Empire (17:45) Jesus’ movement wasn’t just religious, it was political (23:29) After Jesus died, his followers had to reexamine their beliefs in a new context (27:48) Jesus showed us what the divine meant all along (31:40) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Foll

  • Peeling Back the Layers | Meeting Jesus Again Series

    15/02/2023 Duration: 45min

    When we start to deconstruct our faith, it’s natural to wonder where Jesus fits within all of it. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott begins a new series where we’ll examine who Jesus is and how we can meet him again. Josh talks through some of the different sources that tell us about Jesus, and he reminds us that examining our own experience of Jesus is an important part of the process. Episode Recap: When our faith changes, what do we do with Jesus? (1:53) How do we “know” about Jesus? (7:37) Scholars of Jesus agree Jesus existed and was executed by Pilate (10:29) Non-Christian sources that mention Jesus (12:56) The Bible is not a biography of Jesus (22:43) Our own experience of who Jesus is matters (31:43) The story of Jesus shows us that the divine is within us (37:00) A lament from “Jesus for the Non-Religious” (40:31) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook “Meeting Jesus Again for the F

  • Colby Martin | Epiphany Series

    13/02/2023 Duration: 37min

    Judgment is part of how humans have survived for centuries, but it’s also a source of tribalism and disconnection. Today, Colby Martin shares an epiphany that changed the way he views God, and he uses the creation story in Genesis to demonstrate how judging others hurts us and the people around us. Colby is a pastor and author of two books, “UnClobber” and “The Shift.” Episode Recap: Humans are by nature mistrustful of people who are different, and we’ve crafted stories to explain it (6:35) Tribalism is based on judgment (10:39) In the creation story, God wanted to protect us from knowledge of good and evil (12:58) It’s not that Adam and Eve became evil, but they started seeing each other as different (17:52) Judging leads to shame (22:40) Love does not judge, so maybe God doesn’t judge either (24:43) Judging is coded into our DNA, but so is the image of God (29:46) God’s judgment of our identity is that we are beloved (34:18) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedu

  • Paula Stone Williams | Epiphany Series

    07/02/2023 Duration: 28min

    Each of us is called to the hero’s journey, we just have to find the courage to answer the call. Today, Dr. Paula Stone Williams breaks down some of the epiphanies Jesus’ disciples experienced when they were in boats. She explains how these epiphanies mirror her own journey and the hero’s journey we’re all currently on. Paula is an internationally known speaker, a pastor, and author of the book “As A Woman: What I Learned About Power, Sex and the Patriarchy After I Transitioned.” Episode Recap: Many of the disciples epiphanies happened in boats (1:12) Jesus was good but not safe (2:22) The truth will set you free, but it’ll probably make you miserable first (6:58) We’re all called to the hero’s journey, we just have to find the courage to answer (14:21) Our calling will always align with our gifts (21:08) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook As A Woman: What I Learned About Power, Sex and t

  • Meghan Crozier | Epiphany Series

    27/01/2023 Duration: 26min

    Deconstruction is a journey, and for many of us it’s made up of multiple epiphanies that change the way we see God, ourselves, and others. Today, Meghan Crozier of The Pursuing Life talks about three key epiphanies that helped her learn to more fully love God and love others. She also reminds us of the importance of community, and encourages us to focus on decolonizing our beliefs instead of only deconstructing them. Episode Recap: A deconstruction journey is often made up of many moments (0:40) The thing the evangelical church asks of LGBTQ+ people is not love at all (5:07) Disabled people are already made in the image of God (7:22) Patriarchy impacts the way many of us view ourselves (11:35) Deconstruction happens through community and connection (20:04) It’s not just about deconstructing, we need to decolonize our beliefs also (22:18) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

  • Setting Up Stones | Epiphany Series

    26/01/2023 Duration: 48min

    When you experience a significant moment that changes the way you see the world, it’s important to stop and acknowledge it. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott reflects on four epiphanies that have shaped his faith journey at different points throughout his life. He also reminds us that we are all in process, and it’s OK that learning to see differently takes time. Episode Recap: “Freedom is a Birthright” (0:10) As we honor the life of Martin Luther King Jr., look beyond the greatest hits (3:59) When significant moments happen, take time to acknowledge them (8:50) Epiphany 1: Faith is way more complicated than we’re told (14:30) Epiphany 2: The Bible is way more interesting than we might think (23:14) Epiphany 3: God’s love for us is way more beautiful than we’re told (29:45) Epiphany 4: Deconstruction is way better than we might dream (38:33) Your journey will take time, and that’s OK (44:58) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePoin

  • Epiphany is Everywhere | Epiphany Series

    24/01/2023 Duration: 31min

    Epiphanies are a fundamental shift in the way we see the world, moments when we learn to see differently. The Bible is full of these moments. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott shares five stories of epiphany that changed the way people saw God, themselves, and God’s role in the world. He explains how these epiphanies impacted the characters in the story and connects the dots to show how they can impact our lives, too. Episode Recap: Epiphany happens when we learn to see something different (2:40) Jacob’s epiphany: God is bigger than I thought, and God goes with me (7:01) Moses’ epiphany: The ground was always holy, and God is on the side of the powerless (12:16) Jesus’ epiphany: I know what is mine to do (17:33) Paul’s epiphany: He was wrong and needed to change (19:57) Simon Peter’s epiphany: God is for everyone (23:40) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

  • New Year’s 2023

    24/01/2023 Duration: 24min

    Do you tend to approach a new year with fear or with excitement? However you’re feeling at the start of 2023, lead pastor Josh Scott has some words of encouragement for you. He reflects on what newness is (and what it isn’t) and reminds us that it’s important to be patient with ourselves as we undergo the process of becoming new. Episode Recap: New years can bring excitement but also fear about what the next year may hold (0:10) Many of us tend to idealize the new (1:32) New isn’t about avoiding what came before (5:38) New is a process that requires expansion (11:49) New is a practice (14:59) New is just the beginning (19:40) Becoming requires us to be patient with ourselves (21:19) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

  • Week Five: Christ | Advent Series

    29/12/2022 Duration: 22min

    Jesus’ goal was never to be the center of attention, but to invite us to join him in bringing love and justice to the world around us. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott reflects on the power of the Christmas story, and encourages us to focus less on believing the right things about Jesus and more on living like he did. Episode Recap: Throughout history, we keep coming back to the idea of Jesus (4:31) Jesus’ first followers began to reinterpret the Bible through the lens of Jesus (7:18) God was always with us; Jesus was a touchpoint to understanding this (9:23) Jesus didn’t want to be the center of attention (16:30) Christmas is an invitation to continue Jesus’ work in the world (18:28) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

  • Week Four: Love | Advent Series

    29/12/2022 Duration: 30min

    The story of Christmas is a story of God making a home among the marginalized and overlooked. But so often, we’re sold an image of Christmas and of Jesus that doesn’t match this reality. Today, Kat Armas reflects on some of the things we tend to miss when thinking about the Christmas story: Mary’s identity as a marginalized woman, the realities of pregnancy and childbirth, and the truths that Mary boldly proclaimed about God and God’s plans for those living under empire. Episode Recap: The end of Advent is the transition from preparation to celebration (1:20) Advent is a time to struggle with what it means to feel hope, joy, peace, and love (2:41) Mary has been held up as an unattainable standard (9:12) The story we’re told of Christ’s birth completely ignores the reality of pregnancy (13:59) Mary was not quiet and submissive, she boldly declared the truth (21:25) Through the incarnation, God made a home among the people empire casts aside (26:28) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Che

  • Week Three: Joy | Advent Series

    16/12/2022 Duration: 24min

    Sometimes we feel like we’re expected to perform joy this time of year. But the kind of joy that really matters is not naive; it’s an act of resistance. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott continues our Advent series by discussing this kind of joy, one that stands in opposition to fear and is ultimately grounded in hope. Episode Recap: Joy can feel inappropriate when we think about all the problems in the world (0:10) Jesus was born into the context of Roman oppression (3:39) Joy and fear cannot coexist (8:41) Jesus calls us beyond our fear and into the fullness of humanity (11:46) Joy is grounded in hope (14:53) Joy is an act of resistance (19:02) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

  • Week Two: Peace | Advent Series

    08/12/2022 Duration: 32min

    When we talk about peace on earth, what kind of peace are we actually asking for? Today, lead pastor Josh Scott continues our Advent series by unpacking the idea of peace. He explains how Jesus brings a different kind of peace than many people were expecting, and he challenges us to think about the ways we can bring true peace — the kind that requires justice — to the world around us. Episode Recap: Many of us don’t know how to tell the story of Jesus without Anti-Semitism (0:10) Advent is about a new world waiting to be born (5:14) David was a complicated figure, but Isaiah had hope for a different future (7:25) People thought Jesus was the new David, but Jesus wasn’t what they expected (16:30) Jesus is both lion and lamb (20:23) What kind of peace does the world need? (23:06) True peace requires justice (24:55) Sometimes being a peacemaker requires us to create discomfort (27:40) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on

  • Week One: Hope | Advent Series

    02/12/2022 Duration: 31min

    What does it look like to have hope in a world that’s so full of suffering and injustice? Today, lead pastor Josh Scott kicks off our Advent season series with a conversation about hope. He offers some helpful context about what hope looked like for Isaiah and in the time of Jesus, and he asks if maybe Advent is less about us waiting for God to act, and more about God waiting on us. Episode Recap: Advent represents the beginning of a new year on the Christian calendar (0:10) Advent focuses on our unfulfilled longings: hope, joy, peace, and love (1:50) Jesus was born into the context of oppression (3:55) Isaiah longed to see a world of justice and flourishing, just like many of us (9:53) Sometimes the only question in the midst of suffering is “How long?” (13:45) Hope is the thing that leads us to participate in the change this world needs (18:25) We are Jesus’ presence in the world (23:12) It’s OK to borrow hope from others if you don’t have it yourself (28:20) Resources: Learn more about G

  • Harmony: Silence | Naked Spirituality Series

    28/11/2022 Duration: 31min

    The practice of silence or contemplation doesn’t require us to be passive, but to play an active role in noticing the things others might overlook. Today, author and podcaster Kat Armas wraps up our “Naked Spirituality” series by talking about the concept of silence. Kat explains how silence can be an invitation to reconnect with ourselves, with the earth, and with our community, and she reminds us that we can come to God as we are, without shame. Episode Recap: Moment of silence for the Club Q victims (1:09) Nakedness is about coming to God as we are, without shame (2:01) Shame crops up when our love and belonging feel threatened (6:34) What does silence actually look like? (12:33) Jesus invites us to look closer and notice the overlooked (18:19) Silence doesn’t have to be passive (21:22) Contemplation connects us to a community of belonging (29:14) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

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