Gracepointe Church - Franklin, Tn

Jesus’ Healings and Exorcisms | Meeting Jesus Again Series



What do we make of the stories of healings and exorcisms in the Bible? Today, lead pastor Josh Scott looks at some of the different stories of Jesus healing, raising the dead, and performing exorcisms. He explains how looking at these stories within a first century context can help us understand the larger messages about empire. He also encourages us to remember that we have an important role to play in changing the oppressive systems around us.  Episode Recap: People listened to Jesus largely because they knew him as a healer (0:10) The more important question is not if these stories happened, but what they mean (1:59) Jesus’ healings may represent the healing of social wounds (6:24) Exorcisms in the Bible challenge our 21st century view of the demonic (10:34) Exorcisms stories paint empire as the problem (20:21) The Jesus movement was a well-organized alternative to empire (24:42) Changing oppressive systems starts with us (32:36) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our sc