Gracepointe Church - Franklin, Tn

Colby Martin | Epiphany Series



Judgment is part of how humans have survived for centuries, but it’s also a source of tribalism and disconnection. Today, Colby Martin shares an epiphany that changed the way he views God, and he uses the creation story in Genesis to demonstrate how judging others hurts us and the people around us. Colby is a pastor and author of two books, “UnClobber” and “The Shift.” Episode Recap: Humans are by nature mistrustful of people who are different, and we’ve crafted stories to explain it (6:35) Tribalism is based on judgment (10:39) In the creation story, God wanted to protect us from knowledge of good and evil (12:58) It’s not that Adam and Eve became evil, but they started seeing each other as different (17:52) Judging leads to shame (22:40) Love does not judge, so maybe God doesn’t judge either (24:43) Judging is coded into our DNA, but so is the image of God (29:46) God’s judgment of our identity is that we are beloved (34:18) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedu