Gracepointe Church - Franklin, Tn



Here at GRACEPOINTE CHURCH there are no labels...just people.


  • Church | Rhythm Series

    25/08/2023 Duration: 43min

    Is church a place we go to please God, or can it be something more? Today, lead pastor Josh Scott reflects on the complicated role church has played in many of our lives. He then shares a few roles church may still be able to play in our lives today: connecting us with community, inspiring us to imagine a different future, and allowing us to connect more fully with the divine. Whatever your relationship with church might be, there’s space for you here!  Episode Recap: When you hear the word “church,” what comes to mind? (1:29) Too many people relate to church from a position of fear (6:44) What can church offer us in 2023? (13:35) Maybe church is less for God and more for us (18:30) Church is about interdependence and community (25:05) Church is a place of resistance and imagination (30:55) Church can be a place of sacrament and memory (38:45) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Become a sustaining member of the GracePointe community Follo

  • Prayer | Rhythm Series

    17/08/2023 Duration: 37min

    Prayer can still have a place in your spiritual practice, no matter what you believe about God and God’s role in the world. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott examines some of the harmful ways people tend to talk about prayer. He then reflects on some of the positive ways prayer or meditation can help us slow down, process our feelings, and show up in the world empowered to bring about change.  Episode Recap: Spiritual practices are an invitation to transformation (0:10) Are we actually supposed to pray without ceasing? (1:04) The way we talk about prayer can be harmful (6:10) Are we trying to get closer to God, or are we trying to manipulate God? (12:05) Prayer isn’t just one thing (15:38) Before it’s words or requests, prayer is first a posture (16:19) Prayer helps us recognize and name our feelings (20:28) Prayer is an act of showing up for other people (22:34) Prayer is a way of being heard and hearing (24:15) Prayer is about aligning ourselves with change (29:05) Resources: Learn more

  • Ritual | Rhythm Series

    17/08/2023 Duration: 31min

    Ritual has too often been used to control and exclude others, but does it still have value for progressive Christians? Today, lead pastor Josh Scott continues our series on spiritual practices by examining the ways ritual can connect us to ourselves, to our neighbors, and to the divine. He encourages us to reject any rituals or systems that have told us we don’t belong and instead seek out practices that empower us and make us better. Episode Recap: Can ritual still be a meaningful practice for progressive Christians? (0:10) Humans are a ritualistic species (1:49) Belonging is not in question, you already belong (4:24) Ritual is not focused on magic, but on meaning (9:02) Ritual is about remembering and recommitting (14:48) Ritual is about the ordinary, not the extraordinary (15:40) Rituals should empower us to become better human beings (24:45) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Become a sustaining member of the GracePointe community Fol

  • Josh Scott + Tiffany Dowdy | Rhythm Series

    04/08/2023 Duration: 45min

    Whether you’re parenting a young person or trying to figure out your own faith journey, sometimes it’s helpful to get back to the basics. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott and Children and Youth Director Tiffany Dowdy talk about some spiritual practices for beginners. They also discuss the challenge of parenting when you’re on your own deconstruction journey, and they remind us that every spiritual practice should bring us back to the truth that we are loved.  Episode Recap: Today we’re going to talk through some spiritual practices for beginners (1:52) There’s no checklist for what you need to know and when (6:15) Parenting is hard, and there’s grace for you (10:08) It’s OK if you’re grieving in your deconstruction (12:32) Many of the faiths we grow up in were based on fear and shame (14:30) The most important thing our kids can know is that they belong (19:01) God is not asking us to perform our faith (22:06) Curiosity can be a spiritual practice (28:03) Christianity is a pool; God is

  • Can the Bible be a Spiritual Practice for Progressive Christians? | Rhythm Series

    28/07/2023 Duration: 43min

    Many of us have been harmed by the ways people use the Bible, but it’s possible that the Bible still has something to offer you. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott talks with Zack Hunt about some ways we can approach the Bible as progressive Christians. They talk about what it really means for scripture to be “God breathed” and remind us that it’s OK if revisiting the Bible is too painful for us. Episode Recap: The Bible may still have something to offer you (0:57) It’s ok to admit when the Bible is wrong (3:02) How we understand the Bible is the biggest issue dividing Christians (12:27) The Bible isn’t saying any one thing, it’s an anthology of stories (18:57) We don’t have to be afraid of contradictions (25:15) The Bible shows how our understanding of God changes over time (34:03) Love is the foundation for making meaning of the Bible (37:24) If the Bible doesn’t help you seek human flourishing, it’s OK to walk away from it (42:30) Resources: “Unraptured” and “God Breathed” by Zack Hunt Le

  • Rest as Spiritual Practice | Rhythm Series

    20/07/2023 Duration: 26min

    Just as our physical bodies need rest, our souls need rest in order to connect with humanity, with the divine, and with the world around us. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott examines the role rest plays in the creation story and talks through some of the ways rest can restore us so we can better show up in the world for ourselves and the people around us. Episode Recap: Our souls need rest just like our bodies do (1:11)  The Bible begins with rhythm, then rest (5:41) Scripture repeatedly tells us that everyone deserves rest (9:17) Rest is a reminder of our humanity (13:03) Rest is about self-care, and self-care is vital (16:47) Rest is about learning to recognize the holiness in everything (21:00) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

  • Intro | Rhythm Series

    12/07/2023 Duration: 44min

    Our experiences are not something to invalidate or ignore, they’re a gift that shapes how we view the world. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott begins a new series on spiritual practices for progressive Christians. He reminds us that the Bible is full of people who changed their minds based on experiences, even if that experience contradicted the things they’d previously been told. He also explains how spiritual practices can help us keep our hearts open and soft by inviting us to pay attention to the divine. Episode Recap: All of life has rhythm to it (0:56) Spiritual practice is about opening and softening the heart (5:34) We tend to ask too much of the Bible (8:17) You can trust your experience (13:14) The Bible is full of people who changed their minds based on experience (22:05) If your faith is making you worse, maybe you should let go of it (28:14) Experience is an invitation to pay attention (35:04) Most of our lives are spent in ordinary time, and the divine can still show up there (41:10)

  • Stories in Another Voice | Hunter Wade

    10/07/2023 Duration: 30min

    Something miraculous can happen when we hear a familiar story told from a new perspective. Today, Hunter Wade explains why it’s so important for us to listen to new voices and perspectives that differ from our own. She examines a passage in the Bible where Jesus was faced with a new point of view and chose to respond, and she reminds us that there’s power in both telling our own stories and in listening to the stories of others.   Episode Recap: Whatever you’re feeling today, you have a place here (0:10) Stories are a powerful source of connection and understanding (3:21) To gain true understanding, we need to listen to different perspectives (6:41) Even Jesus changed his mind when faced with a new perspective (11:14) Jesus chooses to cross barriers in favor of common human (19:59) Miracles can happen when we listen to new voices (24:56) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

  • PRIDE 2023 | GracePointe Church

    03/07/2023 Duration: 29min

    Despite what many of us have been told, there’s a version of faith that allows us to be fully human and fully ourselves. Today, Mike Maeshiro talks with us about his experience of growing up as a gay Christian, finding freedom through the process of coming out, and deconstructing many of the things he once believed about God. Mike also challenges us to trust that the love that has transformed us can transform other people, too. Episode Recap: To be who we are is to honor the divine within us (0:10) Mike’s experience of growing up in the church (4:45) It can be jarring when our experience of God doesn’t match what we’ve been told (8:01) Finding freedom through coming out (13:21) There’s a version of Christianity where you can be fully human (15:29) The Jesus many of us were taught about is not the Jesus of the Bible (21:33) Love exists and love transforms (24:55) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, an

  • Justice, Jubilee & Jesus | GracePointe Church

    24/06/2023 Duration: 44min

    For Jesus and the tradition he was raised in, you cannot serve God without pursuing justice. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott examines the role justice plays in Exodus, in the messages of the prophets, and in Jesus’ own worldview. He also discusses the way Christianity has changed into something completely different from its roots, and he challenges us to prioritize justice over theology and community over self-interest.  Episode Recap: In honor of Juneteenth, we’re going to talk about justice in the Christian faith (2:31) Exodus is the defining narrative of the tradition Jesus was raised in (3:57) Exodus challenged the idea that God was found among the powerful (5:27) Judaism isn’t about legalism, it’s about community and justice (10:13) Jubilee made sure the gap between people didn’t continue to grow (17:47) The prophets understood that you can’t have worship without justice (21:49) Jesus followed in the tradition of the prophets (27:35) How did Christianity become what it is today? (34:35) F

  • Returning to Eden | GracePointe Church

    16/06/2023 Duration: 42min

    If you’re on a journey of deconstructing or seeing your worldview evolve, know that you’re not alone! Today, lead pastor Josh Scott interviews Heather Hamilton about the spiritual awakening that inspired her to deconstruct her fundamentalist evangelical views and begin to see the divine in all people and all of creation. Heather is the author of “Returning to Eden,” and she talks with Josh about how we can engage with Scripture when we don’t believe it’s infallible, the value of seeing Christianity as just one language communicating universal truths, and more.  Episode Recap: On July 9 we’ll begin a new series and celebrate baptisms (0:10) You’re not alone in your doubts or deconstruction (4:30) Heather’s story of realizing her worldview needed to change (8:43) Christ is in all of us and in all of creation (17:26) Like the prodigal son, we often have to take the full journey to transform (22:23) God doesn’t change throughout the Bible; the human understanding of God does (27:45) How can we engag

  • Tiffany Dowdy | Pentecost Series

    09/06/2023 Duration: 26min

    If you want to understand what it’s like to experience the world with imagination and wonder, look at how kids interact with the world. Today, Children and Youth Director Tiffany Dowdy discusses the holy imagination that can inspire us to envision a better world and move us into action. They remind us that we’re each on our own spiritual journey with the freedom to roam and explore, and encourage us to focus less on the pressure of saving people and more on the calling of loving those around us.  Episode Recap: The first Sunday of June is Affirming Sunday (0:28) You are loved and you belong (3:06) Wonder and imagination (5:00) Spirituality is not a path we have to follow, it’s a world to explore (7:20) Kids can teach us so much about imagination and wonder (10:46) It’s not our job to save people’s souls, it’s our job to love (17:05) Holy imagination will eventually move us to action (20:20) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePoi

  • Gentile Pentecost | Pentecost Series

    01/06/2023 Duration: 26min

    The Holy Spirit is not something we can control or fit inside neat boundaries. Instead, the spirit calls us to move beyond fear and exclusion and commit to continually reimagining our faith. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott examines the “Gentile Pentecost” story in Acts 10. He draws parallels between this story and other moments in scripture where we see people’s views of God challenged, and he reminds us that our job is not to get in the way of other people’s belonging.  Episode Recap: Pentecost shows us that the spirit can’t be contained or controlled (0:10) In Acts 10 we see how the Holy Spirit came to the Gentiles (1:47) Peter’s story mirrors the story of Jonah (6:57) The presence of the spirit in Cornelius challenged Peter’s view of God (9:49) Acts shows us we’re not meant to stand in the way of anyone’s belonging (13:36) The spirit calls us beyond fear and into curiosity (21:40) The spirit calls us beyond exclusionary boundaries and into radically inclusive hospitality (22:22) The spirit ca

  • Kat Armas | Pentecost Series

    25/05/2023 Duration: 33min

    In the story of Pentecost, we see how the spirit of wisdom stands in direct opposition to the empires that try to control us. Today, Kat Armas shares how Acts 2 changed her view of the Holy Spirit. She invites us to reexamine the way we think about wisdom, and to oppose the efforts of empire to force assimilation by stamping out wisdom. Episode Recap: Empire does not always get the last say (0:10) Prophecies were wake up calls, reminding people of God’s justice (5:27) The Bible primarily portrays wisdom and the Holy Spirit as a woman (6:54) Wisdom is a threat to empire (14:29) It’s time to decolonize our view of wisdom (21:27) The Spirit of the Divine does not ask us to assimilate (23:55)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Resources:

  • Breath | Pentecost Series

    19/05/2023 Duration: 38min

    The story of Pentecost reminds us that we’re all invited to participate in the movement Jesus started. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott begins a new series about Pentecost by reflecting on the type of movement Jesus wanted to create. He talks about the way peace and nonviolence play an integral role in Jesus’ story, and he reminds us that transformation takes time, both in the world and in our own lives.   Episode Recap: Pentecost was a feast celebrating liberation (1:05) Even though they betrayed him, Jesus’ first message to the disciples was peace (5:35) Jesus wanted to mobilize a movement, not start a monopoly (14:09) From the start, Jesus made clear that he was focused on peace (20:20) Transformation takes time, and we’re invited to participate (24:33) You are not separated from God (28:45)               Take a deep breath (34:13) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook “Meeting Jesus Agai

  • HOME | GracePointe Church

    16/05/2023 Duration: 43min

    Today, we’re celebrating our first service in GracePointe’s new space, reflecting on how we got here, and looking ahead to what comes next! Lead pastor Josh Scott shares why he’s so excited for this new chapter in GracePointe’s story, and he reminds each of us that we belong. Episode Recap: It’s time for change, and change is possible (0:10) How we got here (2:12) Thank you to everyone who’s made this move possible (17:56) Thank you for making GracePointe a safe space (25:36) The point is not the destination, it’s the journey (26:38) We’re a community, not a corporation (32:14) You are what makes GracePointe a home (38:06) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

  • Jesus Q+R | Meeting Jesus Again Series

    08/05/2023 Duration: 33min

    What can the life and death of Jesus tell us about who God is and who we are? Today, lead pastor Josh Scott wraps up our “Meeting Jesus Again” series with a question and response time. He responds to questions about Jesus' death, the contradictions we see in scripture, Jesus’ identity, doctrines around the trinity and atonement, and more.  Episode Recap: Today we’re taking time to respond to your questions about Jesus (0:10) What did Jesus say about the Bible? (1:03) What happened when Jesus died? (3:52) What does the doctrine of the trinity tell us about Jesus? (9:50) What do we do with the Revelation Jesus (11:45) Why did Jesus tell his disciples to get swords in Luke? (16:41) How important is Jesus’ identity as a dark-skinned, Middle Eastern, Jewish man? (20:05) What can we learn from Jesus’ relationship with God? (23:48) Where did atonement theory come from? (26:20) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instag

  • Jesus Today & Tomorrow | Meeting Jesus Again Series

    27/04/2023 Duration: 39min

    Are we being transformed by the message of Jesus, or are we transforming Jesus to fit our agendas? Today, lead pastor Josh Scott examines some of the images of Jesus we see in the 21st century and compares them to the Jesus we see represented in scripture. He also reminds us that faith is meant to grow, change, and evolve, so our creeds and doctrines matter less than the people we’re becoming.  Episode Recap: Would the historical Jesus recognize the person we talk about today? (1:09) We’ve transformed Jesus into something completely different (3:08) The creeds show how we’ve transformed Jesus to fit our theology (11:14) Faith is an organic thing that grows and changes (15:41) Something changes when we understand Jesus by looking backwards (20:39) Who do we say Jesus is? (27:28) You don’t have to believe one specific thing about Jesus to be a Christian (34:54) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and F

  • The Ascension of Jesus | Meeting Jesus Again Series

    21/04/2023 Duration: 43min

    Even if we don’t take the story literally, the Ascension can teach us something important about who Jesus was and what kind of movement he wanted to create. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott reflects on the story of Jesus’ ascension and the dramatic, political statement it would have made in ancient Rome. He also reminds us that we’re invited to join Jesus in his work of pursuing human flourishing.  Episode Recap: The Ascension is only recorded in two places, but each account is different (2:45) What can the story of the Ascension tell us about who Jesus was? (9:05) In Jesus’ time, the idea of a human becoming divine was a political statement (17:39) Luke was likely referencing the story of Elijah (23:31) Jesus was inviting people to join a movement (28:38) Jesus believed we could do even greater things than he did (39:58) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook “Meeting Jesus Again for the Firs

  • Easter | Meeting Jesus Again Series

    15/04/2023 Duration: 30min

    What does Easter tell us about who God is and why Jesus matters? Today, lead pastor Josh Scott unpacks some of the key lessons we can learn from the Easter story. He reminds us that God has always taken the side of the oppressed, and he encourages us to continue Jesus’ work in our world today.  Episode Recap: Each gospel tells the Easter story differently (0:10) Easter is a subjective experience (6:35) Easter is a political event (10:49) God has always taken the side of the victims and the oppressed (14:57) Jesus isn’t just a figure from our past, he’s a part of the present (19:18) What began with Jesus continues with us (20:57) “The worst thing is never the last thing” (27:02) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook “Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time” by Marcus Borg

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