Gracepointe Church - Franklin, Tn

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 305:44:33
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Here at GRACEPOINTE CHURCH there are no labels...just people.


  • Harmony: Yes | Naked Spirituality Series

    17/11/2022 Duration: 32min

    Many of the greatest stories in the Bible start with one person who said, “yes.” Today, lead pastor Josh Scott continues our “Naked Spirituality Series” by discussing the word “yes.” He looks back at examples throughout scripture of people who said yes to new possibilities, and he reminds us that saying yes also requires us to say no to things that get in the way of whatever new thing we’re stepping into. Episode Recap: Harmony is not simplicity 2.0, it’s a new orientation (0:10) Many of the great stories in the Bible start with someone saying “yes” (5:29) Yes is ultimately about openness and possibility (10:25) Yes is about knowing what is ours to do (14:46) Yes is actually about no (19:45) What are you being invited to say yes to, and what “no’s” do you need to stand by? (26:40) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook “Naked Spirituality” by Brian McLaren

  • Harmony: Behold | Naked Spirituality Series

    10/11/2022 Duration: 33min

    As we move out of a season of perplexity, we can start to experience harmony, which comes when we let go of our search for certainty. Today, Children and Student Director Tiffany Dowdy continues our “Naked Spirituality” series by reflecting on the word “behold.” Tiffany explains how we can experience harmony by simply existing in the current moment, and they remind us that the goal is not to arrive somewhere, but rather just to remember that we are loved. Episode Recap: After the season of perplexity comes harmony (1:20) Harmony isn’t apathy, it’s mindfulness (5:44) We’ve been taught to think dualistically, but harmony asks us to simply exist (10:53) To experience harmony is to practice being in the moment (18:30) Wherever you are, you are OK (21:11) The goal isn’t to arrive somewhere or figure out all the answers (28:20) The gospel is this: You are loved and have always been loved (30:26) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events Follow GracePointe

  • Perplexity: No + Why | Naked Spirituality Series

    27/10/2022 Duration: 32min

    When you’re in a season of deconstruction or disorientation, it’s natural and important to say “no” and ask “why.” Today, lead pastor Josh Scott continues our “Naked Spirituality” series by unpacking the role that these two words play during the season of perplexity. He also shares how he sees “no” and “why” reflected in the Psalms, as the writers experienced orientation and disorientation, before then finding a new orientation. Episode Recap: Perplexity is a season of deconstruction (0:10) “No” is about rejecting something that doesn’t work, (4:04) “Why” is often less about receiving an answer and more about lamenting (5:22) The Psalms reflect orientation, disorientation, and new orientation (8:23) “No” helps us set boundaries (13:58) Embracing “why” is accepting that questions are an important part of faith (18:53) Disorientation and deconstruction are completely natural (24:35) There’s no going back, but you can find a new orientation (28:00) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe C

  • Perplexity: When | Naked Spirituality Series

    20/10/2022 Duration: 40min

    Just as summer fades into autumn, our spiritual journeys will naturally include a transition from the season of complexity to one of perplexity. And in that season, it’s normal and even healthy to ask the question “When will this be over?” Today, Hunter Wade continues our “Naked Spirituality” series by discussing the idea of “when.” Hunter reflects on her own journey of asking “when” and explains how we can show up for people in our lives who are asking this question. Episode Recap: It’s OK if the idea of living life with God makes you uncomfortable (1:16) In the autumn of spirituality, complexity gives way to perplexity (4:26) Perplexity happens when our spiritual practices feel like they’ve stopped working (7:08) The season of perplexity often leads us to ask “when” this will end (14:04) The psalms of lament remind us it’s OK to be brutally honest with God (18:53) There’s only one answer to “when,” and it’s “too long” (29:37) Bearing witness to the “when” is a spiritual practice (35:57) Reso

  • Complexity: Please | Naked Spirituality Series

    12/10/2022 Duration: 31min

    What if prayer is less about asking God to intervene on someone’s behalf and more about becoming aware of the ways we can show up to meet people’s needs? Today, lead pastor Josh Scott continues our “Naked Spirituality” series by unpacking some of the ways that the word “please” can shift our awareness, move us to compassion, and inspire us to take action. He explains how “please” reminds us that the world is bigger than just our needs and desires and encourages us to show up for the people around us. Episode Recap: In the season of complexity, we realize that life is lived in the gray area (0:10) Please is about realizing that we’re not the center of the universe (2:09) If you treat prayer like a wishlist you’ll be discouraged when it doesn’t work (6:46) When we pray for others, it opens our awareness to the world’s needs (10:33) Prayer moves us to compassion, and compassion creates complexity (14:54) The goal of compassion is ultimately action (21:15) What if “please” wasn’t asking God to inter

  • Complexity: Help | Naked Spirituality Series

    06/10/2022 Duration: 37min

    At some point in our lives, many of us start to believe that asking for help is a sign of weakness or inadequacy. In reality, “help” is an invitation to build relationships and establish a stronger and deeper form of community. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott continues our “Naked Spirituality” series by exploring why “help” is so hard to say but so important to embrace as part of your spiritual journey. He also reminds listeners that no matter who you are, you already belong. Episode Recap: If sorry is the hardest word to say, help might be the second hardest (0:10) At some point many of us start to believe that it’s wrong to ask for help (1:38) We resist asking for help because we don’t want to show vulnerability (4:29) We resist asking for help because it makes us feel insufficient (7:33) We resist asking for help because we want to feel self made (9:05) When we realize we are both enough and need help, it creates healthy interdependence (11:56) A community of help is an invitation to participatio

  • Complexity: Sorry | Naked Spirituality Series

    28/09/2022 Duration: 40min

    To say we’re sorry can feel incredibly vulnerable, especially when we believe that we’re supposed to be perfect. But “sorry” is ultimately grounded in self-examination, and it has an important role to play as our faith evolves. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott moves us into the second part of our “Naked Spirituality” series, which is focused on complexity. He shares how making peace with the idea of “sorry” can help us come to terms with our own humanity and embrace the fact that we are always in process. Episode Recap: Today we’ll transition into talking about the 2nd season of spirituality: complexity (0:10) “Sorry” is a difficult word for many of us because it makes us feel vulnerable (4:23) We’re all beautifully, wonderfully human, a mix of soil and divine breath (11:42) Sorry is grounded in self-examination (13:55) To be human is to be in process (20:51) When we accept that we’re in process, it’s easier to admit mistakes (24:00) Sorry is about processing our failures (31:03) Resources: Le

  • Simplicity: O (Worship) | Naked Spirituality Series

    28/09/2022 Duration: 39min

    Many of us grew up with the idea that worship was about getting God’s attention or convincing God to feel or act a certain way. So where does worship fit into our faith as it evolves into a more progressive Christianity? Today, lead pastor Josh Scott continues our “Naked Spirituality” series by exploring some key ideas about what worship is not and sharing his emerging understanding of what worship might actually mean. Episode Recap: What does worship mean in a progressive Christian space? (0:10) Humans have been inclined to worship since the beginning of time (3:50) Many of us believed worship was about appeasing a temperamental God (7:12) Worship is not about propping up God’s ego or getting his attention (11:36) Worship is about our own awareness and response (15:00) When we worship, we can be transformed by wonder (21:00) Celebration and lamentation are both important parts of worship (24:53) The world needs what we have to create (33:19) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Chec

  • Simplicity: Thanks | Naked Spirituality Series

    16/09/2022 Duration: 37min

    We say “thanks” so many times every day, but how often do we pause to think about what it really means? Today, lead pastor Josh Scott continues our “Naked Spirituality” with a conversation about the word “thanks.” He responds to some common misconceptions about what thanks is not, and he invites us to make giving thanks a daily practice, grounded in an understanding of who we are and where our identity lies. Episode Recap: Spirituality is about what you do with your pain (0:10) We’re continuing our Naked Spirituality series by talking about the word “thanks” (2:40) We say thanks so often that we don’t always realize its power (3:57) Paul told the church to “rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in every situation” (7:24) Thanks is not guilt and shame, toxic positivity, or comparison-based (9:09) Thanks requires us to be aware and in the present (19:07) Thanks is grounded in contentment (20:39) Thanks is also about generosity (26:14) When we understand who God says we are, we can

  • Simplicity: Here | Naked Spirituality Series

    06/09/2022 Duration: 32min

    God is always around us, and when we recognize that presence, we can experience what it truly means to be “here.” Today, lead pastor Josh Scott continues our “Naked Spirituality” series by talking about the importance of “hereness.” He explains how practicing hereness plays an important role in the simplicity stage of spirituality, and he shares some examples of how nostalgia and escapism can keep us from experiencing the present in its fullest form. Episode Recap: When we see spirituality in stages, it helps us embrace past versions of ourselves (0:10) The season of simplicity is like Spring, full of awakening, excitement, and growth (2:43) Simplicity is a necessary stage, but the goal is not to stay there (6:25) “Here” is about awakening to God’s presence, which is always around us (7:44) It’s not about God showing up, it’s about us realizing what’s already there (11:38) Nostalgia and escapism keep us from being here in this moment (17:56) Pausing, grounding, and invocation can help us practice

  • Does Prayer Work? | What About Outtakes

    05/09/2022 Duration: 16min

    Can prayer actually change things, and if not, why do we do it? In this episode, Lead Pastor Josh Scott and Director of Content Derek Webb address this question by comparing their current understanding of God to the often problematic ways people tend to talk about prayer. They also explain how prayer can transform us and inspire us to partner with God to change the world around us. This episode continues our “What About...? Outtakes” series, where we’re responding to some of your important questions about faith. Episode Recap: In this series, we’re answering some of your “What about...?” questions (0:29) What is the purpose of prayer, and does it change things? (1:40) The way we’ve often talked about prayer is really problematic (2:37) We can be grateful without assigning everything to God (6:11) Prayer may not get God to intervene, but it can still transform us (7:29) God doesn’t control, because love doesn’t control (9:38) The societal problems we pray about are things we should be working to

  • Brian McLaren | Naked Spirituality Series

    30/08/2022 Duration: 30min

    Just as human development moves in stages, our spiritual life also evolves and changes. Today, Brian McLaren kicks off our new series by explaining the four stages he identified in his book, “Naked Spirituality:” simplicity, complexity, perplexity, and harmony. Brian also reminds us that the ultimate goal of spirituality, no matter what stage we’re in, is to better love God, ourselves, our neighbors, and the world around us. Episode Recap: We all want to be transformed people (0:10) Human spirituality unfolds in stages similar to the stages of human development (1:47) Stage 1 centers around simplicity and dualism (7:07) Stage 2 is where we start to experience complexity (10:57) Stage 3, perplexity, involves self-critique and disillusionment (14:35) Stage 4 is harmony, which allows us to integrate the lessons of the other stages (20:05) Each stage has something new to teach us about love (24:21) As love matures, we learn to sit quietly and enjoy someone’s presence (25:58) Resources: Learn

  • Reinterpreting Miracles | What About Outtakes

    29/08/2022 Duration: 15min

    What does it mean for us if the miracles in Scripture really happened? What does it mean if they didn’t? In this conversation, Lead Pastor Josh Scott and Director of Content Derek Webb reflect on these questions, discussing the idea that whether or not miracles literally happened matters less than the truth they reveal about who Jesus was and what he cared most about. This episode continues our “What About...? Outtakes” series, where we’re responding to some of your important questions about faith. Episode Recap: We’re answering some of the “What about...?” questions we haven’t covered yet (0:40) Do you believe in miracles? (1:47) The things we call miracles were really about Jesus disrupting the social order (4:46) The Jesus movement was socially radical, but that decreased over time (6:43) Signs aren’t supposed to be worshiped, they’re supposed to point us to truth (9:00) It doesn’t really matter whether miracles happened, it matters what they mean (12:39) Resources: Learn more about GraceP

  • Question & Response | What About 2.0 Series

    24/08/2022 Duration: 34min

    Wherever you are in your faith journey, it’s natural to have questions. With this “What About...?” series, we’ve been examining what it looks like to think about some of the biggest questions through a progressive lens. Today, to wrap up the series, lead pastor Josh Scott responds to some of your questions about Christian traditions, our role in the world, the Bible, and more. Episode Recap: To close out our “What About...?” series, we’re responding to your questions (0:10) What about the Christian calendar? (3:04) What about the idea of calling? (7:29) What is the goal of progressive Christianity? (10:32) What about hell? (15:31) What about Biblical translations (How do we know what’s true)? (20:10) What about devotions (How do we read the Bible?) (24:35) What about other religions and faith traditions? (26:17) What about diversity? (31:52) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events  Follow GracePointe on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

  • What About Tithing? | What About 2.0 Series

    23/08/2022 Duration: 34min

    Money can feel awkward to talk about, especially in a church context, because so many people have used it as a tool for creating guilt and shame. But in reality, giving to the church is just about coming together to care for the people in our communities who need our support. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott talks through some of the history of tithing in the Bible, and he reminds us that no matter how much or how little you give, you always have a place at the table. Episode Recap: Many of us feel uncomfortable with tithing because we’ve seen people abuse it (1:44) The tithing practices in the Hebrew Bible were far more complicated than just 10% (4:34) Tithing isn’t taught in the New Testament, but caring for the poor is (11:04) Giving is a way to partner with an organization that has benefited you (17:44) You should never feel shame about not being able to give (23:42) Intentional generosity is an important practice, even outside the church (25:39) There are more people who need what GracePointe

  • What About the Bible? | What About Outtakes

    22/08/2022 Duration: 13min

    When you experience a shift in your faith, it’s natural to question whether or not the Bible can still make sense for you. So how can we think about the Bible in a more progressive way without discounting it entirely? Lead Pastor Josh Scott answers this question in the first episode of the “What About...? Outtakes” series, where we’re responding to some of the important questions we haven’t covered in our sermon series. Episode Recap: We’re answering some of the “What about...?” questions we haven’t covered yet (0:28) How can we think about faith in a progressive way without “breaking up with” the Bible? (1:48) It’s not all or nothing. You can take the Bible with you when your faith progresses (2:44) Parts of the Bible wrestle with questions and disagree over the answers (4:30) We get to decide what parts of the Bible we hold onto and which parts we let go of (9:40) The Bible is a human product, so of course it’s not perfect (11:15) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our sche

  • What About Baptism? | What About 2.0 Series

    20/08/2022 Duration: 40min

    Many of us grew up hearing that baptism was something that people do to be saved. But where does the ritual come from, and what can it mean for Progressive Christians today? Today, lead pastor Josh Scott walks us through a re-examination of the roots of baptism. He explains how baptism started as a ritual of purity, repentance, and resistance, and he shares how engaging with this ancient practice can help us feel connected to a larger community of people who follow Jesus. Episode Recap: Many of us are taught that baptism is a step in the salvation process (2:35) Baptism began as a Jewish purity ritual (6:26) John saw baptism as a symbol of repentance and returning from the wilderness (8:25) Baptism is a rite of resistance (12:46) Baptism is a ritual of belonging (17:56) When we learn new information, it’s ok to interpret the Bible in new ways (21:31) God is not bound by the limitations we place on baptism or salvation (30:10) Ritual connects us to a larger community (35:07) Resources: Learn

  • What About Miracles? | What About 2.0 Series

    19/08/2022 Duration: 27min

    Whether or not the miracles in the Bible actually happened matters less than the meaning we can engage from those stories. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott continues our “What About...?” series with a conversation about miracles. He explains how Jesus’ miracles point to his mission of bringing social healing and inclusion to those who need it most, and he challenges us to take up Jesus’ call and join him in the work of healing our communities. Episode Recap: People tend to have one of two opposite views about miracles (0:10) When you focus on whether miracles happened or not, you miss the meaning (4:10) The real question is, ‘What do these signs and wonders mean?’ (7:22) Whether or not Jesus brought physical healing, he brought social healing (10:31) Jesus invites us to join him in his work of healing (17:40) Be careful what you celebrate as a miracle, especially if someone else is harmed in the process (23:38) Resources: Learn more about GracePointe Check out our schedule of upcoming events&n

  • What About Creeds? | What About 2.0 Series

    18/08/2022 Duration: 32min

    Many churches use creeds to standardize what they believe, but in the process, they ultimately end up excluding those who believe differently. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott explains why he takes issue with creeds, tracing their roots back to the merging of church and state under the Roman Emperor Constantine. He breaks down four reasons why most creeds are problematic and then shares the meaning behind GracePointe’s only creed, “We Belong.” Episode Recap: Before the creeds, the Jesus movement was extremely diverse (0:10) There is no such thing as “Christianity,” there are only Christianites (3:08) The creeds were an attempt to homogenize and control the Jesus movement (5:20) Creeds are inherently exclusionary, and Jesus was about inclusion (14:53) Creeds are expressions of momentary understandings (19:37) Creeds are about believing in doctrine, not following Jesus (23:02) Creeds prioritize being right over being transformed (25:45) Our creed at GracePointe: We belong (27:10) Resources: Le

  • What About Church & State? | What About 2.0 Series

    17/08/2022 Duration: 37min

    The church has become so enmeshed in American life, but it wasn’t always so cozy with the state. Church actually began as a resistance movement. Today, lead pastor Josh Scott explains how our understanding of church and state has evolved since the time of Jesus, and how we lost something important when Christianity became a tool of the empire. He also shares some practical examples of ways we can work to combat theocracy and nationalism, while making the world better by caring for the people in it. Episode Recap: There’s tension between feeling grateful to live in America and the reality of how the country treats people (0:40) Many of us don’t even realize how interconnected church and state have become (5:17) Jesus was crucified for challenging the empire (10:49) For 300 years, the church was an alternative to the ways of the empire (13:42) The church didn’t change the empire; the empire changed the church (19:06) The challenge is to work toward realizing the idea of America while challenging nationa

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