Rooted In Revenue



Revenue and sales driven by marketing and events.


  • Getting Your Hands Dirty: The Value of an In-Person Community and "Peopling"

    19/06/2024 Duration: 29min

    Are you a service business looking to grow your presence in your local community? In this episode of Rooted in Revenue, hosts Lany Sullivan and Susan Finch explore the power of in-person community building for both personal and business growth. Lany shares her experience with the Art in the Garden event, showcasing how community involvement can open doors to unexpected opportunities and relationships. The duo emphasizes the importance of showing up consistently, being vulnerable, and participating in events and groups aligned with your interests. This episode will inspire you to focus on "peopling" - connecting with others in your community face-to-face. Lany and Susan offer practical advice on joining local organizations like the Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club, and the benefits of serving on nonprofit boards. Discover how building a strong foundation of community relationships can support your personal and professional growth. Learn why showing up authentically and helping others can lead to a thriving,

  • Launching Your Brand: The Steps for a Smooth Transition

    12/06/2024 Duration: 18min

    Creating a company from scratch is exciting, and there is a specific order to tell the world about it. This episode will give you some steps to add to your plan. Whether you are transitioning from a previous company, starting a brand new endeavor, or relaunching your own brand, these steps will help you quickly establish trust in search and on email servers. 1. Get your vector version of your new logo. 2. Buy a domain that makes sense and is easy to say and spell. 3. Establish trust by warming up the email gatekeepers to your new domain. 4. Redirects to the new pages. 5. Social profile banners and templates. 6. Vanity URLs 7. Updating your contacts. 8. Updating all professional directories. 9. Have you ordered your new cards, brochures, and hats yet?  

  • Translating Your Brand Voice: Why Professional, Human Editing Matters

    04/06/2024 Duration: 07min

    In this quick episode, Susan Finch from Rooted in Revenue shares valuable insight about the importance of professional editing and proofreading when translating marketing materials into another language. While AI tools can be helpful, they may not always capture the nuances and cultural context needed for effective communication and translation. Professional proofing and editing are particularly important if you have a detailed branding guide. A recent episode of All-Volunteer, All Heart from Binky Patrol talks about branding guides. EP61: Why You Need a Branding Guide for Your Organization Key Takeaways: When translating important marketing materials like brochures, reports, or website content into another language, relying solely on AI tools may not be sufficient. Hiring professional proofreaders and editors who are native speakers of the target language can ensure your message is conveyed clearly, accurately, and in line with your brand's voice and culture. Proper sentence construction and terminology usag

  • Balancing Protection and Simplicity in Your Vendor Contracts

    22/05/2024 Duration: 18min

    Are you a small business owner unsure about contracts, roles, and expectations with your clients? In this episode of Rooted in Revenue, we dive into the importance of having clear agreements to protect you and your clients. As vendors, we understand the challenges of navigating these relationships and the potential pitfalls of not having a solid foundation. We discuss what clients should expect from you, how to demonstrate your value, and the key elements to include in your contracts. Whether you're a solopreneur or running a small agency, having well-defined contracts and expectations is crucial for a successful business partnership. Join us as we share our experiences and insights on this essential topic and learn how to set yourself and your clients up for a mutually beneficial working relationship. Here are five key takeaways from this episode: Find out what a vendor's offboarding process is when you're done working with them, including how long they keep your information and how you will receive your del

  • Vetting Vendors: The New Shiny Thing Or Vendor is Tempting, But Can Be Costly

    15/05/2024 Duration: 30min

    Are you entrusting your business to the right vendors? In this episode of Rooted in Revenue, Susan Finch and Lany Sullivan dive deep into the crucial topic of vetting vendors. From graphic designers to accountants, they share eye-opening insights on what to look for and what to avoid. Discover the importance of securing your intellectual property, protecting your sensitive information, and ensuring your vendors have your back in any situation. Susan and Lany also reveal the shocking truth about the security risks posed by many accounting firms. Don't miss their expert advice on how to find reliable vendors who align with your values and prioritize your business's success. Tune in to learn how to safeguard your company and make informed decisions when choosing the people and tools you rely on. Your business deserves the best - start vetting your vendors like a pro today! Need help vetting a potential vendor - contact Susan Top Tips from this episode: Don't respond to cold call emails or messages from vendors y

  • How AI and Time Management Converge for Maximum Efficiency

    07/05/2024 Duration: 26min

    Time management is more critical than ever, especially with the rise of AI tools and virtual assistants. Properly tracking and documenting how you spend your time can lead to significant benefits, from increased productivity to smoother delegation and onboarding. In this episode of Rooted in Revenue, hosts Susan Finch and Debi Davis dive deep into the future of time management and its intersection with AI. They discuss practical strategies for optimizing your time, such as using customized systems, recording detailed process videos, and establishing efficiency baselines. Whether you're a solopreneur or managing a team, this episode will provide valuable insights to help you maximize your most precious resource – time. Tune in now to learn how to stay ahead of the curve in the age of AI-driven productivity. Links from this episode: Paymo time management system Full Series Susan Finch: Debi Davis

  • Checklist for Real Estate Brokers Before You Leave Your Franchise

    30/04/2024 Duration: 12min

    Are you a real estate broker on the brink of a major change? Whether you're considering leaving a franchise to establish your brand, or switching franchises, this transition can be both exhilarating and daunting. The key to success lies in meticulous planning and preparation. In this episode, Susan shares her expertise to guide you through the critical steps you need to take before leaping. Susan provides a small portion of a comprehensive checklist to ensure a smooth transition from establishing your unique branding elements to evaluating your current online assets and vendor relationships. It's enough to get you started and slow you down. Don't let the excitement of change overshadow the importance of a well-executed plan. Tune in now to learn how to confidently navigate this transformative journey and set your brokerage up for long-term success. Special shout-out to the NRBA members. Need help? Here are some of the services Susan Finch offers.  The main points of the episo

  • Protect Your Business, Protect Your Clients: Mastering Internal Controls and Security

    23/04/2024 Duration: 23min

    Are your business's internal controls and security measures up to par? In this final episode of our 6-part series, Lany Sullivan and Susan Finch dive deep into the importance of protecting your clients' information and your own liability. They expose common pitfalls like using sticky notes for passwords or entrusting cash transactions to a single person. Lany and Susan emphasize the critical need for secure password management, digital money trails, and multi-person verification processes. They urge listeners to examine their business infrastructure for potential risks and take responsibility for addressing them. While the process may seem daunting, our hosts reassure you that it's well worth the effort in the long run. Whether you need Lany's expertise in setting up foolproof procedures or Susan's guidance in optimizing what you already have, this episode will leave you motivated to tackle those security challenges head-on. Catch the full series here: Prioritize for Profitability: Establishing Foundational S

  • Building a Sustainable Tech Stack - Do you still use it?

    17/04/2024 Duration: 26min

    This episode will give you an actionable list to evaluate your current tech stack. Lany and Susan will also give you ideas on what to look for when evaluating new pieces to your tech stack. Did you know that anything you log in to for your business is part of your tech stack? Lany will give you her strong opinions on several pieces of software and tools. Susan will give some real examples on ways to test what you are using and lock it down to make it more effective. Questions you need to know about each piece of your tech stack assessment: What are you using? When are you using it? Why are you using it? Who has control of it? Who has access to it? What's your decision hierarchy? Does your technology make sense in your day-to-day business? Does it serve your business internally? Does it serve your business externally? How do your clients have access to it, and should they? How does your team access it? Tools mentioned in this episode: KarbonHQ - Accounting Bookkeeping Software system - ties to QuickBooks Goo

  • Visionaries & Integrators: Navigating the Generalist vs. Specialist Hiring Maze

    09/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    Susan Finch and Lany Sullivan dive into the crucial decision of hiring generalists or specialists for your business in this insightful episode of Rooted in Revenue. They discuss the roles of virtual assistants (VAs), online business managers (OBMs), and the importance of finding the right fit for your team. Lany emphasizes the significance of hiring based on your specific needs and goals, rather than defaulting to a VA. The duo also touches on the value of fostering a supportive and empowering work environment where team members feel comfortable questioning decisions and suggesting improvements. Tune in for valuable tips on building a team that aligns with your vision and propels your business forward.

  • Love, Hate, Delegate: Transforming Your Business Through Delegation

    01/04/2024 Duration: 29min

    Are you drowning in tasks and struggling to let go of control in your business? In this third episode of the Rooted in Revenue series, Lany Sullivan and Susan Finch dive into the power of delegation and how it can lead to more time and freedom. They discuss the importance of identifying tasks you love and hate, and provide practical strategies for delegating at all levels of your organization. From overcoming the fear and vulnerability of delegating to developing trust with your team, Lany and Susan share insights on how to break free from the self-induced chaos of trying to do it all yourself. They also emphasize the importance of effective communication and empowering your team members in the delegation process. Tune in to learn how implementing "Love, Hate, Delegate" can transform your business and unlock your path to greater freedom and success.

  • Mastering Growth: 4 Signs You Need a Business Asssessment

    27/03/2024 Duration: 33min

    Susan Finch and Lany Sullivan are plunging into the inky black to tackle the four crucial moments when conducting a business assessment, which is an absolute must. They'll help you identify the signs that your business is ready for a thorough evaluation, and trust us, ignoring these red flags could lead to a total "blowup" down the line – and nobody wants that! Lany shares her expert insights on navigating the challenges of rapid growth, delegating effectively, optimizing your tech stack, and building an ideal team with high efficiency and retention. Whether you're a visionary leader or a detail-oriented executive, this episode is oozing with actionable advice to help you achieve sustainable success. Are you ready to assess, optimize, and take your business to new possibilities of scale and growth? Some key points you may want to jump to: 00:00:00 Introduction: The importance of conducting a business assessment 00:00:30 Four key areas that indicate when to do a business assessment 00:01:00 Point 1: Navigating

  • Prioritize for Profitability: Establishing Foundational Systems for Business Growth

    19/03/2024 Duration: 22min

    Are you leaving money on the table in your business? If you haven't evaluated your entire customer journey from end to end, chances are there are holes that are costing you revenue. In this episode, operations experts Susan Finch and Lany Sullivan dive into why your customer journey is the key to sustainable revenue. They share examples of the broken processes they often see, and provide practical advice for establishing foundational systems that will help you shift from constantly rebuilding your business to making small pivots for long-term growth. Tune in to discover how to plug the leaks in your customer journey and build a business that works.   Some key points from this episode include: Lany (5:40): "Your money is between your marketing and your referrals. It's between those two things from beginning to end and everything in between. It's the entire customer journey process." Susan (9:40): "It doesn't do any good to just throw money at a solution, get the solution, and then not implement the work. You d

  • You Can't Manage What You Don't Measure

    12/03/2024 Duration: 24min

    In this episode of Rooted in Revenue, host Susan Finch welcomes back Debi Davis, owner and operator of 3D Communications AI, for an insightful discussion on the importance of measuring and managing data to drive business growth. CEOs and CROs will find valuable insights as Debi shares her expertise on analyzing processes, improving communication, and leveraging data to make informed decisions. Discover how to effectively collect, organize, and utilize data to enhance your company's performance and stay ahead of the competition in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape. Join Susan and Debi as they explore the concept of "you can't manage what you don't measure" and provide practical advice on harnessing the power of data to achieve your business goals. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from two industry experts and take your company to the next level. Listsen to the series here. 

  • From Chaos to Clarity: A 3 Step System to Organize Your Business with Debi Davis

    04/03/2024 Duration: 34min

    Feeling scattered trying to manage and grow your business? Plagued with impulsive ideas but little follow-through? Do distractions keep you from moving forward effectively? My friend and business coach Debi Davis shares hard-won wisdom for overcoming chaos and dysfunction. If you lead or own a small or mid-size B2B company, listen in as Debi and I discuss bringing order to operations, planning, and execution. Learn a simple yet powerful three-step formula encapsulated as “frame, focus, follow through” that could transform how you structure workflows, combat shiny object syndrome, enable consistent progress tied to objectives, and make space for spontaneity. Whether dealing with hypergrowth, leadership changes, or market disruptions, every entrepreneur needs organizational discipline to drive results without burning out. Tune into my conversation with Debi to gain insider tips on getting unstuck, focused, and moving forward intelligently toward your vision. 

  • Customer Intelligence Fuels Growth - The Overlooked Metrics

    22/02/2024 Duration: 24min

    CEOs, are your metrics telling the whole story of your company’s health? Susan Finch poses this vital question to her guest, customer intelligence expert Laura Patterson, in this episode. Laura spotlights critical yet overlooked metrics beyond sales and profit — brand equity and customer value. These interlinked measures provide unparalleled visibility into your company’s ability to attract, retain, and expand customer relationships over time. According to Patterson, savvy executives harness these advanced analytics to steer product innovation, segment customers precisely, model business impacts, and ultimately make decisions that accelerate growth. Connecting the dots between these additional metrics and concrete outcomes gives you the power to future-proof your organization amid disruption. Will you lead with expanded metrics to propel competitive advantage? The insights in this episode equip you to do so. The intro focuses on the bottom-line benefits of the discussed metrics for CEOs and uses Laura Patters

  • Runway to Lift-Off: Rapid Product Launch

    18/01/2024 Duration: 35min

    Do you have a revolutionary business idea but struggle with bringing it to market? Have you invested significant time and money into a product with no traction? As an entrepreneur and inventor at heart, Sushee Perumal has been in your shoes. After exiting his prior role, he was inspired to launch Flight Level 180 to provide startups and founders the capabilities in technology, marketing, and sales required to accelerate getting products from idea to market fit. In this episode, learn Sushee’s framework around alignment, rapid iterations using customer feedback, finding shortcuts, and execution to take your innovative ideas into winning products customers love. As Sushee says, “Leaders are learners,” so be prepared to have your mind opened to a new way to approach product-market validation. If you have an insatiable curiosity for what’s possible in business, you’ll discover game-changing insights from this inventive leader and certified pilot. Links from this episode: Sushee Perumal on LinkedIn FlightLevel180.

  • Stories Forge Trust, Vulnerability Connects People

    04/01/2024 Duration: 24min

    Communication skills are invaluable yet often overlooked. In this episode, Susan sits down with Matt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing Inc. He's an established podcaster and marketing leader. They discuss practical ways we can become better communicators by creating and sharing our stories. They explore how opening up builds connection and trust—when we lead with vulnerability, we grant others permission to do the same. The resulting environment fosters mutual understanding between all personality types, whether analytic experts or creative collaborators. Matt and Susan examine how to reframe experiences from our past into bite-sized stories that offer wisdom. Gathering these over time not only boosts our own confidence but allows us to celebrate shared experiences with others. The ability to craft compelling stories makes communicating easier and more effective. This speaks volumes to HR facilitating healthier office cultures. Ultimately, honing our storytelling skills allows us to bridge divides and bond

  • The Digital Handoff: Digital Asset Transitions for Your Organization

    21/12/2023 Duration: 15min

    Have you ever volunteered your time to lead a professional organization or community group, only to face a tangled transition handing everything over to your successor? Between forgotten passwords, outdated contact lists, and confusing file permissions, it's enough digital chaos to make you want to resign on the spot! Well, take a deep breath and lean in. In this episode, we'll untangle the mystery of smooth leadership transitions when it comes to your online assets. With empathy, humor, and hard-won experience, I’ll share practical tips to make passing the digital torch simple and stress-free. You’ll learn how to clean your organization's digital house, tighten permissions, and set up role-based access so you can seamlessly log out and let capable new hands log in. Consider this your guide to gracefully logging off so your organization can thrive far into the future. Now, let’s get you transitioned out of that role without any fuss or digital dust! Questions? Contact me: or on LinkedIn:

  • Career Conversations That Drive Engagement and Success

    31/10/2023 Duration: 27min

    What if we viewed every employee as having untapped potential waiting to be uncovered?  Russell Kern joins Susan in this episode to discuss how shifting to strength-based coaching can profoundly transform organizations and lives. Through focusing regular conversations on nurturing strengths, managers become empowering partners in their employees' career journeys. Employees feel recognized for their unique abilities and supported to grow as individuals. Imagine the ripple effects across teams and companies when people are passionate about using their natural strengths daily. The data is clear - strength-based coaching boosts engagement, productivity, profits, and retention. They would like to hammer home that it is time to stop focusing on profits and focus on people. We hire PEOPLE to work with us for 30% of our lives. The strengths revolution starts with believing in human capabilities and caring deeply about enabling every individual to thrive. Get tips on how small changes by managers can unlock tremendous

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