Live From Love



Life Coach Amanda Louder works primarily with LDS (Mormon) women, helping them to be confident, happy, empowered, and find peace as they choose to stay in their marriage or decide that their relationship is complete.


  • Episode 59 - Self Regulation

    07/06/2019 Duration: 18min

    Do you often feel out of control of your emotions and actions?  Do you feel like you are at the mercy of what is going on around you?  Self-regulation is an important skill that we are often missing in our lives.  So what is self-regulation? How do I do it and how can it benefit me?  How will regulating myself help my marriage?  Find out how in this week’s podcast episode. Play in a new window Download Show Summary: Coming Soon!

  • Episode 58 - How To Create An Amazing Marriage

    31/05/2019 Duration: 13min

    Want to know the secrets of how to have an amazing marriage?  In this episode, we discuss the 4 things you need to do to create the marriage you’ve always wanted. (spoiler: it doesn’t involve the other person changing at all!) Play in a new window Download

  • Episode 57 - Believing New Thoughts

    24/05/2019 Duration: 14min

    A belief is just a thought you’ve practiced a lot.  It’s one you accept as truth.  But you can choose to believe whatever you want about yourself, your life, and our marriage.  Find out how to believe a new thought, even if it seems impossible! Play in a new window Download

  • Episode 56 - Involuntary Thoughts

    17/05/2019 Duration: 13min

    Do you have weird and crazy thoughts pop into your head?  Guess what?  You’re normal!  Everyone has them! But what are you making them mean when you have those thoughts?  Are you taking them personally? Are you believing them?  What should do you do about those pesky thoughts that just keep coming up? Play in a new window Download Show Notes: Enter my 40th Birthday Giveaway Here!

  • Episode 55 - The “What If” Game

    10/05/2019 Duration: 13min

    Are you are your children often worried or have anxiety about things to come?  In this episode, we talk about a little game I like to play that helps your brain see there is nothing to worry about after all. Play in a new window Download

  • Episode 54 - How To Have A Great Mother’s Day

    03/05/2019 Duration: 12min

    Do you dread Mother’s Day? Do you end up feeling disappointment, guilt, or shame?  Or does it remind you of what you do not have?  In this episode, we will discuss how you can have a great Mother’s Day no matter your situation. Play in a new window Download

  • Episode 53 - Making Decisions

    26/04/2019 Duration: 22min

    Do you have a hard time making decisions?  Do you waffle back and forth? Do you not trust yourself to make good decisions?  In this episode we will discuss HOW to make a decision, why you make the decisions you do, and how to be confident in your decisions. Play in a new window Download Show Notes:

  • Episode 52 - Celebrating Year One

    19/04/2019 Duration: 16min

    52 weeks of podcasting! I’m really excited about this milestone.  It’s been such an amazing year and I am so proud of the work that I’ve done. For this episode, listeners have called in left a message letting me and the rest of the audience know some of their favorite episodes or things that they have learned from the podcast. Thank you for all of the love and support and I can’t wait to see what comes in the next 52 episodes! Play in a new window Download Show Notes: Thank you so everyone who left me a voicemail!

  • Episode 51 - Curiosity

    12/04/2019 Duration: 16min

    Do you find yourself saying “I don’t know” a lot?  Do you feel like you are often confused?  When you don’t know the answer turn to the feeling of curiosity! Curiosity is the opposite of confusion.  It opens up your mind to new possibilities.  What would be possibly in your marriage if you were more curious? Play in a new window Download Show Notes: Don't forget to leave me a voicemail and let me know how the podcast had helped you and your marriage.  What was your "a-ha" moment?"  Your message can be anonymous or you can leave your name and where you are from.  It can be short or a few minutes long!  I will air some of them on my 1-year anniversary episode next week! (385) 424-1032

  • Episode 50 - Developing a Better Relationship with Yourself

    05/04/2019 Duration: 15min

    What is your relationship with yourself?  That inner dialogue.  Do you speak positively to and about yourself?  Or is it pretty negative?  In this podcast, we are talking about how we can develop a better relationship with ourselves.  It’s all just a matter of how we choose to think. Don't forget to leave me a voicemail and let me know how the podcast had helped you and your marriage.  What was your "a-ha" moment?"  Your message can be anonymous or you can leave your name and where you are from.  It can be short or a few minutes long!  I will air some of them on my 1-year anniversary episode in a few weeks! (385) 424-1032.  

  • Episode 49 - The Victim Mentality

    29/03/2019 Duration: 11min

    Are you stuck in a victim mentality? Often times we don’t even realize that when we complain and blame others for how we think and feel we are giving away our own power and putting yourself in a victim role.  What does that look like and how can we change it? Find out on this week’s episode.  

  • Episode 48 - When Things Don’t Go As Planned

    22/03/2019 Duration: 14min

    I think most people have a plan for their life and their marriage.  But what happens when things don’t go according to plan? What if things completely fall apart? What can we choose to think and believe about our life when things are so different than what we wanted.  Find out more on this week’s episode.   “Promptings or Me - Recognizing The Spirit’s Voice” by Kevin Hinckley.    Call in your "a-ha" moment and leave a voicemail!  (385) 424-1032.

  • Episode 47 - The Higher Desire Partner

    15/03/2019 Duration: 18min

    Are you the higher desire partner in your relationship? In this episode, we discuss strategies to help you build the intimate relationship with your spouse that you’ve always wanted. Play in a new window Download Show Summary: Today we are going to talk about being the higher-desire partner in your marriage.  In Episode 34 we discussed sex and intimacy coming more from the lower-desire partner perspective.  I believe that it is so important for each one of us to cultivate that connection and desire for ourselves within our marriage and I go a lot more in depth on that in Episode 34.   Higher Desire Partners   So today I wanted to address the opposite - what if you are the higher desire partner in your marriage?  Today we are going be focusing again on the higher desire partner for sex and intimacy, but there is usually a higher desire partner in a lot of aspects of marriage, not just sex.  If a partner desires something more than another partner then they are the higher desire partner.   Right now

  • Episode 46 - You’ll Find Exactly What You Are Looking For

    08/03/2019 Duration: 14min

    What are you looking for in your marriage and in your spouse? Are you looking for the good or are you just noticing all the bad?  Did you know your brain will find evidence of whatever it is you are looking for? Find out more on this week’s podcast. Play in a new window Download Show Summary: Let’s talk about our brain a little bit. If you’ve listened to other episodes, these concepts will be familiar to you, but let’s just talk about them again. Our brain is constantly taking in information. Dr. Joseph Dispenza says that the brain processes 400 Billion bits of information a second. Isn’t that incredible? 400 Billion! But then it has to sort through all of that information for what is RELEVANT for us. ( Our brain is constantly looking for evidence to prove what we think about something or someone is right. Our brains love to be right. They would rather be right about something, that to have to expend the energy to try and think differently. So our brai

  • Episode 45 - Reacting vs. Responding

    01/03/2019 Duration: 09min

    Often we react to situations in a split second.  We are not even conscious of the thoughts that drive our feelings and actions and we react to a situation poorly.  In this episode, you will learn how to respond to a situation instead of reacting to get better results in your life.     Play In A New Window Download   . . Show Notes: Reacting vs. Responding   Show Summary: Let’s talk about reacting vs. responding.  Some people use these words interchangeably, but I think there is a big difference between the two. Reaction A reaction happens in a split second.  It’s driven by an unconscious thought and it’s usually based on thoughts we tend to think over and over and over. Most often our reactions (since they come from not thoughts you aren’t thinking on purpose) don’t take into consideration the long term effects of what you do or say.  It might turn out okay, but often a reaction is something you regret later. Response A response on the other hand, usually comes more slowly.  A response usually comes from be

  • Episode 44 - Judgment & Criticism

    22/02/2019 Duration: 16min

    So many of us are afraid of judgment or criticism from others.  We hold ourselves back from doing great things in our lives for fear of being judged.  judgment from friends, family, spouses, even complete strangers?  Why do we feel judged?  Most of the time it’s a story we make up in our heads based on our insecurities.  But what about when they actually say it? What do you do? In this podcast, we will address what judgment and criticism are, and what to do when you do feel you are being judged by others.   Play In A New Window Download     Show Summary: I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts the other day and the person being interviewed said her mom used to tell her when she felt she was being judged that “People don’t actually think about you as much as you think they do.”  Which is so true.  But…if you are feeling judged, this episode is for you.  So let’s get started. I have a lot of clients that feel judged by other people.  They feel judged by their spouse, they feel judged by their family, pa

  • Episode 43 - Needing Validation

    15/02/2019 Duration: 13min

    Wanting validation from our spouse is pretty normal.  We want to feel loved, desired, and validated by the person we love most.   Why do we want that?  Why do we want anything? We want something because of how we think it will make us feel when we get it.  But feeling validated, worthy, and loved is available to you all the time without them ever having to say a word. When we understand who we are and our unchanging worth, needing outside validation is no longer something we need or crave.         Play In A New Window Download

  • Episode 42 - Unconditional Love

    08/02/2019 Duration: 15min

    We don’t love other people because they deserve it, we love others because love feels amazing.  It’s a gift we give ourselves.     Play In A New Window Download

  • Episode 41 - Am I Being Abused?

    01/02/2019 Duration: 18min

    Some people want to be seen as victims so they claim they are abused. Others refuse to see the abuse because they don’t want to be a victim or they think the behavior is normal.  So what is abuse? We will discuss it in detail in this episode.       Play In A New Window Download Show Notes: Spiritual Abuse

  • Episode 40 - Boundaries

    25/01/2019 Duration: 13min

    Healthy boundaries promote self-responsibility and empowerment.  And while we may be afraid that boundaries separate us from others, they really do quite the opposite.  They lead us to closer relationships with others.  In this podcast, learn what a healthy boundary looks like and when to set one.     Play In A New Window Download . .

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