Prepping Academy



Prepping Academy Radio Show is a live broadcast where we discuss all things prepping, survival, self-reliance and where preppers unite. Our Goal at The Prepping Academy Radio Show is to expand your thinking & motivate you to take action because its time that we get prepared.The central focus of our online academy is a set of guided courses that takes you from a state of being totally unprepared to the the ultimate goal of not having to depend on any store, any government, or any grid. The Prepping Academy is built upon core prepping principles. Through the academy you will learn how to adapt the training we provide to your unique situation. All levels of preppers are welcome to join us. Visit us at


  • Buy your prepping supplies with your IRA or 401K

    03/12/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    Buy your prepping supplies with your IRA and 401K.Welcome to “The Prepping Academy.” This week’s upcoming show for Friday December 2nd, 2016 Forrest and Kyle will be having guest Ross Powell on the show. Ross operates Survival 401k and will be with us to discuss the condition of the economy and how you can use your IRA and 401k to invest in your future as well as your survival.The first part of the hour our host will be covering the conspiracy theory of the week. We will warn you up front this is not a conspiracy for the faint of heart. Recent discoveries from this the Podesta Wikileaks’s emails have unveiled a new scandal, “Pizza Gate.” According to investigators there is a hidden code within the emails between notable politicians which implicates them in a child sex trafficking ring. While this is not concrete, the evidence is very compelling and we feel it’s important to bring it to light so people can do their own research. According to most recent reports the powers that be are already trying to cover th

  • Top 20 things to buy a Prepper for Christmas!

    26/11/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    Welcome to “The Prepping Academy.” The upcoming Show for Friday November 25, 2016 is going to be a show you don’t want to miss. It’s that time of year again. The holiday chaos, food, family, road rage, and the one question that plagues us all: what do you buy for the Prepper who has everything? We’ll also be getting some tips from Kyle on how to survive the holiday madness.It’s incredibly difficult shopping for preppers. Mainly because we’re already so self sufficient and stay on top of new items to make our lives easier. So this Friday we’ll be discussing Forrest and Kyle’a top 10 choices for prepper Christmas gift ideas. That will include items for all ages and expertise levels. Everything from shelter, gadgets, weapons, and some reading material suggestions.If that’s not enough Forrest and Kyle will also be discussing recent warnings from the FBI about remaining vigilant during this holiday season. What does that exactly mean? Are ISIS or other domestic terror groups really planning to attack us over the h

  • The Prepping Academy - America voted, How to prepare for the Election Results.

    12/11/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    America voted, How to prepare for the Election Results.Welcome to “The Prepping Academy.” We hope you have had a good week. More importantly, this is written on the Saturday before the show; so we hope the world has not descended in to post election chaos. In the event that it has you probably won’t be listening. If are listening and the nation is rioting we hope you are at your bug out location or in a bunker somewhere.This election has been one of the most historic in the lifespan of our nation. The forces of good and evil are clearly battling. Hillary has utilized special interest, Wall Street, media, and all things corrupt. While Trump’s blunt behavior and loud demeanor has been off putting to many Americans. Though the brainwashed masses on entitlements would never vote for anything other than status quo. This election could have swayed any which way.Early on there have been reports of voter fraud, illegal immigrants being bused in, and even voting machines that magically change your vote. Clearly some t

  • The Prepping Academy - Water Is Life!

    05/11/2016 Duration: 01h47s

    This week on the “The Prepping Academy” Forrest and Kyle are going to be discussing one of the most important aspects of prepping, water. It is a life giving fundamental we take for granted every day. Whether you’re at home or work you always have ease of access to it. What happens though when the power goes out and water no longer flows from you tap? Access to freshwater supplies is becoming an urgent matter across the planet. How much water should you have? Do you know where to locate water, how to purify, sanitize, create, and store it? These are all things we will be covering. Be sure to take notes because we’ll be covering some very interesting tricks you’ll want to retain.Some elites, like Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck have been quoted as saying “Water is not a human right.” The Bush family back in 2005 and 2006 visited and eventually bought rights (over 300,000 acres) to the world’s largest water aquifer in South America. So if the elites are buying up water and not considering it a human right shouldn’t yo

  • Personal Mindset w/ Franklin Horton

    29/10/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    This week on “The Prepping Academy” Forrest and Kyle are going to be joined by Franklin Horton. Franklin lives and works from the mountains of southwestern Virginia. He’s a husband, father, and passionate outdoor enthusiast. His works include “Ashes of the Unspeakable,” “The Borrowed World,” and “Locker Nine.” Regardless of where you begin, his books are sure to help you evaluate your personal mindset and motivate your prepping. His works are considered post-apocalyptic, dystopian, and thriller fiction which all have excellent online reviews.If you’re new to the “The Prepping Academy” pleasure be sure to check out our homepage To listen LIVE on Friday nights at 9PM EST join us at Currently there is a drawing for some great prizes just for signing up for the newsletter. We don’t spam your inbox, ask for money, or personal information. Being signed up for the newsletter simply gets you added to our email list for news on important guest, upcoming shows, and a

  • Alan Kay Season One Winner “Alone”

    22/10/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    Join Forrest and Kyle on this special show with an amazing guest. We skipped Kyle’s Conspiracy of the Week to maximize the interview. During a recent trip to Prepper Camp, Forrest was able to meet a lot of interesting folks. And he even managed to convince a few in to being on the show. This guest needs little introduction if you’ve ever watched the History channel series “Alone.” He was the first season’s winner, Alan Kay. If you’re not familiar with “Alone” it is a must for any Prepper. Contestants are dropped on Vancouver Island with limited tools, little resources, and plenty of challenges.Alan Kay is a Georgia native, passionate outdoorsman, and well trained in combative arts. He’s also studied medicinal plants and tactical medical response. During his time competing on the show Alan had limited resources. The 10 items he was allowed to carry were a: Saw, Axe, Sleeping bag, Large 2-quart pot, ferro rod, water bottle/canteen, 300 yards single filament line with 25 assorted hooks, small gauge gill net, 3.5

  • The Prepper Mindset on the Prepping Academy

    15/10/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    This discussion is about the most important prep any individual can use. Your mind. Over the past 15 years I’ve personally gone through several significant changes with my mindset. At one point, despite being raised around guns and shooting from age 5, I wanted absolutely no part in owning a firearm. Fast forward several years and I began to see them not as weapons, but as tools in the protection of my life, liberty, and and family.Forrest and I often come across preppers on a regular basis whom we refer to as “highly interested.” While we are always happy to talk to a fellow prepper it’s important to know that an interested prepper is often a liability when compared with a motivated prepper. What category do you fall? Ask yourself a really simple question. Is prepping a hobby or a lifestyle? Speaking for myself, and I know many others, my family and I have made prepping a dedicated way of life. We’ve sacrificed vacations, extra luxuries, and even savings to make sure we’re well prepared for a number of circu

  • Economic Collapse… How to prepare for it.

    08/10/2016 Duration: 57min

    Many Preppers define their preps and mind set by the catastrophe which they are preparing for. It’s safe to say one of the most concerning scenarios is that of economic collapse. With everything in the news this past week about the Deutsche Bank, the 9/11 Bill against Saudi Arabia, and the elections it’s probably as good a time as any to discuss this. You’ve probably read a plethora of articles discussing gold and silver. Unfortunately no one can say what an economic collapse of this proportion would look like. So what can you do to prepare?There are two types of economic collapse you can prepare for. The first is the sudden collapse. A lot of authors theorize this event kicking off with immediate bank runs, a credit system shutdown, and the raiding of stores. Honestly, that’s likely the ideal collapse. Preppers would likely have plenty of time to get to their bug out locations, pack their preps, board up their house, and so on. That brings us to the worst scenario. The frog in the pot. The slow economic coll

  • Prepper Camp 2016 Recap

    01/10/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    Join Forrest and Kyle this Friday as they discuss “Prepper Camp.” A few weekends ago Forrest was live from Prepper Camp on the first night. Prepper Camp is national event, held in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, and located in a campground venue that allows you to experience preparedness information, survival skills, and camp-craft activities like no other preparedness conference.The first half of the show Forrest will be sharing his experience, discussing the classes, speakers, and networking. They had some excellent speakers that we’ll be having join us on upcoming shows. We will have Chin Gibson, a member of the Carolina Preppers Network call in and share his first time experience of Prepper Camp 2016.  Chin is an average Joe who prepped for hurricanes after moving to the Carolina coast and now is learning to be more self-reliant.The second half of the show Kyle and Forrest discuss this past weekends events in NYC, NJ, and Minnesota. Also the recent surge in immigration throughout the United St

  • Prepping Academy on the Riots in Charlotte, N. C.

    24/09/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    Discussing the mounting tension between police and protesters; as well has having a live interview in player below with Charlotte Mecklenburg’s District 5 county commissioner Matthew Ridenhour.This last week Keith Lamont Scott was shot and killed by a CMPD officer. All initial reports from the police report claim that Scott has a firearm and was not complying with officers orders. A video of the events was released by the family early Friday, but the location of the gun is not easily observed in this video. Scott’s family maintains a position of innocence and is trying to demonize the events a protest did take place. Initial elements of the protest were peaceful. Unfortunately a small, but growing fraction of that element broke off and turned to violence. police department as we’ve seen nationwide.Like with many of these Within hours the looting of a local Walmart, random attacks on whites, blocking of major highways, and deployment of the police occurred. Police engaged what the media calls “protesters” with

  • Live from Prepper Camp 2016, Saluda, NC

    17/09/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    From Prepper Camp this week Forrest calls in directly from Saluda, North Carolina while attending “Prepper Camp.” Connections are good and we discuss a variety of topics and  speak with a few attendees and other speakers. This is a yearly event put on by Rick Austin and Survivor Jane. You may remember Survivor Jane as being our very first guest on air. Events like these are few and far between around the USA. These folks don’t make a great amount of money off these events and they do a tremendously great job of emulating what prepping is truly about. Being prepared and helping others. As a long time prepper I can tell you first hand events like this are essential to our community.If you have never had the opportunity to attend “Prepper Camp” it’s something worth while to look in to. Forrest will be bringing back interviews filled with lots of great information and more details. A lot of major names in prepping attend this meeting of the minds to help people prepare. If you want to know more about it check out

  • Bug Out Bags, Get Home Bags and EDC

    10/09/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    On this live broadcast of The Prepping Academy join Forrest and Kyle as they discuss: everyday carry items, get home bags, and bug out bags. These are literally the backbone of prepping. The items you carry with you can literally make or break your future! Simple items like a bottle opener, lighter, pocket knife, wallet tool cards, etc. are important to have, but there are a lot of items out there now that, being honest, are a waste of money.If you’re new to prepping you may be asking, “What’s EDC (Everyday Carry), a get home bag, or a bug out bag?” These are not universal and will be as unique as your fingerprint. Everyday carry items will be things like your: wallet, keys, pocket knife, lighter, fire steel, water bottle with purifier, cash, pistol with extra magazines, etc. These are items always on your body, or in your pockets. Think about your daily task, job, and environment. What items should you be carrying that can make your life easier and also help you in case of an emergency?Your “get home bag” is

  • Prepper Groups, Build it and they will come!

    03/09/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    Preppers live a secret life and most want to keep it that way but others would love to meet other preppers and share their prepping knowledge, ideas and experiences. You can see the value in a team of people who share the common goal of survival and you realize the wisdom in pooling your resources with a group of individuals who are able to mutually benefit each other in a time of crisis.There is strength in numbers so a larger survival group is going to be able to do more. With more people you have more ideas, more resources, more skills, more intuition, perspective and wisdom. The only problem is how to find other preppers near you without possibly ruining any OPSEC you have tried to maintain or by looking desperate.On this episode of The Prepping Academy Forrest Garvin and Kyle discuss how to start an area group. Why you should act fast. Don’t confuse these groups with a MAG/Survival group but they might grow into that over time. This is almost a build it, and they will come plan.We discuss how Forrest cre

  • Intro to Prepping 101 - Part 3

    27/08/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    Thank you for tuning in to listen to “The Prepping Academy.” We’ve had some amazing guest the past two weeks. If you missed out on our shows with “Survivor Jane” and “Skinny Medic” be sure to head over to the prepping academy to listen to the archived shows. The two of them were able to share with us a wealth of information and also their personal experiences that led them to become preppers.Prior to that Forrest and Kyle had been covering their “Prepping 101” series. This series is intended for newcomers and veteran preppers. If you’ve just started it will be an excellent guide to evaluating what steps you need to be taking from two long time preppers with more than 30 years combined experience. If you’re a vetern prepper our hope is that you’ll listen to evaluate your preps and maybe we’ll be able to shed some light on some weaker areas.When we last left off we had covered up to the first 120 days of your prepping journey. As with the first two sections of the series we will be covering purchases, training

  • Medical Prepping Needs with Special Guest Skinny Medic!

    20/08/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    When it comes to prepping there are a lot of unknowns. Almost always Preppers tend to be known as self sufficient. What are the things you can’t prepare for on your own? Self analyzing is just as important as evaluating the existential threats we see everyday around us. So for a moment ask yourself a few real questions. Can you treat a bullet wound? Apply a tourniquet? Treat an infection? Do you know how to properly move an injured person with a potential spinal injury?Every prepper knows the basics: food, water, and shelter. In a perfect world that may be all you need. What happens when things aren’t so perfect? Family and friends may have to look to you when there are no longer medical services. In just about every grid down scenario medical services will cease. Social unrest could prevent you from reaching your destination. So what have you done to get your medical needs in order? Have you evaluated your personal health? Get these things done now! Above all, start learning the skills you’ll need in case of

  • Survivor Jane on The Prepping Academy

    13/08/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    Jane is city-girl turned prepper/homesteader after moving to the Appalachian Mountains from the metropolitan city of Orlando. She is the creator and editor of the disaster survival and preparedness website HERE .Her mission is to help educate people on how to better prepare themselves by sharing her experiences and research in an easy to understand, straight-forward manner on various preparedness topics. As an additional outreach, Jane also created the hashtag #PrepperTalk resulting in the Largest Prepper Community forum on Twitter therefore bringing people from all over the world together to discuss all things “preparedness”.After noticing what seemed to be a lack on the focus of personal hygiene and cleanliness in preparedness planning, Jane authored the book “Where There is No Cosmetic Counter” and it’s first revision, “Survivor Jane’s Guide to:Emergency/Survival Hygiene – A Prepper Cookbook on Making Survival Hygiene Products. She is a contributor to National Geographic Channel’s Doomsday Preppers blogTV

  • Family Emergency Planning

    06/08/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    In today’s world we are always connected. Cell phones, computers, and social media are almost always within our reach. This ease of access also comes with ease of mind. With a few swipes you can see where your children, wife, and even friends are. It’s not hard to see how people have become complacent and reliant in a world where emergency services are always a button away. What happens though if all of that is taken away?I’ve often said the sign of true prepper is one that practices scenarios in their mind. Imagine for a moment any variety of scenarios that could leave you without communications: natural disasters, EMP, terror attack and subsequent overloading of the communications grid, or even something as simple as losing power.Where is your spouse? Your children? How can you get to them? Will they stay put, or travel out trying to find help? Personally, I can imagine this would bring me a great amount of anxiety. So what would the USA look like if we all lost communications at the same time? Chaos. It te

  • Intro to Prepping 101 - Part 2

    30/07/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    Tune in as Forrest and Kyle continue with their “Intro To Prepping 101” series. This week they will cover days 60 to 120 in a new preppers journey. Please listen to last week’s podcast for class one, the first 60 days. This series covers items to purchase, skills training and mindset.Intro To Prepping 101 will provide a broad overview of topics related to food, water, heat, shelter, defense, and self-preservation. Taking the time to develop your plans and preparations unique to your needs now will reduce your everyday stress and increase your ability to not only sustain and thrive, but also help others. This class is a twelve hour course the Academy offers to both beginner and experienced Preppers. It will take someone through a step-by-step process to become a well-prepared prepper.Though “Intro To Prepping 101” is skill and gear focused, we at the Prepper Academy believe mindset is paramount. Without the proper mindset many would be Preppers will find themselves overwhelmed, paranoid, and potentially a dang

  • Intro to Prepping – 101

    23/07/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    On this episode Forrest and Kyle begin their “Intro To Prepping 101” series. We’ll also hear more on why they became Preppers and reasons you should too! Whether you’ve been a prepper since the Cuban Missile Crisis, or just started this is a can’t miss opportunity to cover your bases….and windows.“Intro To Prepping 101” will provide a broad overview of topics related to food, water, heat, shelter, defense, and self-preservation. Taking the time to develop your plans and preparations unique to your needs now will reduce your everyday stress and increase your ability to not only sustain and thrive, but also help others. This class is a twelve hour course the Academy offers to both beginner and experienced Preppers. It will take someone through a step-by-step process to become a well-prepared prepper.Though “Intro To Prepping 101” is skill and gear focused we at the Prepper Academy believe mindset is paramount. Without the proper mindset many would be Preppers will find themselves overwhelmed, paranoid, and pote

  • Prepping Academy Radio Show “Premier” first live show!

    16/07/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    The Prepping Academy Radio Show is a radio show devoted to a wide variety of preparedness, survival, self-reliance and personal defense topics. The show is for listeners who want to protect themselves and their family from seen and unseen disasters that could occur in the future. With that in mind, The Prepping Academy will do anything we can to motivate people, share lessons we have learned, provide a platform for others to speak out about preparedness topics and to share their own personal experiences. Join us this week as Forrest Garvin introduces you to The Prepping Academy and his 16-year preparedness journey.In this first Live Show, Garvin discusses his preparedness journey and what’s in future for The Prepping Academy Radio Show.Forrest Garvin is a former US Air Force Airman who served with the 317 MAC and JSOC SOLLII out of Pope Air Force Base. After leaving the military, Forrest worked in the technology field as a Web Master for Nations Bank and then went on to create several technology startups. For

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