Prepping Academy

Family Emergency Planning



In today’s world we are always connected. Cell phones, computers, and social media are almost always within our reach. This ease of access also comes with ease of mind. With a few swipes you can see where your children, wife, and even friends are. It’s not hard to see how people have become complacent and reliant in a world where emergency services are always a button away. What happens though if all of that is taken away?I’ve often said the sign of true prepper is one that practices scenarios in their mind. Imagine for a moment any variety of scenarios that could leave you without communications: natural disasters, EMP, terror attack and subsequent overloading of the communications grid, or even something as simple as losing power.Where is your spouse? Your children? How can you get to them? Will they stay put, or travel out trying to find help? Personally, I can imagine this would bring me a great amount of anxiety. So what would the USA look like if we all lost communications at the same time? Chaos. It te