Prepping Academy

Economic Collapse… How to prepare for it.



Many Preppers define their preps and mind set by the catastrophe which they are preparing for. It’s safe to say one of the most concerning scenarios is that of economic collapse. With everything in the news this past week about the Deutsche Bank, the 9/11 Bill against Saudi Arabia, and the elections it’s probably as good a time as any to discuss this. You’ve probably read a plethora of articles discussing gold and silver. Unfortunately no one can say what an economic collapse of this proportion would look like. So what can you do to prepare?There are two types of economic collapse you can prepare for. The first is the sudden collapse. A lot of authors theorize this event kicking off with immediate bank runs, a credit system shutdown, and the raiding of stores. Honestly, that’s likely the ideal collapse. Preppers would likely have plenty of time to get to their bug out locations, pack their preps, board up their house, and so on. That brings us to the worst scenario. The frog in the pot. The slow economic coll