Prepping Academy



Prepping Academy Radio Show is a live broadcast where we discuss all things prepping, survival, self-reliance and where preppers unite. Our Goal at The Prepping Academy Radio Show is to expand your thinking & motivate you to take action because its time that we get prepared.The central focus of our online academy is a set of guided courses that takes you from a state of being totally unprepared to the the ultimate goal of not having to depend on any store, any government, or any grid. The Prepping Academy is built upon core prepping principles. Through the academy you will learn how to adapt the training we provide to your unique situation. All levels of preppers are welcome to join us. Visit us at


  • Survival Medicine with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy!

    13/05/2017 Duration: 01h22s

    Survival Medicine with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy!Welcome to “The Prepping Academy.” This week we’re going to be joined by special guest Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy. That’s right, from “The Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Hour.” Together they have written “The Survival Medicine Handbook.” Dr. Alton also has a New York Times Bestseller “The Ebola Survival Handbook.” The two are mentioned, or sources by several other authors on their works.Beginning the hour, just like every other week, we’ll partake in “Kyle’s Conspiracy of The Week.” This week we’re going to be talking about things that you know, but you don’t really know. What? Have you ever heard of the “Mandela Effect?” The conclusions of this theory range from time traveling tampering with history to super hadron colliders creating alternate universes. The most frightening part of this conspiracy? Kyle is going to demonstrate it for you. Prepare to have your mind messed with.Prepping had so many avenues, skills, and tactics to learn that someone could spend two

  • Essential Prepper Gear and your Money

    06/05/2017 Duration: 59min

    Welcome to “The Prepping Academy.” Join us live this Friday as we talk about essential Prepper gear. In the Prepper community there seems to be two prevailing purchasing strategies for gear. Buy cheap and buy often, or buy once cry once. Some Preppers buy some of the absolute cheapest gear possible from sites like Aliexpress and buy as many as duplicates as they can. Others do a ton of research and buy high end.As with every show, we’ll begin with Kyle’s conspiracy of the week. This week he’ll be diving in to a little bit of the paranormal. Demonic possession. It may sound crazy, but he’ll be discussing secret societies that are literally inviting demons in to our world, what their agenda is, why it matters, and what we can do about it. Even if you’re not a believer, it’s important to note some of the most evil individuals in the world are and this is what spurs their actions. “Know your enemy.” And no, this isn’t a Sun Tzu quote.The first thing Forrest and Kyle we’ll be breaking down is the basic “essentials

  • It's Time to Get your Preps in Order!

    29/04/2017 Duration: 58min

    Welcome to “The Prepping Academy.”This week on the show our host have a special message for you. Forrest and Kyle collectively have decades of prepping, firearms experience, training, and survival experience. That collective knowledge, experience, and research would like to say this: It is time to prepare.Do we mean it’s time to start prepping? No. It is time to be prepared. Get your affairs in order. The world economy, nations, and society are crashing and burning. You might not be the frog in the pot of boiling. You are!Indicators are all over the place. Global leaders and powers that be are pointing towards WW3 as a forgone conclusion. Economic signals are pointing towards a sudden drop second or third quarter. For crying out loud the rich are selling their stocks for gold and silver; if you’re not prepared today you are not paying attention.The first part of the show we’ll be tackling some current conspiracy theories with Kyle revolving around WW3. After that Forrest is going to be discussing his recent t

  • Cooking using the Sun & Planet X

    15/04/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    Welcome to The Prepping Academy. This next episode Forrest and Kyle are welcoming Paul Munsen, President of Sun Ovens, to the show. For the past 28 years SUN OVENS has been proudly made in the U.S. They believe in free enterprise and seek to take a private sector approach to helping solve problems, which are often left to governments and nonprofit organizations, by developing self-sustaining projects in Third World nations. They also strive to assist entrepreneurs to make and market GLOBAL SUN OVENS in the country in which they will be used. In addition, they are also helping to assist in implementing projects to help orphanages gain self-sufficiency through the sale of bakery goods sun-baked in VILLAGER SUN OVENS.In a grid down scenario Americans will be faced with a plethora of scenarios. A Sun Oven quite literally may save your life? How so you ask? For starters a Sun Oven emits up to85% less smoke than cooking with a flame. This can save you from respiratory disease, smoke inhalation the equivalent of a p

  • Ross from - Use your retirement money on prepping supplies

    08/04/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Buy your prepping supplies with your IRA and 401K.Welcome to “The Prepping Academy.” This week’s upcoming show for Friday December 2nd, 2016 Forrest and Kyle will be having guest Ross Powell on the show. Ross operates Survival 401k and will be with us to discuss the condition of the economy and how you can use your IRA and 401k to invest in your future as well as your survival.After that we will be diving head first in to economic chaos. Ross Powell will be helping us with some financial advice for the future and discussing how his services can help. Imagine being able to take your 401k and turn it in to physical assets such as: property, precious metals, ammo, guns, and freeze dried food. How much would that help you and your family?Contact us at preppingacademy.comJoin PrepperNet.Net - https://www.preppernet.netPrepperNet is an organization of like-minded individuals who believe in personal responsibility, individual freedoms and preparing for disasters of all origins.PrepperNet Support the showPlease give

  • Interactive Fun Prepper Night with the “Conflicted” card game

    01/04/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Coming up this week on “The Prepping  Academy” join host Forrest and Kyle for a little it of interactive fun. We’ll be taking a small break from all the regular programming to dig deeper in to the minds of the host by playing a little “Conflicted.If you’ve never heard of “Conflicted” it is a card game with a variety of emergency and Prepping scenarios. The objective of the game is to stimulate in depth conversations with family, friends, and potential members of a MAG group. Everyone listening is encouraged to join in on the chat room to contribute.This game is highly recommend for any level of Prepper. It will help you understand your personal morals and standards. It may also show you where you draw the line between the will to live and morality. Some people wouldn’t even go as far as eating their own household pet to survive. On the other hand some may look at their neighbors as food…… When it comes to establishing leadership this could be a useful tool to see who comes out as the most fit. Though it may a

  • The First 24 Hours

    25/03/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Welcome to “The Prepping Academy.” Coming up this week Forest and Kyle are going to be covering the age old Prepper questions: when do I bug out and what happens in the first 24 hours. Let’s just say that you are in for a reality check.Depending on the emergency you may or may not have a warning. An EMP would mean death for millions of Americans. Government studies estimate the majority of the US population would be dead within the first year of an EMP, or extended power supply failure. That means nearly 800,000 people dying around you every single day. It’s safe to assume most of those deaths would be early on.In some cases you may have little time to prepare, but some is better than none. A major concern for many is living in a city or area near a military base. What happens when martial law is declared. There’s a lot of speculation. Do you have hours, or even days to escape before martial takes place? We’ll provide some realistic perspective to this situation.Above all, we’ll be discussing the most importa

  • Prepper and Survival Skills: Avoid being tracked and know how to be the tracker

    18/03/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Prepper and Survival Skills: Avoid being tracked be the trackerJoin Forrest and Kyle as they discuss how to avoid being tracked and become the tracker.Today’s world presents a variety of privacy and security concerns. Data collection programs leave the majority of the public open to opportunistic criminals. Information could even be used against you without your knowledge. Fake social media accounts, comments, and financial information could even set you up for criminal charges. There are plenty of things you can do to avoid these issues, but what about the issues you can’t control? What happens when your own government profiles you based on keywords you use over the phone, email, or text and then they dictate the narrative? It can happen, has happened, and will happened again.This week’s topic is going to work within Kyle’s conspiracy theory. Depending on how long you’ve been prepping you may or may not have heard of the notorious “Red & Blue List.” Allegedly being on this list qualifies you for one of t

  • Bushcraft is a skill all Preppers and survivalist must have.

    11/03/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Coming up next week on “The Prepping Academy” Kyle and Forrest will be discussing bushcraft. Isn’t that for survivalist and mountain men? It’s for everybody! Learning bushcraft skills should be one of the fountains stones for your preparedness pyramid.Before we get in to the fun world of bushcraft we’ll by diving in to the mind of Kyle to discuss his conspiracy of the week. This week is going to get weird. Kyle is going to be talking about the coming uprising from artificial intelligence. There are many different faucets of life which AI can undermine. The job market, economics, and even military applications we’ve designed could be used against us.Now bushcraft for some may mean going out in to the woods and simply being able to build a shelter and start a fire. Those are handy skills to have, but what if we took away everything, left you on an island, and said we’d pick you up in six months? Guess what, you’re not surviving without some serious bushcraft skills. The first step to bushcraft is building your

  • Gardening for Preppers and Survivalist

    04/03/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Gardening for Preppers and Survivalist. There’s not a single good reason anyone could give for not building a seed bank. In the eventuality of a grid down scenario, or even unemployment, a seed bank could be life saving.Before Forrest and Kyle get in to gardening they’ll be going over “Kyle’s Conspiracy of the Week.” This week Kyle will be talking about mysterious deaths rarely appearing in mainstream media stories. What makes these death so mysterious it’s just the way these people died, but that there are clusters of people within the same professions dying.Jumping right in to gardening we’ll be talking about the basics first. How much land does a person need to grow food for the year? What kind of seeds should you be buying? Is there a right and wrong way to store you seeds? How much water, sun, and fertilizer do you need? What crops could you be growing as cash crops for bartering?Those are just a few questions you’ve probably been thinking about.From there Forrest and Kyle will be discussing gardening te

  • Best Guns for Preppers and Survivalist

    25/02/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    On “The Prepping Academy” join Forrest and Kyle as they talk guns for defense. As American diplomacy, politics, and society falls apart anyone with a sane mind should be considering owning a gun and preparing for a WROL (with rule of law) America. Heck, probably a few. Why a few? The simple fact is that guns are tools. If you’ve ever gardened you know that you wouldn’t use a flat shovel to plow; just like you wouldn’t use a broad fork to dig a well. So don’t go in to a gun shop with a mindset that “a gun is a gun.” And for the love of all that is holy and sane, do not buy a gun from the gun shop that tries to say a shotgun is the only weapon you need for home defense.With the view that every gun is a tool, Kyle and Forrest will be diving straight in to the best guns for a prepper. Personal recommendations and experience go a long way in this industry. The first tool we’ll be discussing is what some call their “main battle rifle.” This is typically an AR15, AK47, or a variant. Some folks may consider these wea

  • Body armor life saving tactical gear for preppers and survivalist.

    18/02/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Body armor life saving tactical gear for preppers and survivalist. Upcoming on “The Prepping Academy”. Hey guys and gals, coming up this week on “The Prepping Academy” we’re going to be covering fun life saving tactical gear. That’s right, we’ll be talking body armor.  We’ll be having a special guest Chad from Infidel Body Armor on this topic joining us for the show. Either way it’s going to be extremely informative and helpful in making you Armor and chest rig selection.Now in any SHTF scenario protection is a must. You wouldn’t play football without a helmet would you? So would you really go in to a potential gun battle without life saving armor? We should think not. Not all body armor is created equal. There are a ton of opinions. Some are lighter, but lack multi hit capabilities. Others have multi hit capabilities, but can weigh up to 10lbs per plate. So what’s the right choice? And if you’re getting armor you’ll need a plate carrier. What the heck is that and what works best?Once you get your armor and y

  • Urban Survival!

    11/02/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    Coming up on “The Prepping Academy” our host Forrest and Kyle are going to be discussing urban survival. You might be thinking to yourself this doesn’t apply to you. Let us assure you it does. Current statistics say that approximately 82% of the United States population lives in an “urban environment.” That number is projected to climb to nearly 90% by 2030.The average commute to and from work is 25.4 minutes. A car accident, stalled car, injured pedestrian, school bus, and weather can double that on a bad day. What happens though if those roads become impassable? Can you make it home by foot? What tools do you carry every day  to help you? Getting home is priority one. Forrest and Kyle will be discussing how this can be done while keeping a low profile.Now that you’ve made it home you need to think about survival. Maybe you live in a small bungalow, apartment, or studio with no land to grow on. So how exactly do you intend to provide for yourself, family, or friends. Kyle will be discussing some alternative

  • Force Multipliers for Preppers and Survivalist

    04/02/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    On “The Prepping Academy” Forrest and Kyle will be discussing force multipliers. If you’re not familiar with what these are this is going to be a good show to not only listen in on, but participate in the live chat and ask questions. The essence of a force multiplier is any tool or tactic that gives you the upper hand. It’s a very broad term and can encompass everything from gear to morale.This week Kyle will be touching on something that he’s a bit passionate about. Holocaust deniers and replacement theology. There is a strong agenda today by some to deny the Holocaust, and even WWII ever happened. This is done in order for some demographics to claim they are the real Jews or superior to others. You may never realize it’s there and how dangerous it is until it’s too late.Starting our force multiplier discussion we’ll be talking about some force multipliers you can take care of that cost you absolutely nothing. Mental preparation, map reading skills, land navigation, knowing how to read the weather, night tra

  • Inauguration, Rebellion, and Samuel Culper on Intel on The Prepping Academy

    21/01/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Welcome to “The Prepping Academy.” On this week’s show we will be changing up gears. Obviously January 20th is a much anticipated day. President Elect Trump will be sworn in and we will be saying farewell to President Obama. The months and weeks building up to this moment have been filled speculation.Leftist radicals like Michael Moore have been promising to orchestrate a 100 day rebellion against the incoming administration. We’ll be joined by Samuel Culper. Samuel is at the forefront of intelligence gathering for the prepper community. Samuel Culper is a former military intelligence NCO and contract intelligence analyst. He spent three years in Iraq and Afghanistan on intelligence missions, and now runs Forward Observer, a company that provides training and intelligence solutions for SHTF preparedness.Check out his web site at He will be covering the inauguration and giving us updates on any intel coming in regarding protest.For this week’s conspiracy theory of the week Kyle is going t

  • Winter Survival & Preparedness

    14/01/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Winter Survival & PreparednessWelcome to “The Prepping Academy.” Upcoming this week we’re going to be covering something essential for this time of year. Winter survival. Every year we hear about American’s going off the roads and getting stranded. Even worse, we hear about people freezing to death in their own homes because of lack of heat. There are also some advantages to the winter weather.Before that we’ll be jumping straight in to Kyle’s conspiracy theory of the week. At Forrest request Kyle will be covering something a little more mainstream. Deep unground military bases or DUMBS. What are they? Do they exist?The first segment we will be covering is traveling in snowy or icey conditions. Proper vehicle maintenance definitely comes in to play, but there are also essentials in addition to your get home bag that you should never travel with out. For example, traveling with two bags of kitty litter can save your life. Proper placement can add extra weight to your rear wheels for stabilization. And if y

  • The Prepping Academy - Predicting The Future!

    07/01/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Predicting The Future!Welcome to “The Preppig Academy.” This program in the player below is all about the future. That’s right, Forrest and Kyle predict the future. Well, kind of; you’ll have to stay alive and listen next year to see if they were right!It seems as though almost every New Year folks across the internet want to put out some predictions for what is coming. Of course, a lot of times people can be way off. Y2k, 2012, alien invasions, the list goes on and on. So if people are typically wrong are predictions still important to have? Absolutely! Walking in to anything without some planning and analysis is horribly irresponsible. The trick is to make sure you’re reading all the signs properly. So Forrest and Kyle will be providing a unique insight to the year you won’t be hearing from anyone else.In addition to the predictions our hosts will also be discussing goals for 2017. Now are these “New Years Resolutions?” Far from it. These are things that need to be done. The holidays are over. Time to evalu

  • Getting Your Family & Friends on Board with Prepping

    31/12/2016 Duration: 01h32s

    It’s that time of the year again. Your holiday shopping is finished, there’s nutmeg in the fridge, pies on the cooling rack, and presents to wrap. Your family has come in to town, or maybe you’ve driven 13 hours to visit them. Regardless, time with family should be treasured. So while you’re catching up and sharing memories you have a great opportunity to discuss Prepping. Assuming of course these are the relatives you want to survive.A lot of preppers live in a closet. Some take years to come out tofamily and friends. If you’re comfortable and confident in defending and explaining what you do, it’s time to share. Forrest and Kyle will be discussing their own personal experiences with opening up to family and friends about Prepping. This will include some great scenario questions to ask and reasons to quote to get the ball rolling.A common misconception is that discussing your preps destroys your OPSEC. So Forrest and Kyle will also be discussing setting boundaries within the discussion. So don’t let this opp

  • Interview with Rick Austin the Author of Secret Garden of Survival

    17/12/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    Join Forrest and Kyle LIVE on Friday's Nights at 9:00 pm est. During Forrest trip to Prepper Camp he was able to meet a lot of interesting folks. And he even managed to convince a few in to being on the show. This guest needs little introduction if you’ve ever seen the show “Doomsday Preppers,” or are familiar with “Suvivior Jane.” That right! Rick Austin will be joining us.Rick has a great book out that every Prepper should own. “Secret Garden of Survival” is the how to for planning your secret survival garden. How amazing would it be to plant your food, have it flourish, and remain completely out of sight from the anyone else? This is basically “Grey Man” theory for your veggies and simply brilliant.A lot of interviews might focus on “Doomsday Preppers” or the book. Forrest and Kyle do have some questions for Rick, but will be asking him more about his personal philosophy on prepping, mindset, and outlook for America’s future. As always, please be sure to listen at and join the

  • Prepping for SHTF scenarios with Angery American / Chris Weatherman - Author/TV

    10/12/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    This week’s upcoming show for November 18th, 2016 Forrest and Kyle will be interviewing author Chris Weatherman. Some folks may know Chris by another name though. Angery American. Chris is a successful author with more than a few novels under his belt. His “Going Home” series is a best seller and has many rave reviews online. Currently Chris lives with his family in Florida. He is an avid prepper and has been involved within that community since the early 90’s. He is well versed on medicinal plants and primitive survival skills.For the first part of the hour Forrest, Kyle, and Chris will be discussing a relatively new conspiracy that has popped up. This would be referring to the “Purple Revolution.” So join us for that as it directly pertains to the recent election results and what may be coming in America’s future.Now, on top of being a best selling author, Chris has also been on the History channels hit series “Alone.” So we will be briefly discussing his time on the show and getting his input on basic surv

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