Prepping Academy

Force Multipliers for Preppers and Survivalist



On “The Prepping Academy” Forrest and Kyle will be discussing force multipliers. If you’re not familiar with what these are this is going to be a good show to not only listen in on, but participate in the live chat and ask questions. The essence of a force multiplier is any tool or tactic that gives you the upper hand. It’s a very broad term and can encompass everything from gear to morale.This week Kyle will be touching on something that he’s a bit passionate about. Holocaust deniers and replacement theology. There is a strong agenda today by some to deny the Holocaust, and even WWII ever happened. This is done in order for some demographics to claim they are the real Jews or superior to others. You may never realize it’s there and how dangerous it is until it’s too late.Starting our force multiplier discussion we’ll be talking about some force multipliers you can take care of that cost you absolutely nothing. Mental preparation, map reading skills, land navigation, knowing how to read the weather, night tra