Prepping Academy

Inauguration, Rebellion, and Samuel Culper on Intel on The Prepping Academy



Welcome to “The Prepping Academy.” On this week’s show we will be changing up gears. Obviously January 20th is a much anticipated day. President Elect Trump will be sworn in and we will be saying farewell to President Obama. The months and weeks building up to this moment have been filled speculation.Leftist radicals like Michael Moore have been promising to orchestrate a 100 day rebellion against the incoming administration. We’ll be joined by Samuel Culper. Samuel is at the forefront of intelligence gathering for the prepper community. Samuel Culper is a former military intelligence NCO and contract intelligence analyst. He spent three years in Iraq and Afghanistan on intelligence missions, and now runs Forward Observer, a company that provides training and intelligence solutions for SHTF preparedness.Check out his web site at He will be covering the inauguration and giving us updates on any intel coming in regarding protest.For this week’s conspiracy theory of the week Kyle is going t