Prepping Academy



Prepping Academy Radio Show is a live broadcast where we discuss all things prepping, survival, self-reliance and where preppers unite. Our Goal at The Prepping Academy Radio Show is to expand your thinking & motivate you to take action because its time that we get prepared.The central focus of our online academy is a set of guided courses that takes you from a state of being totally unprepared to the the ultimate goal of not having to depend on any store, any government, or any grid. The Prepping Academy is built upon core prepping principles. Through the academy you will learn how to adapt the training we provide to your unique situation. All levels of preppers are welcome to join us. Visit us at


  • John Jacob Schmidt from AmRRON and Radio Free Redoubt

    13/12/2018 Duration: 01h38min

    This week on the Prepping Academy we have John Jacob Schmidt from AmRRON and Radio Free Redoubt   Founded in 2011, AmRRON was originally created as a communications network to keep communities and states within the American Redoubt connected in the event of a major disaster situation, or socio-economic collapse. Within a year, over half the members consisted of those living outside the American Redoubt. AmRRON has now grown to nearly four thousand radio operators, with members in every state, plus Puerto Rico and Canada. In January, 2014, AmRRON merged with TAPRN, making it the largest conservative mostly-Christian radio network outside of a faith-based organizational structure (such as Salvation Army and LDS).AmRRON is a network of Preppers, Patriots and Redoubters who have volunteered to keep each other connected when other means of communications are unavailable or unreliable. AmRRON operators participate in scheduled nets to practice using non-conventional communications.Although, AmRRON has interoperabil

  • Guest Micheal Kline talks about the lessons learned from Hurricane Michael

    25/10/2018 Duration: 01h19min

    There are a lot of lessons to be learned from Hurricane Michael.  Preppers and non-preppers can learn a lot from studying the aftermath of Hurricane Michael.  This week's guest is Micheal Kline and talks about his family members that were at ground zero and his trip to the disaster zone. PrepperNet.Net - https://www.preppernet.netPrepperNet is an organization of like-minded individuals who believe in personal responsibility, individual freedoms and preparing for disasters of all origins.PrepperNet Support the showPlease give us 5 Stars! Contact us: Amazon Store:

  • Garvin was interviewd on All Hazards Communications Preparedness!

    12/09/2018 Duration: 58min

    Garvin was interviewd on the All Hazards Communications Preparedness podcast!Show Notes:Everyone with two eyes to see and two ears to hear knows how little (none?) privacy we have these days. Forrest Garvin, founder of Carolina Preppers Network and the newly formed PrepperNet organization is a computer security expert and former intelligence analyst. He’ll discuss various topics regarding Internet communications security (ComSec) including VOIP as well as various encryption techniques.If you not a true paranoid, you probably can’t do much if our behemoth federal government targets you as an individual. However, for 99 percent of the rest of the population, Forrest Garvin has some practical tips and techniques to share. Most of the practical stuff we’ll be talking about can be put to use every day and made into a daily routine, upping your survival chances and lowering your risk of being ripped of or spied upon by your enemy(s?).You might be thinking, during a SHTF scenario, there won’t be any Internet or even

  • Author and Prepper Retreat Consultant Jonathan Hollerman

    07/08/2018 Duration: 01h30min

    Author and Prepper Retreat Consultant Jonathan HollermanJonathan Hollerman is a former military S.E.R.E.(Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) Instructor and expert on survival and prepping. Jonathan currently offers his services as an Emergency Preparedness Consultant specializing in Survival Retreat design and has clients all over the world. He performs on-site survival retreat analysis and designs off-grid infrastructure for families working on a budget up to multi-million dollar compounds. Jonathan also provides his expertise through phone consultation and can be contacted via his website, the works: Jonathan Hollerman also has a two-disc instructional DVD called "Survival Bugout" shot in coordination with The Survival Summit. He is currently in talks with a major production studio for hosting a TV show on preparedness as well as ceaselessly working on "the next" book. PrepperNet.Net - https://www.preppernet.netPrepperNet is

  • Surviving Worst Case Scenarios

    17/07/2018 Duration: 47min

    Join us on the Prepping Academy as we talk about Surviving Worst Case Scenarios.Check us out at http://preppingacademy.comJoin PrepperNet.Net - https://www.preppernet.netPrepperNet is an organization of like-minded individuals who believe in personal responsibility, individual freedoms and preparing for disasters of all origins.PrepperNet Support the showPlease give us 5 Stars! Contact us: Amazon Store:

  • Prepping Academy LIVE - Where Preppers Unite!

    26/06/2018 Duration: 01h51s

    Prepping Academy LIVE - Where Preppers Unite!Garvn and Tenderfood talk everything prepping! Join PrepperNet.Net - https://www.preppernet.netPrepperNet is an organization of like-minded individuals who believe in personal responsibility, individual freedoms and preparing for disasters of all origins.PrepperNet Support the showPlease give us 5 Stars! Contact us: Amazon Store:

  • Nicole Apelian from the Alone Show on History Channel

    12/06/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Nicole Apelian - History Channel's Alone Show - Dr. Nicole Apelian is a scientist, mother, educator, researcher, expeditionary leader, safari guide, herbalist and traditional skills instructor. A leader in the field of transformative nature education, Nicole is excited to share her knowledge and expertise of nature connection, indigenous knowledge, natural wellness and survival skills with the world.’s first exposure to true wilderness living began while working as a field biologist in Botswana. Following a job as a game warden with the US Peace Corps, she began tracking and researching lions in southern Africa. Nicole immediately fell in love with the African landscapes and the San Bushmen’s way of life, and later, while working with the San Bushmen, Nicole completed her doctorate, focused in Cultural Anthropology within the field of Sustainability Education. Years of visiting the San Bushmen and developing strong relationships within the tribe allowed Nicole to lear

  • Author Boyd Craven on the Prepping Academy

    12/06/2018 Duration: 01h39s

    The Prepping Acadmey welcomes Boyd Craven on the show!  Boyd Craven has penned over 30 books under his real name. His “The World Burns” Series has hit the top 10 in the Dystopian Genre in the USA, the UK, Canada and Australia. Boyd has made his home in Michigan with his wonderful wife and about a million kids, but travels to Texas to visit family as frequently as possible. He hunts and goes fishing when he’s not dreaming up post-apocalyptic nightmares to put his characters through. Fear not though, Boyd is a huge believer that in the darkest hour, there is always a glimmer of hope to hold onto. Lately, Boyd has been experimenting with living off the grid – an excellent way to research for his series, as well as torture his teenage sons. Prepare yourself by reading his books – they’re a thrill ride, on or off the grid.Boyd Craven Books on Amazon: Academy Show Website: PrepperNet.Net - https://www.preppernet.netPrepperNet is an organization of li

  • Author Angery American / Chris Weatherman

    05/06/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Angery American / Chris Weatherman - Author/TV on the Prepping Academy - Where Preppers Unite!!!Some folks may know Chris Weatherman by another name though. Angery American. Chris is a successful author with more than a few novels under his belt. His “Going Home” series is a best seller and has many rave reviews online. Currently Chris lives with his family in Florida. He is an avid prepper and has been involved within that community since the early 90’s. He is well versed on medicinal plants and primitive survival skills.Now, on top of being a best selling author, Chris has also been on the History channels hit series “Alone.” So we will be briefly discussing his time on the show and getting his input on basic survival skill essentials, gear, and mindset.The bulk of the show we’re going to be discussing the prepper mindset. Chris’ novels do a fantastic job of catching the reality of what is likely coming. The gritty harsh reality of any SHTF scenario is something preppers, newbies and veterans, need to come

  • Author Steven Bird on the Prepping Academy

    29/05/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    The Prepping Acadmey welcomes Steven Bird on the show!  Steven Bird was born in Harlan, KY in 1973, where he lived until joining the U.S. Navy in 1992.  He spent the next thirteen years living in northwest Washington state, where he served on active duty for eleven of those years.  After leaving active duty, he completed twenty years of service with the Navy Reserve, retiring as a Chief Petty Officer.While in the reserves, he pursued a civilian flying career working as a flight instructor, charter pilot, a turbo-prop airline first officer, jet airline first officer, and has been a jet airline captain since September of 2007.  He has served in both military and federal law enforcement capacities and holds his Airline Transport Pilot, Certified Flight Instructor, Instrument Flight Instructor, and Multi-Engine Flight Instructor FAA pilot certificates with numerous jet type ratings, as well as a bachelor’s degree in eBusiness.In his spare time, Steven has been involved with off-road motorcycle racing, competitive

  • Author Franklin Horton on the Prepping Academy

    15/05/2018 Duration: 59min

    This week on “The Prepping Academy” Forrest and Tenderfoot are going to be joined by Franklin Horton. Franklin lives and works from the mountains of southwestern Virginia. He’s a husband, father, and passionate outdoor enthusiast. His works include “Ashes of the Unspeakable,” “The Borrowed World,”, “Locker Nine” and his latest book "Ramdom Acts" Regardless of where you begin, his books are sure to help you evaluate your personal mindset and motivate your prepping. His works are considered post-apocalyptic, dystopian, and thriller fiction which all have excellent online reviews.If you’re new to the “The Prepping Academy” pleasure be sure to check out our homepage  Currently there is a drawing for some great prizes just for signing up for the newsletter. We don’t spam your inbox, ask for money, or personal information. Being signed up for the newsletter simply gets you added to our email list for news on important guest, upcoming shows, and any last minute show changes in case of

  • The Preppers Prepping Journey

    20/04/2018 Duration: 44min

    On the Prepping Academy Tenderfoot and I discuss the Preppers Prepping Journey...   Just two long time preppers chatting... PrepperNet.Net - https://www.preppernet.netPrepperNet is an organization of like-minded individuals who believe in personal responsibility, individual freedoms and preparing for disasters of all origins.PrepperNet Support the showPlease give us 5 Stars! Contact us: Amazon Store:

  • Tenderfoot is back from traveling to Israel

    14/04/2018 Duration: 59min

    Tenderfoot is back from traveling to Israel.  We are just hanging out discussing prepping, traveling and other fun stuff.  Also, some big announcements. Subscribe Now!Web SiteJoin PrepperNet.Net - https://www.preppernet.netPrepperNet is an organization of like-minded individuals who believe in personal responsibility, individual freedoms and preparing for disasters of all origins.PrepperNet Support the showPlease give us 5 Stars! Contact us: Amazon Store:

  • Creating a MAG Group/ Survival Group

    21/03/2018 Duration: 20min

    Mutual assistance groups, or MAGs, can provide support in the event of a natural disaster, other emergency and SHTF events.  Lone wolf preppers will die. You need numbers. You need a group. Join PrepperNet.Net - https://www.preppernet.netPrepperNet is an organization of like-minded individuals who believe in personal responsibility, individual freedoms and preparing for disasters of all origins.PrepperNet Support the showPlease give us 5 Stars! Contact us: Amazon Store:

  • Create an emergency plan for your kids if SHTF happens while they are in school

    06/03/2018 Duration: 48min

    Here are a few ideas on how to prepare your kids to be ready for a SHTF event if it happens while they are in school. Join PrepperNet.Net - https://www.preppernet.netPrepperNet is an organization of like-minded individuals who believe in personal responsibility, individual freedoms and preparing for disasters of all origins.PrepperNet Support the showPlease give us 5 Stars! Contact us: Amazon Store:

  • Mark Goodwin with Prepper Recon

    27/02/2018 Duration: 01h58s

    This week on the “The Prepping Academy Join Forrest  with Special guest Mark Goodwin.In any crisis situation, you will be hard-pressed finding the information you and your family needs to make it. There will be no Internet. There will be no phone service. It will literally come down to what you have within arm’s reach that will help you get through the chaos of Marshall law, having no power for days, weeks, or months, and being able to make it through natural disasters like hurricanes or similar events. Be prepared… always! Keeping a stash of survival books on hand is of vital importance to helping you get through the tough time.The world is becoming more uncertain each day. Natural disasters, economic collapse, and terrorism are phrases that have become familiar to every news cycle in every part of the country. But preppers are aware of the danger and know that fully preparing for any of type of disaster could mean the difference between life and death.Not everyone’s a Navy Seal or an Eagle Scout. So for tho

  • The “Conflicted” card game and a new direction for the Prepping Academy

    16/02/2018 Duration: 01h21s

    Coming up this week on “The Prepping  Academy” join host Forrest and Tenderfood for a little it of interactive fun. We’ll be taking a small break from all the regular programming to dig deeper in to the minds of the host by playing a little “Conflicted.If you’ve never heard of “Conflicted” it is a card game with a variety of emergency and Prepping scenarios. The objective of the game is to stimulate in depth conversations with family, friends, and potential members of a MAG group. Everyone listening is encouraged to join in on the chat room to contribute.This game is highly recommend for any level of Prepper. It will help you understand your personal morals and standards. It may also show you where you draw the line between the will to live and morality. Some people wouldn’t even go as far as eating their own household pet to survive. On the other hand some may look at their neighbors as food…… When it comes to establishing leadership this could be a useful tool to see who comes out as the most fit. Though it

  • Interview with Glen Tate the author of 299 Days Book Series

    30/01/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Glen Tate joins us on the Prepping Academy Live Monday night to talk about the need for a massive awakening. We discuss how prepper fiction can play a role in convincing folks to get involved politically and start prepping. Check out Glen’s website 299 Days at List / Newsletter PrepperNet.Net - https://www.preppernet.netPrepperNet is an organization of like-minded individuals who believe in personal responsibility, individual freedoms and preparing for disasters of all origins.PrepperNet Support the showPlease give us 5 Stars! Contact us: Amazon Store:

  • Combat Medic

    26/01/2018 Duration: 01h30s

    When life expectancy is measured in seconds and help is minutes away, will you know what to do? Like we always say, "The time chooses you. Will you be ready?" Everyone needs to take a trama medical class.   Garvin will discus the Combat Medic class he took this past weekend.   And yes, Tenderfoot is back! List / Newsletter PrepperNet.Net - https://www.preppernet.netPrepperNet is an organization of like-minded individuals who believe in personal responsibility, individual freedoms and preparing for disasters of all origins.PrepperNet Support the showPlease give us 5 Stars! Contact us: Amazon Store:

  • Prepping Academy Update...

    24/01/2018 Duration: 21min

    Just a quick update. The Prepping Academy will continue!  We are not going anywhere. We just took a little break during Christmas and the holidays.  We will be back LIVE next week with Glen Tate the author of 299 Days.  In this podcast I discus traveling as a prepper and things to think about and some plans you need to work on. List / Newsletter PrepperNet.Net - https://www.preppernet.netPrepperNet is an organization of like-minded individuals who believe in personal responsibility, individual freedoms and preparing for disasters of all origins.PrepperNet Support the showPlease give us 5 Stars! Contact us: Amazon Store:

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