Prepping Academy

Author Angery American / Chris Weatherman



Angery American / Chris Weatherman - Author/TV on the Prepping Academy - Where Preppers Unite!!!Some folks may know Chris Weatherman by another name though. Angery American. Chris is a successful author with more than a few novels under his belt. His “Going Home” series is a best seller and has many rave reviews online. Currently Chris lives with his family in Florida. He is an avid prepper and has been involved within that community since the early 90’s. He is well versed on medicinal plants and primitive survival skills.Now, on top of being a best selling author, Chris has also been on the History channels hit series “Alone.” So we will be briefly discussing his time on the show and getting his input on basic survival skill essentials, gear, and mindset.The bulk of the show we’re going to be discussing the prepper mindset. Chris’ novels do a fantastic job of catching the reality of what is likely coming. The gritty harsh reality of any SHTF scenario is something preppers, newbies and veterans, need to come