Prepping Academy

Garvin was interviewd on All Hazards Communications Preparedness!



Garvin was interviewd on the All Hazards Communications Preparedness podcast!Show Notes:Everyone with two eyes to see and two ears to hear knows how little (none?) privacy we have these days. Forrest Garvin, founder of Carolina Preppers Network and the newly formed PrepperNet organization is a computer security expert and former intelligence analyst. He’ll discuss various topics regarding Internet communications security (ComSec) including VOIP as well as various encryption techniques.If you not a true paranoid, you probably can’t do much if our behemoth federal government targets you as an individual. However, for 99 percent of the rest of the population, Forrest Garvin has some practical tips and techniques to share. Most of the practical stuff we’ll be talking about can be put to use every day and made into a daily routine, upping your survival chances and lowering your risk of being ripped of or spied upon by your enemy(s?).You might be thinking, during a SHTF scenario, there won’t be any Internet or even