Underground Usa

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 252:30:34
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Underground USA is an underground podcast and blog, featuring the voices of a cross-section of people, from all walks of life, on a variety of issues.


  • Kennedy Should Scare The Hell Out Of Biden & The Neo-Fascists

    08/04/2023 Duration: 15min

    Before we get into today’s episode of The Captain’s America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to touch on a point that was made in the second segment.With the announcement by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. that he has tossed his hat in the ring for the Democrat nomination for president in 2024, Republicans have to get serious about exorcising the cult of personality from the campaign trail and party platform and focus seriously on defining why conservative, non-globalist policies are a better choice for our nation.Kennedy has stated that his platform is anti-BigPharma, anti-Swamp, anti-bureaucracy, and anti-neo-fascism in the unholy alliance between today’s Woke federal government and the manipulators of the elitist-globalist private sector. This platform is squarely in the middle and, therefore, will require smart politicking, not the current bumper sticker mentality.If – and it is still an if because the Kennedy candidacy throws a huge wrench into the neo-fascist control of the leftmost wing of the Democrat Pa

  • Placing Restrictions On The Free Speech-Killing RESTRICT Act

    06/04/2023 Duration: 45min

    Before we get into this morning’s segment on Talkback with Chuck Wilder, I want to talk a little bit more about Freedom of SpeechIt's enshrined in the First Amendment and we believe that we have it but throughout history, the freedom of speech has been something that is vacillated to a lesser extent and a more potent extent.There is a great book titled Free of Speech by Jacob Mchangama that I urge you to either pick up and read or download and listen to (I listen to my books, I just consume it better that way). We always need to jealously guard our right to free speech. We saw, through the COVID debacle, that our federal government believes free speech is fluid and something that can be manipulated. That shouldn't be the case.Our Bill of Rights, the way that our country was set up; the covenant that the people have with the government, establish us in a constant state of freedom as mandated by the Bill of Rights. Some in the private sector have come to not understand that. They hide behind the fact that the B

  • Trumping The Soros Bright Shiny Thing

    04/04/2023 Duration: 27min

    Before we get into this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to expound a little bit on what we talked about in the incredible blunder the radical Left – the fascist Left – has executed in inditing a former president.Let's take the Trump thing out of it for a second because there's enough Trump derangement syndrome on the Left to last millennia. The idea that we can go back into an ex-president's past after he leaves office and start cherry-picking things on which to bring him to account lends itself to political retribution. This Is the stuff of Third-World nations. This Is the stuff of Venezuela, Cuba, etc.We can't have political retribution in the United States. Yes, if you broke the law you should have to pay a price for it. But going and digging into someone's past and digging and digging and digging beyond what you would do to a regular citizen to persecute him because of your political ideology, that does make us a Banana Republic.So, this George Soros-funde

  • What’s Good For The Trump Goose Is Good For The Clinton Gander

    31/03/2023 Duration: 19min

    Before we get into this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to expound a little bit on what we talked about today in the first segment and which is the indictment of former president Donald Trump.I don't care whether you like Donald Trump, voted for him, didn't vote for him, have problems with him, or hate his guts (like Rob Reiner), but we can't turn into the Banana Republic that the radical Left wants us to become.Going after ex-presidents for things that are already adjudicated by finding new nuances to charge him opens up every ex-president to being scrutinized. When we're talking about hush money, now Bill Clinton has to be in the crosshairs, he must. He paid – while being an elected official – hush money to Paula Jones. So, he needs to be indicted by the authorities in that judicial location. It simply must happen.It also opens up Joe Biden to being investigated after he leaves office about his connections to Ukraine and the Ukrainian government and Burisma

  • The More You Know About The Federal Reserve…

    29/03/2023 Duration: 43min

    Before this morning’s segment on Talkback with Chuck Wilder, I wanted to expound a little bit about what we talked about and urge you to go over to UndergroundUSA.com and read the featured article: Understanding That The Federal Reserve Isn't A Government Entity.There's a great short 29-minute video embedded. It's animated and it's got some entertainment value but that's just a vehicle to get you to understand what is in the content.This video explains the genesis and all of the nefarious actions of the Federal Reserve bringing us up-to-date with what they have done to the American people, the economy of the United States, and the economy of the world.The Federal Reserve is not your friend; it is not something that protects you, even though they have its minion FDIC, it is something that fleeces the taxpayers, manipulates the value of money, and it is increasingly proprietary when it comes to the economy.They are extremely anti-cryptosphere. They hate Bitcoin. They hate Ethereum. They hate the entire sphere f

  • In Desperate Need Of A Tactical Pivot

    27/03/2023 Duration: 17min

    Before we get to this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to expound briefly on what we discussed.We talked a bit about the lack of electric vehicle charging stations along major corridors of the United States, which lends to the argument that the infrastructure bill that President Biden keeps bragging about having passed didn't do anything to actually do anything for infrastructure. It just kind of went into the deep pockets of his campaign donors…and it brings about the echoes of Obama past, doesn't it (think Solyndra).Then we get into the recent speech in Waco by former president Donald Trump, some of the things he said that the crowd liked, and especially some of the stuff that he said that the crowd didn't like. It leads to the conclusion that he has got to pivot away from the sophomoric campaigning of 2016 and get serious about what he did; explaining what he did when he was in office.This is very important, otherwise, we're going to hand it all back to Bide

  • Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Red Curtain

    23/03/2023 Duration: 44min

    Before we get into this morning’s segment on Talkback with Chuck Wilder, I'd like to reiterate what we talked about to a great extent in this episode and that is the danger the Communist Chinese pose to our culture.While we always look at China as being a country with a very large military – that has stolen intellectual property relating to military ability from the United States and other countries around the world for the last 10 years at least – the biggest threat we face from the Communist Chinese is their infiltration of our culture to glean how we think and mold it to their benefit.I've said it a bunch of times on the different radio shows that I'm on and it bears saying again. If you have TikTok on your phone you're feeding the Communist Chinese Party and government information they use to figure out how to manipulate the culture here in the United States.Get rid of TikTok! Don't use it. If it's on your phone make sure it's completely off of it because it doesn't have to be in use to be gleaning data f

  • The Misdirection Of The Bright-Shiny Thing

    22/03/2023 Duration: 17min

    Before we get into this morning's episode on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, in which we talk about the non-existent indictment of Donald Trump, I'd like to point out that in the media realm, that story sucked all the air out of the room.The fake news of a Trump indictment being used as a “bright-shiny thing,” we are being distracted from what happened with the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department, and a few of the banks that went belly up.Once again, banks were bailed out by the American people in the guaranteeing of deposits beyond the established limit, that everyone knew about. This is another “too big to fail” type of mechanism the federal government is using to reward the ultra-rich who are ignoring risk to make money because they know the taxpayer is always going to be forced to bail them out.If they don't feel some kind of pain for their bad economic practices how are we going to have a stable market? We can't have a stable Market! If banking institutions realize they can act i

  • What Worked Yesterday Isn’t Working Today

    17/03/2023 Duration: 28min

    Before we get into this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to point out an article on substack by Dr. Naomi Wolf. It is called, Dear Conservatives, I Apologize.It is a great chronological timeline of someone awakening from being Woke and opening their eyes to the manipulation and disingenuous narratives of the Left.Naomi Wolf was somebody who was engrained in the Leftist culture. Through the COVID crisis, she was able to not only see how the Left gaslights people; manipulates people; coerces people, but she's come to understand all of that reaches into every aspect of their culture. It is something that is dishonest. It is something that is opportunistic.It's a great article. It's got some history in it. I highly recommend it. It's something that will give you a road map to use when you confront people who are still Woke but on the cusp. It'll give you some tools to bring them back into the center so they can think for themselves rather than just vomiting narrati

  • Remember The Pain Going Into 2024

    13/03/2023 Duration: 28min

    Before we get into this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I want to kind of add more emphasis on something we talked about this morning’s episode and that has to do with the pivot that the Biden team and Democrats, in general, are going to make going into the election season for 2024.We have seen President Biden okaying a giant swath of land up in Alaska for oil drilling yet for the last two years he and his team have been demonizing the fossil fuel industry; hobbling it, causing gas prices to go through the ceiling.So, why is he doing this? Well, it has nothing to do with the economic well-being of the people in Alaska. He doesn't win Alaska. Alaska's a Red State. What it has to do with is looking as though he's pivoting to the center.It is a deception.You need to remember the pain that this man caused everybody for two years. You have to remember all of the asinine appointments that he made to his cabinet; like Pete Buttigieg, who has absolutely no business being Secre

  • Why Won’t The Mainstream Media Complex Report On The COVID Smoking Gun?

    08/03/2023 Duration: 45min

    Before we get into this week's segment on Talkback with Chuck Wilder, I wanted to touch on an idea that Marjorie Taylor-Green has been promoting and that's the “National Divorce.” I get what she's trying to say. She's saying it wrong.We don't need a National Divorce. What we need to do is revert to the way that our country was set up to be: 50 separate states with 50 separate constitutions and a federal government that fills in the cracks.Ever since Woodrow Wilson, we have evolved into a centralized federal government that has clawed power away from the states and that's not the way it was supposed to be. Our country was supposed to be 50 separate entities. This way, if California decided they wanted to live life in a certain manner they could without affecting Texas, Florida, or any other state in the Union. It also guarded against California using more federal tax dollars to bail out their irresponsible policies from states that have responsible policies. The government that was meant to touch our lives the

  • In Washington There Is No Truth And No Consequences

    06/03/2023 Duration: 26min

    Before we get into this morning's episode of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to talk a little bit about honesty and government. It makes me cringe to use those two words in the same sentence, especially when we're talking about the federal government.Here are links to a couple of examples that illustrate why we should all cringe at that idea. The first is Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), questioning Colleen Shogan, the Biden nominee to be the National Archivist, and the second is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), grilling US Attorney General Merrick Garland:We’ve had hearings before Congress with a few people nominated by the Biden administration – and one sitting Attorney General – in which the example of how they blatantly and overtly lie to not only the American people but to Congress; how it's running rampant; how it seems to be the status quo; how it's become the norm, is clearly evident.If you get truth from somebody from the federal government sitting before Congress that is an anomaly. You ha

  • If The DoJ Says Trump Can Be Sued Then Why Not Lightfoot?

    03/03/2023 Duration: 27min

    Before we get into this morning segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with mad Bruce – in which we discuss the insanity coming out of the Department of Justice where they are trying to lay blame and financial culpability on to Donald Trump for January 6th (I have some thoughts on that that are quite enlightening), I wanted to take a moment to thank the ER staff and the ward staff over at Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove, Illinois along with the York Center Fire Department paramedics who came and helped my mother when she needed it most.She's back home, good, and recovering and I thank everybody for the prayers and the thoughts, but it brings to mind a whole boatload of reality when it comes to mortality.If you still have your parents – or if you still have a parent – spend some time because when that clock ticks and it goes past their time there's no getting that time back.Be grateful for the time that you have and celebrate them while they're still here with you to celebrate.It's important th

  • Too Many White Construction Workers…And Then There’s Buttigieg

    24/02/2023 Duration: 27min

    Before we get into this morning's edition of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce in which we discuss how incredibly unqualified Pete Buttigieg is for the position of Secretary of Transportation – and the fact that he bald-faced lied about his experience when he was mayor of South Bend, Indiana…I wanted to alert you to the lead article over at UndergroundUSA.com (Setting The World Stage For War) in which I give a cursory history of the genesis of just about every major military conflict that the United States has been in…and what denomination of President we had at the helm each moment in time.It's an enlightening read and it debunks the myth that Republicans are warmongers.Then, this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce…Underground USA is a reader-supported publication. Please consider financially supporting this free speech effort. Thank you. Get full access to Underground USA at www.undergroundusa.com/subscribe

  • Shining The Light On The Political Opportunists Of January 6th

    21/02/2023 Duration: 46min

    As we get into today's segment on Talkback with Chuck Wilder, I want to expound a little bit on why the detention of the people who were arrested on January 6th has become so egregious.The Sixth Amendment guarantees us a speedy trial. The process of those detained on January 6th has been anything but speedy. It has been impeded by disingenuous politics from the Left.The information we see coming out from defense teams in the trials of these people indicate that the federal government and law enforcement from the District of Columbia were integral in goading the people into violent and illegal action.Evidence has now been exposed that shows undercover and plain clothed police officers from both the DC Metro and the Capitol Hill Police – as well as federal agents – were amongst the protesters, some of them literally pushing people towards the doors of the Capitol Building.Many of us have seen video already of Capitol Hill police officers showing people the way up the stairs inside the Capitol Building.And then

  • On This President’s Day Our President Tempts Fate?

    20/02/2023 Duration: 30min

    As we get into this morning's episode of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce on this President's Day, our President, regretfully Joe Biden, is over in Ukraine shooting his mouth off about how the United States is going to probably end up giving F-16s to Ukraine further embedding the United States into that conflict to a point where China's now got to be invited to get involved on the Russian side.We all need to start being very vocal about this issue. What hangs in the balance is a catalyst for global conflict. You already have China getting buddy-buddy with the Russians. They have been giving them support in their battle against Ukraine. Now, they're talking about giving lethal support to the Russians in their battle against Ukraine, even as they saber-rattle and do military exercises around the island of Taiwan.Now you have Joe Biden, over in Ukraine, talking to politicians who – before the invasion – were recognized as the most corrupt government on the planet sans Sudan and maybe Yemen. His

  • Time To Derail The Ideologues

    17/02/2023 Duration: 28min

    In this episode of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, we discuss issues surrounding the recent train derailment in Pennsylvania, calling on our past as firefighters and how we were trained to respond to HazMat incidents and how the hierarchy of the Emergency Services functions during an event like that.One of the things that I point out is the inanity of how our legislative bills are named.If you look at the “infrastructure bill” that was passed by the Biden Administration – to the tune of trillions of dollars when he first got into office – you would think that our infrastructure, after spending that much money, would be solid. But the derailment in Pennsylvania, a subsequent derailment outside of Detroit, and another down South have proved that our railway systems, even though the federal government keeps pumping money into it and we have infrastructure projects earmarked for it, never get the maintenance it needs to have done.Trillions of dollars into a bill packed with special interest si

  • The First Amendment Applies To Me But Not Thee

    16/02/2023 Duration: 44min

    Before we get to this week's segment on Talkback with Chuck Wilder, I wanted to mention that I'm reading a book called Free Speech. It gives the history of the idea and the vacillation of free speech rights throughout the history of man going back to the Greeks and Romans.Chuck and I talk a bit about this very topic and how we as a nation have come to believe that some things true that are really not. We exist in a very delusional time.We have a Bill of Rights that says we have free speech. It is the very first thing mentioned in the First Amendment. But that right Bill of Rights is applicable only to limiting the reach of government.We're seeing now that in the private sector, free speech has a value. Some people value it more. Some people value it less. People at social media censorship boards? They tend to value it less. They want to control and define what is “proper” and “good” speech, excluding – in most cases – any non-sanctioned narrative, and in the techno world that means this. If you believe in the

  • Do Aliens Race-Bait?

    13/02/2023 Duration: 25min

    Before we get to this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I want to comment on the lead story over at UndergroundUSA.com today. It has to do with fascism and regulation. It’s titled, Fascism Facilitated By Regulation.The two things that caused me to write this one was the IRS’s determination that they weren't going to tax some of the relief checks issued by states around the country – it affects 21 states and leaves out the rest. And the other regulatory issue I was outraged by is the Biden administration's reinstitution of Operation Choke Point or what everyone calls Operation Choke Point 2.0, which is targeting the legal industry of cryptocurrency by using banks to coerce crypto outlets into submission.There is no authority to do any of this; or either of these things. This is the very definition of fascism and it’s through regulation that the Executive Branch is affecting these things. So, please give it a read: Fascism Facilitated By Regulation.I think you're going to

  • Lies, Damn Lies & Joe Biden

    10/02/2023 Duration: 27min

    Before we get to this morning's segment of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I need to make a comment about the State of the Union Address and Joe Biden's performance, specifically the response that the Republican delegation gave to him when he lied about Social Security and Medicare.Give this a listen. I think it was an appropriate response of outrage at a blatant lie:I don't care if you're a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, a Libertarian, Green Party member, whatever, we cannot just blindly vote for our candidate if he is a blatant liar!Joe Biden has proved over the years that he's not only a plagiarist, he's a fiction writer; he is a liar. This is a perfect example.Republicans in the House and the Senate have gone out of their way to say that they are not touching Medicare or Social Security. Yet the President of the United States, supported by the Democrat Party, insists on repeating this lie again and again and again. If you look at Hakeem Jeffries Twitter page it's all over that

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