Underground Usa

Shining The Light On The Political Opportunists Of January 6th



As we get into today's segment on Talkback with Chuck Wilder, I want to expound a little bit on why the detention of the people who were arrested on January 6th has become so egregious.The Sixth Amendment guarantees us a speedy trial. The process of those detained on January 6th has been anything but speedy. It has been impeded by disingenuous politics from the Left.The information we see coming out from defense teams in the trials of these people indicate that the federal government and law enforcement from the District of Columbia were integral in goading the people into violent and illegal action.Evidence has now been exposed that shows undercover and plain clothed police officers from both the DC Metro and the Capitol Hill Police – as well as federal agents – were amongst the protesters, some of them literally pushing people towards the doors of the Capitol Building.Many of us have seen video already of Capitol Hill police officers showing people the way up the stairs inside the Capitol Building.And then