Underground Usa

Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Red Curtain



Before we get into this morning’s segment on Talkback with Chuck Wilder, I'd like to reiterate what we talked about to a great extent in this episode and that is the danger the Communist Chinese pose to our culture.While we always look at China as being a country with a very large military – that has stolen intellectual property relating to military ability from the United States and other countries around the world for the last 10 years at least – the biggest threat we face from the Communist Chinese is their infiltration of our culture to glean how we think and mold it to their benefit.I've said it a bunch of times on the different radio shows that I'm on and it bears saying again. If you have TikTok on your phone you're feeding the Communist Chinese Party and government information they use to figure out how to manipulate the culture here in the United States.Get rid of TikTok! Don't use it. If it's on your phone make sure it's completely off of it because it doesn't have to be in use to be gleaning data f