Underground Usa



Underground USA is an underground podcast and blog, featuring the voices of a cross-section of people, from all walks of life, on a variety of issues.


  • 99 Luftballons…BAM! Never Mind

    04/02/2023 Duration: 27min

    Before we get into today's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I’d like to comment on the fact that we did – finally, after the balloon transverse the entirety of the United States – we finally shot down the Chinese spy balloon over the Atlantic off the coast of South Carolina.This whole thing brings a few questions to mind that we have to ask ourselves; that we have to demand answers for from our elected officials and especially the Biden Administration geared towards the Pentagon.How is it that we didn't detect an intercept this thing over international waters before it reached the United States?Why was it allowed to transverse the entirety of our country – from Washington State through Montana all the way down off the coast of South Carolina?Why don't we have the capability – if we had the shuttle program, if we have high flying aircraft, if we have aircraft that skip on the atmosphere before getting into space – how is it that we don't have the ability to capture something like

  • What Virus Do We Get When We Cross Pfizer & Memphis?

    01/02/2023 Duration: 45min

    Before we get to this morning's episode of TalkBack with Chuck Wilder I’d like to take a second and talk about the Memphis issue and specifically the comment that Van Jones made about, “Well, even Black people can be racist against Black people.”That should demonstrate how exhausted the tired claim of racism actually is. It doesn't matter what the color of the skin was. The victim was Black. All five police officers were Black. This has to do with how we treat one another as human beings and how people interact with police, regardless of their race or the race of the police officers.We send police officers out every day to clean up the worst of the worst; to keep bad people from hurting good people; to keep people safe. Are there some bad police officers? Yes, there are.Are there some bad politicians? Absolutely! Are there some bad Black people? Yes. Are there bad White people? Yes. But it doesn't mean that you paint the whole thing as racism.The tired claim of “Racism! Racism! Racism!” has lost all effect an

  • Trump’s Unnecessary Flirtation With Disaster

    30/01/2023 Duration: 29min

    Before we get into this morning's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I'd like to comment on Donald Trump's statement attacking Ron DeSantis. Matt and I talked about this in the segment but it bears repeating.The people of Florida elected Ron DeSantis. Donald Trump did not “get” Ron DeSantis elected as governor of Florida. The idea that Ron DeSantis owes Donald Trump loyalty for anything is a wild stretch of the imagination.One of the things that Trump is not thinking through here – and this is why I really can't support him going forward unless he turns out to be the nominee for the Republican Party, and then it'll be reluctantly this time – is that he's losing the people of Florida by attacking Florida's governor.Floridians love Ron DeSantis. As a matter of fact, he's got a great reputation with most of the true constitutional conservatives across the country. Donald Trump, should he be the nominee, cannot win without collecting Florida's Electoral College votes. He just can't. Th

  • The Open Secrets Of The Biden Administration

    23/01/2023 Duration: 26min

    Before we get into this morning's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I’d like to send my condolences to everybody who is affected by the mass shooting in California.I do want to point out that you had the “usual suspects” getting to the microphones as fast as they could get to them: Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and a couple of other very far radical Left miscreants, who are claiming it was “White supremacy! White supremacy! White supremacy!”No. It turned out to be an elderly Asian man who was going through some emotional things because of a failed relationship.This needs to be proof positive that the race-baiting Left needs to be exposed in this country. You can't automatically kneejerk to such an incredibly damaging accusation without proof, and the left continuously acts without proof when they start playing the blame game.And it's all for political purposes; it's all for the advancement of a political agenda. It has nothing to do with the truth. It has nothing to do with humanity

  • The Stand-Off: The Debt Ceiling Debacle & Who’s Really Responsible

    20/01/2023 Duration: 26min

    Before I get to this morning’s episode with Matt Bruce on The Captain's America: Third Watch, on which we talk about the upcoming debt ceiling standoff, among other things, I want to tease a few things that are coming up.One of them is a new piece I'm working on about the recent Davos conference facilitated by the World Economic Forum, it's attendees, and the agenda that they had which has everything to do with controlling you, controlling every country of the world through capturing their economies, their use of COVID as a motivating force, and their eye – which is now focused on digital currency so they can force you to do what they want you to.I'm also teasing Pandemic 3: The Awakening. I'm going to put up a link with a preview to the latest installment of the docu-series. Now, whether you believe full-heartedly in the idea that COVID was planned or that the vaccination scheme was planned, it's worth listening to what this guy has to say. If we're going to be wise we have to look at both sides of everythin

  • The Blame Game Or The Klain Game?

    18/01/2023 Duration: 51min

    Before we get to today's segment on TalkBack with Chuck Wilder, I want to talk a little bit more about who's culpable for the top secret documents being in Joe Biden's garage…and his personal office…and every other place they're not supposed to be.If you have a Chief of Staff – for president or a vice president or anybody at that level of government, that Chief of Staff is obligated to know about every single thing that goes on in that office. He or she is in charge. So, while Joe Biden may not have known what documents were in boxes next to his Corvette in the garage, Ron Klain, his Chief of Staff – both from when he was Vice President and now as President – should have known exactly what was in those boxes and what documents were contained therein.He needed to know where these documents were, when they were transported, who transported them, and why they were transported to where they were transported.Ron Klain is the hardcore radical Leftist that manages the White House today. So, as we start talking about

  • Is The Dream Still Alive?

    16/01/2023 Duration: 23min

    Before we get to this morning segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I’d like to acknowledge Martin Luther King Jr. Day.It's important that we start circling back – and I hate to use that term because of Jen Psaki, I mean no disrespect by using it – but we need to circle back to the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We have gotten to a point where we are judging people; our society is judging people by the color of their skin, especially on the caustic Left.They have completely abandoned Martin Luther King Jr's teachings and abdicated their fidelity to the Civil Rights Movement. Today, all the radical Left does is judge people by their skin color and it is reprehensible.Critical Race Theory is racism. And I know that people on the Left would call me a racist for saying that but the fact is they are the racists. They're judging people because of the color of their skin without even knowing them; without even caring to know about them. And they compound that by saying the sins of s

  • Surviving Both Biden & The COVID Vaccination Campaign

    15/01/2023 Duration: 27min

    Before we get into the current segment of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I'd like to play something for you that I got from a good friend of mine, Cameron.I find what is said in this opinion segment (found on Twitter) very interesting, especially when you look at how we've come through COVID and how some people were brave enough not to fall to the pressure of being vaccinated, and for good reason, it turns out.There are some people who are starting to understand the seriousness of the whole endeavor. I touch on this with Matt later on in the segment about the blood supply in this country and how we're going to have to pressure our elected officials to require hospitals and blood banks to institute “non-vaccinated blood holdings” for those of us who didn't get vaccinated so that we aren't polluted with the mRNA vaccine component in donated blood by people who have been vaccinated.Give this a listen. Following that, The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce...Underground USA is a r

  • And You Thought FOX News Was On Your Side…

    10/01/2023 Duration: 46min

    Before we get into this episode of Talkback with Chuck Wilder – in which I get into the Right’s ineptitude when it comes to messaging and conveying a cohesive and coherent narrative, I'd like to take issue with a podcast I heard from the FOX News podcast network in which they talk to someone from the University of Virginia about the Electoral College.Nowhere in that interview was it stated that the Electoral College's primary purpose is to protect the middle country – flyover country – from the urban areas when it comes to being overrun by a purely democratic election.When we vote for President we vote for Electors. Those Electors are determined by the census. If we were a pure democracy, where we went with a national vote total, people in rural areas would never have their voices heard. Politicians would only campaign in urban areas because it would be cost-effective in gleaning the most votes. So, you would see Blue cities owning the United States government forever.Politicians would only campaign in New Yo

  • And Biden’s Border Visit Accomplished…

    09/01/2023 Duration: 27min

    Before we hit this morning's episode of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce – broadcast on the Salem and Genesis Communications Networks, I'd like to acknowledge that Joe Biden actually visited somewhere near the border in El Paso, Texas.The media is celebrating it; all of a sudden it's getting the attention that it should have been getting from the second Biden took office. But we have to ask ourselves a sincere question: What did it serve?What did it prove? What did it accomplish? Nothing.If the White House didn't know that the southern border was porous and that people were just pouring over the border in record numbers then they’re delinquent in understanding what's going on in the country.So, it's impossible for me to believe they didn't know the southern border – in Texas and Arizona especially – we're wide open. It's ludicrous to think they didn't know this.What took place with Biden getting down to the border was an exercise in gaslighting. He's feigning that he cares about the border w

  • A New Congress. A New Speaker…But How Free Are We?

    07/01/2023 Duration: 28min

    Before we get into yesterday morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I’d like to acknowledge that US Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), is the new Speaker of the House…after 15 votes. That’s the first time that's happened in a hundred years and then only after having acquiesced to some demands that, quite honestly, weren't that unreasonable. The Speaker of the House has a lot of power just because of the position. You don't need to amass more power underneath that position to run the chamber as a totalitarian as Nancy Pelosi did. There is a great article by Glenn Greenwald – not necessarily someone from the Right camp – that talks about how lockstep the Left is and how the narrative that the Right just follows their leaders and never questions authority is really just a false narrative. It's a great article. He's got it over at Rumble. Go take a listen. I was impressed with it.But, as we move forward, we need to make sure that the things that we were promised come to pass. We need to

  • If The FBI & DoJ Had Been Doing Their Jobs...

    02/01/2023 Duration: 28min

    Before we get to this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I'd like to take a moment to talk about the attacks on New York City Police Department personnel on New Year's Eve into New Year's Day in the Big Apple.The FBI says the person who executed the machete attack on three law enforcement officers on New Year's Eve was on their radar, yet they didn't do anything about it; didn't do anything to get in front of this lone-wolf attack from an Islamofascist terrorist who was trying to make a statement and cause terror and chaos on New Year's Eve in the biggest city in the United States.I can't help but wonder. If the FBI were more focused on investigating and preventing real violent crime, real egregious crime in the United States and not being used for political persecution, like they are under the Biden administration – and probably were under the Obama administration quite honestly, then maybe this attack wouldn't have happened. Maybe they would have been paying enough atte

  • Okay, Let's Try This Again...

    31/12/2022 Duration: 27min

    Before we get to Friday's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch in which we talk about the federal GOP, Joe Biden, Southwest Airlines, and a variety of other incredulous and disturbing things, I wanted to take a moment to remind you of the obvious.As you celebrate the rolling in of the New Year tonight, please make arrangements for transportation if you are imbibing in any mind-altering substances this evening. We have all pushed the limits at times and age reveals that we did so unnecessarily and foolishly.So, please, don't rob your friends and family of your life by casting caution to the wind; by getting behind the wheel after you have been drinking or partaking in alternative celebratory mechanisms (ahem).Arrive home tonight alive and able to journey into the new year with those you love and care for because dying for capacity-induced bravado is the meanest thing you can do to the ones you love.From all of us at Underground USA to you and yours, we wish you a happy, healthy, safe, prosperous and f

  • The Opportunistic Aggression Of The Political Class

    20/12/2022 Duration: 47min

    Before we get to this morning's segment on TalkBack with Chuck Wilder where we discuss “The Government Cares About Your Health? Not By A Long Shot,” I want to take a second to talk about the referrals - the criminal charge referrals -  that were issued from the so-called January 6th committee to the Department of Justice regarding Donald Trump.We have to look at this in the beginning - and primarily - for the fact that this entire committee is a partisan hit job. If it weren't partisan it would have had the minority party’s preferred representation instead of Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney, two people who do not represent the mainstream of the Republican caucus in the House. Or it would have been referred to an independent committee that was established using both the majority in the minority leaders to establish who was supposed to be in this independent of the House committee.So, right off the bat, this January 6th committee is illegitimate because of how it was constructed and with whom. That brings up an e

  • Congress & BigPharma: Picking Your Pocket When You Aren’t Looking

    19/12/2022 Duration: 28min

    Before we get to this morning's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, in which we discuss, at length, the featured article over at UndergroundUSA.com today titled, “The Government Cares About Your Health? Not By A Long Shot!” I want to comment on something that Matt and I touch on in the first segment which is this poll over at Twitter that Elon Musk put up saying, “Hey, if you don't want me to run Twitter go ahead and say yes or no and if if you don't want me to then I'll just I won't run it.”You need to think this through - and outside the box - so that you understand what Elon Musk has done here. Quite honestly it's brilliant.One, he's not going to sell the company even if he keeps his fidelity to his offer in that poll. He’s not going to sell the company. He's just not going to be the person that runs it day-to-day. And people on the Left, be careful what you wish for because you don't know who he's going to put in the CEO position! You could be worse than what he's doing now, fro

  • Shoot Ourselves In The Foot? No Problem For The House GOP

    14/12/2022 Duration: 47min

    Before I get into our discussion about, “Leftist Activists Prove Points After Being Attacked By Fringe Left Thugs,” I want to give a quick shout-out to the people listening in the countries where you're not supposed to be able to listen, if you get my drift. You're courageous in trying to seek out talk on freedom, liberty, and truth around the world. God bless you and stay safe.I also want to talk about the ability of the Republican Party on the federal level to shoot itself in the foot.As we're going forward toward the new Congress, Kevin McCarthy is having some issues with some people in his caucus about getting the required 218 votes to be Speaker of the House. We have some people on the far-Right side of the spectrum - who I support almost 99 percent of the time; I can't support them in this, throwing a wrench into the machine that opens the door for the opposition to neuter your potency going forward.There are several members of the Republican Party in the House of Representatives who are flat-out admitt

  • Republicans Need To Pivot To Policy Or Pay The Price

    12/12/2022 Duration: 25min

    Before I get into this morning segment with Matt Bruce, I want to touch on something that we discussed in one of the latter segments and that is a statement by future House Speaker McCarthy about starting the investigations into, I believe, 21 people who had something to do with Russiagate.Unless there's something that's going to come out of an investigation like this it's really just another opportunity to showboat.We need to expunge the political careerists at the Department of Justice and in the FBI because they've been politicized. Those departments are not supposed to be politicized. Justice is supposed to be blind. Justice and the pursuit of justice is supposed to not see political party. That's not the case today.Larger than that is the failure of the Republican Party – at State and National levels – to understand that you can't just keep demonizing your opposition and expect to win elections. You need to explain to the people what your policies are, how they will affect them in a positive way, and how

  • The Democrats' Bad Trades & Expulsion

    09/12/2022 Duration: 28min

    Before I get into how the DNC tossed two-time loser Stacey Abrams under the bus, this week, I need to address the horrific prisoner swap executed by the Biden administration.I've been writing and speaking a lot lately about culture and the culture wars in the United States and that's because our politics; our government stems from our culture. What our culture mandates is what we get. That's why the saying goes, “You get the government that you vote for.”Our government has exhibited an incredible contempt for Americanism in how they went about the release of Brittney Griner. They could have negotiated the release of Paul Whelan, who is incarcerated in Russia on espionage charges but who maintains his innocence.Griner knowingly went to Russia with things she knew she shouldn't have brought, admitted she was guilty, and was sentenced to prison. So, why does Griner's release mean more than securing the release of an ex-Marine who is charged with espionage but who maintains his innocence?It's because of the demog

  • We Need To Be Honest About The Politicization Of Government

    06/12/2022 Duration: 45min

    Recently I penned an article titled, Do We Really Understand The Meaning Of Freedom, in which I laid out several events - recent events - where government, bureaucracy, and special interests have successfully encroached on our freedoms.Like the frog in the pot that is finally coming to a boil, many Americans not only exist unaware of their dwindling freedom, but have embraced the re-definition of the word and the concept; the definition crafted by the fascist Left in our culture.The only way to reclaim our freedom - to rightfully reclaim our freedoms; our rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights - is to re-establish the base definition of freedom in every sphere of our lives.We need to not only embrace the traditional definition of freedom, we need to start electing people to federal office who understand that their core jobs are not to "create laws"; to "legislate", but to represent their constituencies. In many cases, this means reining in government authority so as to protect the rights of the citizenry.Tod

  • All Our Political Problems Emanate From The Culture Wars

    05/12/2022 Duration: 29min

    It can be successfully argued that a nation's people get the government they deserve for the simple fact that it is the people who vote, at least in republics and democracies. It is arguably true that this adage applies to the United States.Today, as We the People suffer under a fascist administration (by definition, this isn't name calling), we have to ask ourselves why the Midterm Elections were so close if the overwhelming majority of people indicated they believed the country to be headed in the wrong direction?The election should never been as close as it was, yet it was that close. Manipulated by the mainstream and social media, we allowed ourselves to be hoodwinked into believing the election was about a cult of personalities rather than it being a chance to right the direction of a ship far off course.With over fifty-percent of the students in institutions of higher learning believing - believing - that socialism and communism are equitable forms of government, we need to take a hard look at our cultu

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