Rooted In Revenue

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 36:10:18
  • More information



Revenue and sales driven by marketing and events.


  • What if the old audience is still enjoyable, but not as profitable?

    24/02/2021 Duration: 30min

    "I understand that your clients are your gold, and I'm not going to do anything to tarnish that." Doug C.   Who is your ideal client? do not be afraid to truthfully state it. Everyone is not our client. Dream it! You are not being ungrateful grabbing all the crumbs. Free up your time, free up your effort. What do you want your income level to be? Is that enough? It may be fine, everyone has their own level of gratification. ----more---- Some of us base it on time, not money. Why not have it accomplish both? Doug tells us his one thing, with a City Slickers' reference. His one thing was building an agency within the company. Listen in to hear how he did this and increased his revenue by nearly 850%! He also helps us recover when we need to identify a new 'best audience' without abandoning the old audience. Do not cannibalize your base overnight just to go after a new market.  It's easier to keep going with your existing clients and more profitable. Include your existing clients in your ideas. You will be

  • No lead should be ignored, but not all leads should be sold to.

    17/02/2021 Duration: 23min

    Continuing our discussions with Ledge on ways to quickly jump start your sales team, and ultimately your company's revenue and joy he tackles good vs bad leads and why they all need to be addressed. He says, "From the funnel standpoint, you can use some automation for that, but ultimately make sure you have sales and marketing work together on a human look at the discernment in your funnel. Is this a fit? Why is it not a fit? If it's not a fit are there any flags that I can indicate ahead of time from an automation standpoint?" He continues, "It's unethical to even try to take somebody's money for that when down the street there could be a provider that could help them out." Tune in for tips, insights, and your inspiration. ----more---- A bit about Lead-to-close sales execution for B2B tech companies ready to leap from 6 to 7 digits of revenue. Their team joins your team - under your brand - to pick up your leads as soon as they hit your CRM, engage and close them, and hand a signed client ov

  • Keeping Your Event Attendees Engaged and Wanting More

    05/08/2020 Duration: 26min

    Ever the optimist, Award-winning Magician, Scott Tokar, is looking forward to the irreplaceable trade shows he is a part of regularly. His corral of other performers know they can adjust and do online appearances, but nothing replaces the barker at a trade show driving people you never reached before to hear your message through entertainment. This episode of Rooted in Revenue first appeared on SLMA Radio.  Susan Finch interviews Scott to talk about adjusting, the value of performers to help carry the "hosting" load at virtual and in-person events, as well as how you can plan for when in-person events return or how to stand out with your hybrid or virtual event. ----more----   About Susan's guest: Scott Tokar, CEO Corporate-Fx Trade Show Magic Group Scott Tokar is unique among magicians, having focused solely on corporate entertainment (Infotainment) and visual communication, he is known today as a “specialist” in tradeshow magic and sales meeting motivation. Unlike his magical colleagues, Scott does n

  • Tucking Away Emotion to Build Your Invincible Brand

    27/01/2020 Duration: 21min

    Until you address the emotion in a volatile situation with compassion and respect, you will not diffuse a situation and may do more damage raising the intensity to a blistering crescendo. This is the continuing conversation that started a couple of weeks ago with Melissa Agnes. In this episode, we deep dive into one aspect of our response to a crisis, confrontation, and conflict as our brands and key people are bombarded with heavy emotion. ----more---- Some of what is covered is how to get ahead of high emotional relatability when you can never overcome emotion with pure logic. 1. Validate the emotion. 2. Relate to them on that basis. 3. Proof and logic to support your position and facts. The tips Melissa gives us will help us protect our brands, but also have more success diffusing situations in our everyday lives. You will want to take notes here. If you missed the first episode with Melissa, Crisis Readiness Equals Freedom, you can listen here >   About Susan's guest: Author of Crisis Ready: Bui

  • Crisis Readiness Equals Freedom - 3 Steps

    13/01/2020 Duration: 26min

    When I think of peace of mind in business, it comes from being prepared for the expected, as well as the unexpected. It's not all sparkle ponies, unicorns and laughter. Bad stuff happens. What we do to respond in those moments as leaders and team members can change the course of a company and set into motion a chain reaction of positive outcomes or a Coyote/Roadrunner death spiral into dust. A bit dramatic I know, but I wanted you to have a visual as I introduce you to an expert in crisis readiness, Melissa Agnes. You don't have to put this off. You and your company can immediately take steps to build your crisis readiness. You may have more in place than you think you do. Learn from Melissa Agnes who is the author of Crisis Readiness on Amazon.  ----more---- About Susan's guest: Author of Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World, Melissa Agnes is a leading authority on crisis preparedness, reputation management, and brand protection. Agnes is a coveted speaker, commentator, an

  • Generate Revenue From All of Your Passions

    28/08/2019 Duration: 25min

    Susan's guest is Richard Moore. Not only is he a successful architect, but he's a graphic artist and product designer. Richard talks about the unexpected lessons learned when he started mass producing products. With over 100 SKUs, he's been able to successfully refine the process. The first step, hiring someone specifically to manage the production process. They met through a Kickstarter program several years ago launching their Chimeras through Walrus Toys. ----more---- When Susan asked Richard how he balances his love of being an architect with product development, he tells her that it's not always balanced and that people need to get over insisting everything is always balanced, including the balance between partners in an endeavor. Just keep doing what you love. A quote he used to explain how fortunate he is was taken from architectural school, "Graphic artists always want to be product designers. Product Designers always want to be architects, and architects always want to be graphic artists." He an

  • Get out of your way and create a successful business.

    13/08/2019 Duration: 13min

      My guest today is Corinne McCormack for part two of the interview we did a couple of weeks ago about how to build a multimillion-dollar business. Yes, you can, and she has some final tips, advice, and strategies for you in this episode you don't want to miss. Here we go. I'm here with Corinne McCormack, and we have had some great interviews recently and there were a couple of topics though that I wanted to cover with her. Corinne, are you open, let's tackle those last two topics that we didn't get to do in our earlier shows. In your book, From Living Room to Boardroom: How I Launched and Sold a Multimillion-Dollar Business, you tell your whole journey. What I noticed in it is you were very upfront and open to talking about how you were able to borrow against your home to finance the start of your business. You're in New York. You had some equity, you were good. But what do you recommend for people with less than that type of option? Is that a deal-breaker if they can't get that initial funding? ----mo

  • Corinne McCormack - How to launch a multi-million dollar business.

    29/07/2019 Duration: 28min

    This is the first part of an interview with author, entrepreneur, inventor, speaker - Corinne McCormack. My guest today is author, consultant, seasoned executive, and entrepreneur, Corinne McCormack. We are here today to talk about her new book, From Living Room to Boardroom: How I Launched and Sold a Multi-million Dollar Business. I have it and I love this book. Before I wanted to interview her I said, "Hey, I need your book so that I can read through, get a few chapters under my belt." I couldn't put it down Corinne, I loved it.  ----more---- Corinne McCormack: Thank you. I'm so glad to be here. It's great. Susan Finch: So many of you who have listened to my show before, you heard the show with Susan Finch, Susan E. Finch in New York, the voice and dialect coach extraordinaire, and Corinne is one of her friends. Corinne accidentally emailed me instead of Susan, and here we are. Corinne McCormack: I was emailing her about my new book, and then you replied, and I said, "Well, maybe you'd be interested

  • Typos on your site can cost you money - tips to fix it.

    20/03/2019 Duration: 22min

    Karen and Susan cover where the typos are and how it can affect your credibility and make it more difficult for your sales team to build confidence with prospects. Listen to the full episode to get examples, details and an action list. Susan's List of task reminders to keep it current. Karen's secret tool to help you find the typos fast. Check your own site for links to internal PDF files, videos on a YouTube channel, too - those change over time, especially since people are converting personal channels to business channels. ----more---- Remember to use your Google Analytics or Search Console to: 1. Find the top pages for a YEAR that you need to start with checking, and go through the entire list.  2. In search console, check errors from crawls. Find out what's broken and what site or page is leading them there.   Need help? Contact Susan Finch. Sometimes you just need help getting started.

  • Online Reviews - why you need them, where to find them and how to respond.

    01/03/2019 Duration: 33min

    This lively visit with real estate agent, Kristina Smallhorn applies to all businesses who need and receive reviews. The video version linked in the bottom will have some how to tips, too.  Business reviews are not just for B2C and brick and mortar. ALL businesses need reviews in the right places where their potential clients go when considering them as as solution. This, along with what their colleagues and friends recommend play the biggest role in decision making before they even contact you. ----more---- My guest is Your Real Estate Whisperer, none-other than Kristin Smallhorn, a successful real estate agent in Louisiana. Her engaging YouTube channel is how I knew she was a great guest for this topic. But videos are what you EDIT and produce. Reviews - we do not control what people post. We can hope, we can ask for them when we have a successful transaction, but ultimately, we cannot control what others say about us - this gives reviews more credibility. Why do you think some businesses don't pursue

  • Which comes first - the why or the how in the first presentation?

    13/02/2019 Duration: 22min

      Susan welcomes back author and impact training expert, Amy Franko, as a follow up to the book launch episode for The Modern Seller. Update on her book, wildly successful launch propelled her into the number one position for Kindle downloads in the category of Sales Techniques. We've continued to follow her tips, posts, appearances and the topic of The Why and the How came up. Her blog post titled, "What Distinguishes a Standout Seller?" led to this interview. There is not one answer, but Amy helps you determine the questions to have ready in order to guide the meeting, the presentation and ultimately - THE SALE. Be sure to sign up for her newsletters, guides and more. Definitely worth adding to your weekly research list for those AHA moments. - you will find her book, The Modern Seller there as well.

  • When your voice drives the sale away before it started.

    14/01/2019 Duration: 27min

      Take a breath. Really, take a deep breath before you pick up the phone. While you're at it raise your arms, lower your shoulders, sit up straight, smile then make that call, walk into the meeting, take the stage. Speech patterns and bad habits can tune your audience out, even an audience of one, before you get further than your introduction. This will cost you revenue and waste everyone's time. Take tips from voice and dialect coach, Susan E. Finch. This show should have been a video - it was so much fun and packed with applicable tips to keep you from being annoying. The biggest culprits?  Women! Women 17 - 35 and this voice fry issue where they sound like they are swallowing their words. Next, the gutteral hiccup - that punch that only belongs in the Cockney community in London. ----more---- How about the fillers: Like, ya know, sooooo, and.... um, uhhhhh? Time to break yourself of those habits. They scream insecurity and require your listener/audience to strain to get to the point you are attemptin

  • The Seller's Challenge

    23/10/2018 Duration: 17min
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