Rooted In Revenue

Which comes first - the why or the how in the first presentation?



  Susan welcomes back author and impact training expert, Amy Franko, as a follow up to the book launch episode for The Modern Seller. Update on her book, wildly successful launch propelled her into the number one position for Kindle downloads in the category of Sales Techniques. We've continued to follow her tips, posts, appearances and the topic of The Why and the How came up. Her blog post titled, "What Distinguishes a Standout Seller?" led to this interview. There is not one answer, but Amy helps you determine the questions to have ready in order to guide the meeting, the presentation and ultimately - THE SALE. Be sure to sign up for her newsletters, guides and more. Definitely worth adding to your weekly research list for those AHA moments. - you will find her book, The Modern Seller there as well.