Dreamers & Doers



Dreamers & doers is a podcast about innovative people who try to have a positive impact and create a better World.There is a new wave of idealist high-achievers that mix their powerful skills with utopian ideas to create the society of Tomorrow. It can be about new ways to work, blockchain, AI, new ways to express our creativity or spirituality, new ways of governance, of relationships.To get more info about the UNLOCKT project, go to www.unlockt.me


  • #40 - Selling on Amazon - Judith Williams

    02/04/2019 Duration: 32min

    I met Judith at Date with Destiny. Judith set up as a seller on Amazon, which allowed her to life her dream life. She works from her laptop and travels from country to country. Here are the questions I asked: 1- Your story. How did you get the confidence to start your business? 2- The main challenges setting up your online business 3- Advice to someone starting their online business Today 4- The importance of personal growth For more episode, check the podcast Dreamers & doers on www.unlockt.me/podcast

  • #39 - Hacking health & nutrition - Zac Deane

    26/03/2019 Duration: 48min

    From liver cleanses to meal replacement shakes, from fasting to drinking kangan water, health coach Zac is always keen to try new and unconventional ways to be healthier. He has tried so many different nutrition tricks to feel strong & energised, live longer and be mentally clear. Here is what we covered: 1. His story getting into nutrition and following his passion. 2. How he created a successful Youtube channel about nutrition hacks. 3. The power of fasting 4. We then go through supplements, gut health, liver cleanses 5. What is the importance of communities in your life? Follow @rawcave on Instagram and Raw Cave on Youtube

  • #38 - Neuro-Linguistic Programming - Brittany Onorato

    20/03/2019 Duration: 39min

    I met Brittany at an UNLOCKT event and I was impressed with how confident she was. Brittany has just finished her training as a NLP coach. NLP is a powerful tool to change your behaviours. Here are a few questions I have for her, but come with yours: 1. How did she get into coaching and mindset? 2. What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming? 3. What motivated her to become a NLP coach? 4. Practical demonstration of NLP 5. What is her life's vision? You can follow her on Instagram @brittanyonorato

  • #37 - My 10-day Vipassana silent retreat - Alex Lamber

    12/03/2019 Duration: 37min

    Meditation is an important foundation of my growth and I wanted to explore more techniques. Vipassana is the technique that was taught by the Buddha 2,500 years ago. It is quite an intense technique and requires a 10-day silent retreat to learn it, where you meditate about 10 hours a day. Vipassana has been celebrated by some of the brightest people like Sam Harris or Yuval Noah Harari. As I'm just back from the retreat and many people asked for my feedback, I wanted to do a podcast about it. Spoiler alert: It was amazing! I discussed: 1. What motivated me to do it? 2. What it is and how it felt during the retreat 3. What I've leaned 4. How do I apply the learning as I got back 5. Vipassana vs Transcendental meditation 6. Q&A

  • #36 - Meditation for our busy world - Tom Cronin

    26/02/2019 Duration: 40min

    Tom spent 26 years as a broker in finance trading inflation swaps and bonds for the banks. He walked away from the industry at the height of his career to become a meditation teacher. More and more high-performance corporations, from Google to the NAVY Seals, from top athletes to CEOs, use meditation to increase performance. Tom will discuss why a meditation practice makes even more sense in our busy world and in high-performance environments. Here are a few questions I planned to ask but come with yours: 1. Your story. How you went from finance to meditation 2. Why we need meditation more than ever is our busy world 3. How meditation increases performance 4. Is meditation becoming mainstream and how it can change the world More info, visit https://stillnessproject.com/

  • #35 - Tantra & Conscious Sexuality - Zena Rose

    23/02/2019 Duration: 46min

    Zena is a yoga teacher and a Tantra practitioner. Sexuality is still very taboo in our societies. We will explore why and see how tantra can reconnect us with our sensual and sexual identity. Here are the main questions I asked: 1. What exactly is tantra? 2. Zena's story and how she got into tantra 3. Why is sexuality so taboo? Especially women's sexuality 4. Practical tips to be more at ease with our sexuality? For more info about Zena and her work, check http://www.zenarose.com.au/

  • #34 – Plant-based inspiration – Kate Levins

    12/02/2019 Duration: 55min

    The science clearly points to diets mainly based on plant-based whole foods as the healthiest options for most people. However, it can be hard to change our habits of eating processed and sugary foods and too much animal product. During a few years, I worked in the same company as vegan nutritionist Kate Levins. At the time, I wasn’t really aware of how much the food I eat was impacting my health, mood and performance. I am eternally grateful to her as good nutrition has been a cornerstone of my personal growth. Here are the things we discussed: 1- How she got into nutrition and promoting a whole food plant-based diet 2- Why should your diet be mainly whole food & plant-based? 3- How to actually implement this in our everyday life? 4- The vegan lifestyle is more than simply a health choice To follow her, check @nourishingclub on Instagram

  • #33 - Build a strong mindset - Ben Abstacker

    09/02/2019 Duration: 46min

    I met Ben at a sauna session at Bondi Beach and I was truly amazed at how positive he was. I have recently listened to his interview on the Plant Proof podcast and his story is very inspiring. Ben has put up systems in place to develop a super strong mindset, which made him an Australian champion fitness model and inspiring speaker & coach. Here are the topics we discussed: 1. His story and how he became the Abstacker 2. The systems he put in place to show up every single day 3. The importance of being positive 4. Getting your energy from the ego vs from contribution 5. Tips on how you can also develop your strong mindset To follow Ben on Instagram, check @abstacker

  • #32 - Breatharianism & the limits of consciousness - Aurelien Millot (Issa)

    28/12/2018 Duration: 56min

    I met Issa in Ubud as he was organising an amazing workshop combining yoga, meditation, holotropic breathwork and ecstatic dance. Issa is very grounded in the world, with a successful business in textile, but he is also pushing the limits of consciousness and experimenting with himself. He spent 21 days without food, which I didn't even think was possible. Here are the questions I asked: 1. Your story and how you got into your spiritual practice 2. Breatharianism and fasting: why and what is the limit? 3. Why do you like exploring non-ordinary states of consciousness? 4. What is the impact you want to have in the world? For more info, go to https://shambali.com/

  • #31 - Doing & Being - Lucy Prebble

    22/12/2018 Duration: 48min

    I met Lucy here in Bali and I was amazed at how present and intuitive she is. As she could identify me very quickly as a doer, and she used to be a lot in the doing side of things with her marketing agency, we discussed also the importance of simply being. Here are the questions I asked: 1- Her story and background as a high-achiever 2- What's the risk of being too much in doing? 3- When did she realise the importance of being? 4- Techniques to be more established in BEING

  • #30 - Being heard - Mitchell Levy

    14/12/2018 Duration: 50min

    In Today's episode, I am interviewing Mitchell Levy about thought leadership and how to be heard and seen in our noisy world. To learn more about Mitchell's work, the best place to get started is his TEDx talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwRuTKWNZyw Here is what we discussed: 0': How leadership changed with the Internet 8': How writing a book helps you being seen as an expert 11': What is a Aha message and why they're important 17': The new role of books in our society 25': Why ghostwriting can get your message across more clearly 29': About featuring other people in your book 33': His opinion about social media 37': Preparing for a TED talk 45': How to be better in conversations and interviews You can also check http://www.ahathat.com to see all the amazing things Mitchell Levy has been creating.

  • #29 - The science of breathwork - Niraj Naik

    05/12/2018 Duration: 01h28min

    Niraj Naik, aka The Renegade Pharmacist, is a former pharmacist who got an autoimmune condition called Ulcerative Colitis and resorted to breathwork to heal, when pharmaceutical drugs failed. He now dedicates his life to spreading the knowledge about breathwork with his own technique, the SOMA breathwork. He makes it fun and science-based for our Western minds and often works with Mindvalley and Wim Hof. In this interview, we discuss: 0’: How he got into breathwork. His story is fascinating 12’01: What breathwork is and different techniques 27’20: The science behind breathwork 44’56: How to integrate it as a daily practice 48’16: Holistic questions around sound healing, nutrition, alternative medicine 1’12’19: Demonstration of his breathwork technique that you can try I did his free webinar and it's really amazing. You can check it out here: https://www.somabreath.com/ He also gives a lot of tips on his website: https://therenegadepharmacist.com/

  • #28 - Self-transcendence - Charles McKinley

    30/11/2018 Duration: 44min

    I met Charlie at Date with Destiny by Tony Robbins a few months ago and he has a lot of experience with self-transcendence, some of which I've shared with him. He is just backed from India where he learned to give a blessing with the Oneness Academy. Here are the questions I was planning to ask: 1. What is self-transcendence? 2. Why does it matter? Practical implications 3. Different ways you can transcend the self If you're interested in experiencing this meditation retreat for yourself, check www.oo.academy and feel free to reach out to him

  • Special - Time Ownership Testimonials - Marie, Isabel & Paddy

    27/11/2018 Duration: 25min

    Special episode with testimonials from people who the Time Owenrship Program by UNLOCKT.

  • #27 - Train your nervous system - Dr Kaushik Ram

    13/11/2018 Duration: 46min

    Summary: 0': How he got into neuroscience 4'30: What's missing when we try to explain non-cognitive experiences and truth 8'20: His workshop on survival and how working with the nervous system rather than stop at the subconscious level 11'55: Why we need to train our nervous system 18'40: How to tap into nature's intelligence 22'50: How to slow down your heart rate and why it matters 28'24: How breath helps you operating from a place of flow rather than fear Q&A: 31': You can reverse the hijacking of your nervous system by society and how to get your best ideas 38': Can you apply it to performance and fitness Kaushik is back on the show and we’ll discuss survival. Kaushik wanted us to have a more fun and spontaneous conversation than last time so he wanted me not to prepare, which I'm fine with

  • #26 - Universal Basic Income - Gaspard Koenig

    23/10/2018 Duration: 33min

    The concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI) is to give citizens a sum of money every month without conditions. Gaspard Koenig has been raising the topic of UBI for a while. That's how I got interested in it. He is a famous French philosopher and founder of the think tank GenerationLibre It has been getting more attention recently with experiments in Alaska, Kenya and in Finland, with proponents such as Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk and US presidential candidate Andrew Yang, with more automation and with a widening rich-poor gap. Summary: 0': History and definitions of UBI 6'15: UBI as a human right to abolish poverty. A right to be autonomous. 9'55: What would be reasonable at the moment and how Hillary Clinton considered including UBI in her campaign 13'55: Why it is not obvious that automation will lead to less jobs 17'15: Universal would mean National for now, as the differences between countries are too big 18'26: Why the automation threat on truck drivers is not justified 25'34: The UBI experiment that w

  • #25 - What is hypnosis about? - Laurent Crémadeils

    23/10/2018 Duration: 23min

    #25 - What is hypnosis about? - Laurent Crémadeils Hypnosis isn't new, but hypnotherapy has become popular lately, especially to deal with addictions. 3 weeks ago, in the North of France, surgeons even performed heart surgery with no anaesthesia but only hypnosis! Hypnosis is interesting to understand how consciousness and our minds work. I met Laurent at a festival and wanted to interview him: 1- What is hypnosis and how it works? 2- How did you get into hypnosis? 3- How can it be useful? 4- Live demo! Laurent will hypnotise me live 5- Q&A (if I'm still able to run it

  • #24 – What's next with A.I.? – Hadelin de Ponteves

    10/10/2018 Duration: 30min

    Stoked to have again Hadelin on the podcast. After creating best-selling online courses, Hadelin has been working on the most advanced AI applications. He is flying on the next day to California for the DataScienceGO Conference 2018 We hear a lot about AI and it’ll be very interesting to see where the technology’s at and the impact it will have in the short term. Here are some questions I had in mind, but come with yours: 1- What do you think was the impact of the courses you created? 2- What are you working on right now and where is AI at? 3- How do you think it will transform the world in the next 10 years? To check his online courses go to https://www.udemy.com/user/hadelin-de-ponteves/ To watch more interviews or listen to the podcast, go to www.unlockt.me/podcast

  • #23 - Is meditation mainstream? - Antoine Gerlier

    04/10/2018 Duration: 32min

    Do you know that you can mesmerize yourself? Don't believe us? Well time to change your mind !! Antoine Gerlier is the founder of the French meditation app Namatata. After a short experience in finance, Antoine decided to travel the world and to dedicate his life to have a positive and meaningful impact. Here are the questions I intend to ask: 1- How did you get into meditation? 2- Why did you create an app and can you meditate well with an app? 3- Is meditation becoming mainstream? 4- What do you think is the impact of meditation on the world? As usual, feel free to ask your questions during the interview. For more info, visit www.namatata.com

  • #22 - The Power of Breathwork - Marja Jacobsen

    29/09/2018 Duration: 29min

    Can you high by breathing nothing else than oxygen? I've met Marja as she was my Yoga teacher at Dharma Shala. She is also a reiki master and now raves about breathwork. Breathwork is something I haven't explored much yet but from Eastern philosophy to the Wim Hof method it is proven to show breathtaking results! (haha!) Some people even say her breathwork was as powerful as an Ayahuasca trip... I'm really excited about this interview! Questions I thought of asking, but come with yours! 1- What is your journey through healing and mindfulness? 2- What got you into breathwork and why do you find it so powerful? 3- Why did you want to teach it? 4- Simple exercises people can practice? For more info visit https://www.yogawithmarja.com/

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