Dreamers & Doers

#26 - Universal Basic Income - Gaspard Koenig



The concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI) is to give citizens a sum of money every month without conditions. Gaspard Koenig has been raising the topic of UBI for a while. That's how I got interested in it. He is a famous French philosopher and founder of the think tank GenerationLibre It has been getting more attention recently with experiments in Alaska, Kenya and in Finland, with proponents such as Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk and US presidential candidate Andrew Yang, with more automation and with a widening rich-poor gap. Summary: 0': History and definitions of UBI 6'15: UBI as a human right to abolish poverty. A right to be autonomous. 9'55: What would be reasonable at the moment and how Hillary Clinton considered including UBI in her campaign 13'55: Why it is not obvious that automation will lead to less jobs 17'15: Universal would mean National for now, as the differences between countries are too big 18'26: Why the automation threat on truck drivers is not justified 25'34: The UBI experiment that w