Dreamers & Doers



Dreamers & doers is a podcast about innovative people who try to have a positive impact and create a better World.There is a new wave of idealist high-achievers that mix their powerful skills with utopian ideas to create the society of Tomorrow. It can be about new ways to work, blockchain, AI, new ways to express our creativity or spirituality, new ways of governance, of relationships.To get more info about the UNLOCKT project, go to www.unlockt.me


  • #60 - The Active Vegan Lifestyle - Henry Snow

    03/10/2019 Duration: 43min

    Henry Snow is planning on becoming a vegan athlete. he is passionate about doing what's healthy for you, from a plant-based diet to moving a lot. Here is what we discussed: 1. His story getting into plant-based nutrition 2. The myths around veganism 3. Combining the plant-based diet with a healthy lifestyle 4. The impact he wants to have in the world Follow him on Instagram @henrysnowshow

  • #59 - Rewriting your money story - Rebekah L Femia

    24/09/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    3 months ago, I got very interested in my limiting beliefs around money and it became the next stage of my personal growth. Rebekah is one of my mentors and I've learned a lot from her about rewriting my money story. You'll see that we get very enthusiastic about this topic that is often taboo. The questions I asked: 1. Your story, from network marketing to digital marketing 2. Why do we have limiting beliefs and judgment around money 3. How to rewrite your money story? Awareness, letting go of the opinion of others & routines I encourage you to do her free 3-day radical money mindset upgrade: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1339013169579383 For more info on the podcast, check http://www.unlockt.me/podcast

  • #58 - Financial Freedom with Dropshipping - Daniel Spurman

    12/09/2019 Duration: 50min

    At 21, Daniel Spurman is making millions with dropshipping. Dropshipping is about selling items online that are then shipped by the factory, often in China, so you don't own any stocks. I thought it was an interesting interview because dropshipping is often seen as not very meaningful. But the financial freedom Daniel gets out of it is pretty meaningful and inspiring. Here is what we discussed: 1. His story and how he got into dropshipping 2. What is dropshipping and how to do well? 3. How the day of an online entrepreneur in Bali looks like? 4. The challenges he faces being an entrepreneur 5. The purpose of getting financial freedom 6. The impact he wants to have in the world You can follow him on Instagram at @daniel.spurman

  • #57 - The importance of flow states at work - Mason Lantay

    06/09/2019 Duration: 55min

    The word that comes to me when I think of Mason is effortlessness. Mason has a lot of experience in psychology and productivity in the workplace. I was impressed by how he combines spiritual practices with getting stuff done. In this interview, Mason drops a lot of value. I'm very excited because we'll be working together with other conscious entrepreneurs in Bali in October. He organised a villa optimised for flow states. If you want to join us, let me know! Here is what we discussed: 1. His story and background in psychology 2. The power of combining spirituality with productivity 3. How to get into flow states at work 4. Should it always be effortless? 5. The impact he wants to have in the world For more info, check https://www.herointernational.org/231379905

  • #56 - How Tantra can heal the World - Shiva Rajaya

    30/08/2019 Duration: 54min

    I met Shiva at his cacao ceremonies in Ubud that often gather more than 500 people. We pray for love and dance. Shiva has more than 20 years experience in tantra. In this interview, we discuss: 1. His story and how he got into tantra 2. What exactly is tantra? 3. How to master your life - the tantra view 4. Why tantra is important to heal the world 5. The impact he wants to have in the world Check his website http://vitalcoaching.com/

  • #55 - What's the risk with 5G? - Paul Seils

    21/08/2019 Duration: 49min

    I love technology and, a few months, I was surprised when I saw many people I deeply respect post about the risks associated with 5G. I then went to New Earth Festival last June and it was again mentioned. The 2 main problems are health risks and the possibility of controlling our data. So I recently posted saying I wanted to do a podcast and many people referred to Paul Seils as someone who has extensively researched this topic in the past few months. Here is what we discussed: 1. His story and how he got interested in 5G 2. Why it's a more sophisticated system of surveillance 3. The increased health risks 4. What to do to protect yourself from the potential risks of EMFs and especially 5G 5. The impact he wants to have in the world. Super insightful chat. Whatever you think, it's always good to educate yourself.

  • #54 - Manifesting Freedom - Tariq EQ Amawi

    14/08/2019 Duration: 37min

    Tariq is an expert manifestor and one of my mentors in the Freedom Collective. I have learned so much from him and he quickly became an inspiring mentor and leader. I am stoked to share his wisdom Today. Here is what we discussed: 1. His story. How Assassin's Creed got him into coaching, personal growth & manifestations 2. What is the law of attraction and how to use manifestations 3. The Freedom Collective and why it's the perfect arena for his leadership 4. How to be a good leader 5. The impact he wants to have in the world

  • #53 - Master your money - Stacy N. Hernderson

    04/08/2019 Duration: 52min

    Many people recommended that I interview Stacy as he has helped many people get awareness and improve how they use their money. I went to his workshops and implemented some of his strategies. More info on www.povar.life/money We discussed: 1. His story and how he got into personal development 2. How to live life on your terms 3. How it led to money management and how to manage your money 4. Why money is so taboo and often put under the rug 5. The impact he wants to have in the world

  • #52 - A successful mindset for your online business - Andrew W. Gordon

    01/08/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    2 months ago, I joined The Freedom Collective, a movement of digital entrepreneurs that leverage social media and affiliate marketing to create a life of freedom. I was mentored by Andrew and very impressed by the high-level coaching I received. I felt it was the best personal growth I've ever been through. So I wanted to share some of his practical wisdom with you guys. Here is what we discussed: 1. His story (not the usual online entrepreneur's story) 2. The main qualities of an online entrepreneur. We talk resilience, self-responsibility, coachability and emotional attachment 3. Why start an online business in our day & age? 4. Can anyone start their online business Today? 5. The impact he wants to have in the world For more info, check www.unlockt.me/podcast

  • #51 - Our 40-day Fast - Saxon & Sinclair Fischer-Gray

    26/07/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    I'm very interested in the limits of the human body and especially fasting. Saxon & Sinclair have achieved something that I didn't think was possible not that long ago, not eating for 40 days. Here are the questions: 1. Your story and why you wanted to fast for 40 days? 2. What is the science supporting such a long fast? 3. What did you get from the experience? 4. What is your advice on fasting? 5. What do you want your impact in the world to be?

  • #50 - My 2-night Ayahuasca Experience - Alex Lamber

    18/07/2019 Duration: 50min

    In this episode, I share my experience with Ayahuasca. As a disclaimer, I want to say that this activity is illegal in most countries and I do not recommend it. Please obey the government. 1- How I got interested in it and why I did it. 2- The right preparation for such an experience. 3- I detail my "trip". 4- The integration. What I got our of it. If you have any questions, let me know, I love talking about this. You can also check my blog articles on the subject on www.unlockt.me

  • #49 - Don't let others hold you back - Jessica Hickman

    08/07/2019 Duration: 41min

    I met Jessica at our weekly yoga events and we have a lot in common. She loves personal growth and has built a training and education business. At 29, she is an international speaker, an author, podcast host and super inspiring. She especially commits to raise awareness on bullying, whether in schools or in the workplace. Her business is built from the personal experience of suffering 3.5 years of workplace bullying. We will discuss: 1- Her story and why she started her business 2- What is bullying and why we need to speak up 3- Aiming high and not being sorry for it 4- What people may say and why it shouldn't hold you back 5- The impact she wants to have More info about her work on https://bullyology.com/

  • #48 - Naturopathy changed my life - Anne-Claire Meret

    26/06/2019 Duration: 43min

    Anne-Claire is a naturopath I met in Bali. She used to have insomnias that conventional medicine could not cure. So she tried naturopathy that proved to work incredibly well for her. We look into: 1- Her story. how she got into it 2- What naturopathy is and how it can help 3- Why she felt drawn to contribute and share it with the world 4- About holistic coaching 5- About love and open relationships

  • #47 - Empowering people through online education - Kirill Eremenko

    31/05/2019 Duration: 44min

    At 30, Kirill has created many online courses on trading, blockchain, AI & Machine Learning and has had about a million students already around the world. Kirill is the business partner of Hadelin de Ponteves who has been on this podcast twice. I met Kirill at Date with Destiny with Tony Robbins and he's also a lot into personal growth. Here is what we discussed: 1. His story and how he got into online education 2. The purpose of his online programs 3. How he manages to work remotely with a team of 12 people 4. How personal growth helps him while building his businesses 5. What's the impact he wants to have in the world

  • #46 - The 100-day comfort zone challenge - Hayley Ablott & Edward Simberg

    29/05/2019 Duration: 01h47s

    We often hear that growth happens when you step outside your comfort zone and I couldn’t agree more. Hayley & Edward recently finished a 100 day challenge where they did something outside their comfort zone every day and it changed her life.  They now coach people who want to go past their fears and limiting beliefs.  Here are the questions I asked: 1- How did you get the idea of this challenge? 2- What were the most uncomfortable things you’ve done through the challenge? 3- What are the main things you have learn? 4- What results do you see for the people you coach? Why do you do it?

  • #45 - Building a life around your passions - Alex Lamber - interviewed by Tricha Tippapart

    08/05/2019 Duration: 45min

    For once, I was the one interviewed. Tricha is a yoga teacher who helps me build UNLOCKT and she is starting a series of interviews and she wanted to start with me. In this episode, we talk about my experience building my dream life. Meaning putting everything I love into a business so I can do what I'm passionate about 24/7. Especially we discussed: - the digital nomad lifestyle and how to get there - how to get started on following your passion - my plant based diet - why we need a more conscious world - using intuition & flow states - how to be comfortable with change

  • #44 - Going Deep - Champion Freediver Adam Stern

    02/05/2019 Duration: 33min

    At 30, Adam Stern is a champion freediver. He holds the Australian record of free immersion, going to 99m with one breath. I encourage you to follow his insightful & fun Youtube channel. He is one of the freedivers that inspired me to get my level 1 certificate a few weeks ago and I found a new passion. Freediving requires a unique combination of fitness, dedication and relaxation, which can be hard to combine. The feeling of peace down there is incredible. I'll ask him about: - His story. How you got into competitive freediving - How it feels when you go that deep? - How he pushes his body & mind through competitive freediving. - What it takes to be a good freediver. Pushing yourself vs relaxing. - Little practical tips to hold your breath longer.

  • #43 - Breathe more, Move more - Qi Gong teacher Dan Anthony

    26/04/2019 Duration: 33min

    I met Dan at Awake Sydney, a conscious party, where he was teaching Qi Gong. I was amazed at the peacefulness both of the practice and the teacher.  Dan has experimented with different breathing techniques. We will show you some qi gong techniques at the end.  Here are the questions I asked: 1. How did you get into Qi Gong? 2. What are the benefits? 3. What made you prefer Qi Gong over other breathwork techniques? 4. Why have you always been so interesting in working with the body? 5. A little Qi Gong demonstration.

  • #42 - Fighting fear - UFC fighter & big wave surfer Richie Vaculik

    19/04/2019 Duration: 36min

    Richie Vaculik grew up in Maroubra, a rather tough suburb in Australia. He is an iconic Bra boy, MMA fighter and Big Wave surfer, so no need to precise that he is one of the most badass guys on this planet. I'm always interested in how people overcome their fears, and this is clearly something Richie has been doing well. Here are the questions I plan to ask: 1. What is your story and how did you become a MMA fighter? 2. What are some of the scariest things you've done and how did you manage them? 3. Why do you put yourself in those extreme situations? 4. Practical tips on overcoming fear.

  • #41 - Wim hof instructor - Johannes Egberts

    15/04/2019 Duration: 58min

    I've been practicing Wim Hof breathing and taking cold showers regularly for about a year now and loving it. Johannes is a certified instructor so I’m so excited to have him on the show. Also a freediving instructor, he is someone who likes to push the limits of his body & mind. Here are the questions I asked: 1. His story and the benefits he experienced doing the method 2. Why he became an instructor 3. The science behind the Wim Hof method 4. Explaining the technique We finished the interview in an ice bath

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