Dreamers & Doers

#34 – Plant-based inspiration – Kate Levins



The science clearly points to diets mainly based on plant-based whole foods as the healthiest options for most people. However, it can be hard to change our habits of eating processed and sugary foods and too much animal product. During a few years, I worked in the same company as vegan nutritionist Kate Levins. At the time, I wasn’t really aware of how much the food I eat was impacting my health, mood and performance. I am eternally grateful to her as good nutrition has been a cornerstone of my personal growth. Here are the things we discussed: 1- How she got into nutrition and promoting a whole food plant-based diet 2- Why should your diet be mainly whole food & plant-based? 3- How to actually implement this in our everyday life? 4- The vegan lifestyle is more than simply a health choice To follow her, check @nourishingclub on Instagram