Stevie Says Social Podcast

Building a Bucketlist Business



In 2007, I spent six weeks in a hostel in the middle of Guatemala just “because”.Truly, I’d never felt so free.The two years prior had been spent working like a donkey, with good people but in a field I hated.The endgame? Admission to the Supreme Course of Queensland as a lawyer.It was an accolade I spent 7 years working towards..Only to quit, 6-weeks to the day later. And so, there I found myself in a computer shop in Puerto Escondido, Mexico, on a steaming April afternoon checking my emails when my brothers friend messaged us on Facebook.“Wanna come visit?” – he wrote, “I’m just down the road in Guatemala!”We looked at each other.Of course we would. It wasn’t even a QUESTION.We were free. The world was our oyster. And we could do anything, be anyone, go anywhere!And so it came to be that I ended up spending the best, most carefree, most FUN 6-weeks of my life living out of a backpack in a dingy hostel dorm room in Antigua.Acutely aware that I had opted out of life for a little minute, and feeling grateful a