Stevie Says Social Podcast

Real Talk: Should You Create a Membership Site? Part One



Pre PS  We've currently waitlisted our Lifestyle Business School program and we'll be reopening soon. Join the waitlist here if you want to get updated on the best deal and the special VIP bonuses soon as we re-open doors.Should you create a membership site? So often, it's sold as the ultimate dream:"Create a membership site and you too can enjoy recurring revenue - forever", they say. Which is kind of true.Only, it also comes with a very, very big asterisk:Memberships are one of the most advanced, psychologically trying, long-game, difficult leveraged business models out there. And, no-one is sharing THAT when they are selling the dream. In October 2023, I launched my very own online membership site. Believe me when I say that I have aged 26 Internet years in the months since (just kidding - kind of).Here's the truth though: They are no joke, and this is coming from someone with six years in the online business space, experience in every leveraged business model under the sun, a