Calm Mind Confident Life



Your listening to the calm mind confident life podcast.Full of guided meditations, relaxation audios & an abundance of tips from inspiring people around the globe. This podcast is here to help you cultivate calm and embrace the power and freedom of believing in yourself. With your host and founder of Value Your Mind, Nathalie Kealy


  • Ep 7. Progressive Muscle Relaxation - Calm Mind Confident Life

    15/03/2018 Duration: 15min

    If your listening the hope is you completed all previous 6 days and your feeling the little bit more space in your mind. Remember these changes are often very subtle and it’s over time and practise that the real change happens. But the good thing is you’ve done the hardest bit, which is starting that process. Recognising that you need to find more space in your mind and then actually acting on that recognition is really the hardest part. Now it’s just about keeping it going. So we are going to spend today doing a progressive muscle relaxation practise. It’s very simple and just a chance for you to really notice the difference between tension and relaxation.

  • Ep 6 Visualisation Meditation: Calm Mind Confident Life

    12/03/2018 Duration: 09min

    Hello! So for our penultimate day I am going to lead you through one of my favourite visualisation meditations. I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced the power of visualisation but I think it’s great. In fact anyone that knows me, knows I tend to go on and on about it as a great way to boost your self-belief. I find it so useful that I will definitely be doing a stand alone podcast about all the great ways you can do it and use it. But for now I have just a simple, lovely one for you all to try.

  • Ep 5. Deeply Relaxing Breath - Calm Mind Confident Life

    11/03/2018 Duration: 07min

    Hello all! So… we’re now on day 5 and I am pretty confident you will love todays exercise. It’s called Wooshing Breath and it’s from Dr Weil to aid sleep. I use it a lot with my clients who are suffering from stress and with parents who are feeling frustrated with their teenagers. Oh and also teenagers that are feeling frustrated with their parents. It’s like a tranquiler for the brain. Because your going to be making a sound with your breath you might prefer to find a private space to do this one…. but if your feeling particular confident feel free to do it wherever you are.

  • Ep 4. Mudra Meditation: Calm Mind Confident Life

    09/03/2018 Duration: 09min

    Day 4. Hows everyone feeling? It’s day 4 of the challenge and I’m currently recording from a very cold but beautiful snowy England, wrapped up in a massive blanket scarf and watching the snow fall peacefully outside. And it’s putting me in a very calm state so I’m hoping I can bring that extra level of calm and cosiness to todays exercise. Todays practise is a very balancing mudra meditation. Mudra’s are commonly known as specific gestures you place your hands in. So a popular one in yoga that most people know is where you have your thumb and index finger touching , similar to what you would do if you were gesturing that you were OK. There are so many benefits to mudras which I will go into in a whole other pod cast but today we are going to take a simple one that helps us let go, accept and embrace. So I will talk you through it. This mudra is called Pushan Mudra. It’s one of my favourites to do with the breath.

  • Ep 3. Yoga Nidra for sleep: Calm Mind Confident Life

    08/03/2018 Duration: 13min

    So today we are doing a really lovely and relaxing yoga nidra. I’ve included it because it has got to be one of the most positively reviewed things I do with my clients in terms of helping them improve sleep, boost energy and generally feel 10 times more relaxed. Yoga nidra it’s self is the place between being asleep and awake. It takes us to a very deep place of relaxation by working through all the layers that make us (what we call sheaths or kosha’s in yoga). I wont go into depth now about this as I will definitely dedicate a future episode to this. But all you need to know is that we will systematically be working on restoring and relaxing different elements of the body and mind. Oh and the good thing is it doesn’t require much effort from you other than to lie down and listen to my voice.

  • Ep 2 - Breathing For Clarity: Calm Mind Confident Life

    07/03/2018 Duration: 07min

    Welcome to day 2 of the 7 steps to calm challenge. If you missed day 1, we recommend you go back to episode 1 and have a listen of that first. its a lovely grounding meditation which i wouldn’t want you missing out on. Today’s episode is a simple breathing exercise with a shed load of benefits. You’ll need to ensure however that your in a space where you won’t be disturbed. So if your in a public place perhaps wait till you get home to ply this one. if your on your own, just finding a comfortable seat. The exercise we're going to do is called alternate nostril breathing or in sanskrit- anuloma-viloma. In yoga it is seen as way to clear out the nadis or energy channels in order for energy to flow freely. To explain this in western terms, basically it means by consciously changing which nostril we’re breathing through, we are activating both left and right hemispheres of the brain. This helps create a balanced state in the mind and also increases oxygen to the brain, which in turn calms the nervous system.

  • Ep 1. - 7 Steps To Calm- Grounding Meditation: Calm Mind Confident Life

    07/03/2018 Duration: 08min

    Hi guys. Welcome to episode 1. We are kicking things off with our 7 steps to calm challenge. Join us over the next 7 days as we cultivate 5 minutes of calm into each day. Each day we will post a podcast which will contain a 5 minute calming mediative exercise for you to listen to. All you need to do is factor 5 minutes (just 5 mins) per day to listen to it. By the end we’re pretty confident you will be well on the way finding some space within your mind. Today’s episode is a really easy but very grounding meditation exercise. When we’re feeling anxious or stressed we tend to be lacking the sense of being grounded. We’re up in the air and need to take a few moments to re-root the moment. This meditation exercise is a great way to do that.

  • Pod Cast Introduction: Calm Mind Confident Life

    06/03/2018 Duration: 03min

    Your listening to the calm mind confident life podcast. Full of guided meditations, relaxation audios & an abundance of tips from inspiring people around the globe. This podcast is here to help you cultivate calm and embrace the power and freedom of believing in yourself. With your host and founder of Value Your Mind, Nathalie Kealy

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