Calm Mind Confident Life

Ep 2 - Breathing For Clarity: Calm Mind Confident Life



Welcome to day 2 of the 7 steps to calm challenge. If you missed day 1, we recommend you go back to episode 1 and have a listen of that first. its a lovely grounding meditation which i wouldn’t want you missing out on. Today’s episode is a simple breathing exercise with a shed load of benefits. You’ll need to ensure however that your in a space where you won’t be disturbed. So if your in a public place perhaps wait till you get home to ply this one. if your on your own, just finding a comfortable seat. The exercise we're going to do is called alternate nostril breathing or in sanskrit- anuloma-viloma. In yoga it is seen as way to clear out the nadis or energy channels in order for energy to flow freely. To explain this in western terms, basically it means by consciously changing which nostril we’re breathing through, we are activating both left and right hemispheres of the brain. This helps create a balanced state in the mind and also increases oxygen to the brain, which in turn calms the nervous system.