Calm Mind Confident Life

Ep 3. Yoga Nidra for sleep: Calm Mind Confident Life



So today we are doing a really lovely and relaxing yoga nidra. I’ve included it because it has got to be one of the most positively reviewed things I do with my clients in terms of helping them improve sleep, boost energy and generally feel 10 times more relaxed. Yoga nidra it’s self is the place between being asleep and awake. It takes us to a very deep place of relaxation by working through all the layers that make us (what we call sheaths or kosha’s in yoga). I wont go into depth now about this as I will definitely dedicate a future episode to this. But all you need to know is that we will systematically be working on restoring and relaxing different elements of the body and mind. Oh and the good thing is it doesn’t require much effort from you other than to lie down and listen to my voice.