Calm Mind Confident Life

Ep 1. - 7 Steps To Calm- Grounding Meditation: Calm Mind Confident Life



Hi guys. Welcome to episode 1. We are kicking things off with our 7 steps to calm challenge. Join us over the next 7 days as we cultivate 5 minutes of calm into each day. Each day we will post a podcast which will contain a 5 minute calming mediative exercise for you to listen to. All you need to do is factor 5 minutes (just 5 mins) per day to listen to it. By the end we’re pretty confident you will be well on the way finding some space within your mind. Today’s episode is a really easy but very grounding meditation exercise. When we’re feeling anxious or stressed we tend to be lacking the sense of being grounded. We’re up in the air and need to take a few moments to re-root the moment. This meditation exercise is a great way to do that.