Trentus Magnus Punches Reality




  • Episode 75- Big Book- Hoaxes vol. 02- Internet BS

    23/12/2014 Duration: 01h24min

    In this latest ball-hoaxing episode, Magnus is rejoined by his loyal podcasting vassal Chris Honeywell to talk about something other than Big Books. Because it's Christmas and His Excellency and Chris both have other stuff going on. To make the most of the Big Book Report label though, you could consider this an unofficial sequel the Big Book Report- Hoaxes as the stuff Magnus and Honeywell talk about this time around might've been included if the Big Book of Hoaxes had been published today. From non-existent Internet celebrities to supposed wackaloons offering modest proposals, no stone is left unturned in this discussion about all things Internet that might be termed "tawdry BS". The click-bait audience might've preferred "You won't BELIEVE who Magnus nearly booked for this episode!" but not everything is meant for sub-room temperature IQ's. Because this thing is so long (that's what she said?), there's no real opportunity for Magnus to permit the masses from declaring their undying love and adulation in th

  • Episode 74- One May Smile and Smile and Be A Villain- JFK commentary (with Michael Bailey)

    16/12/2014 Duration: 03h27min

    In this latest ball-assassinating episode, Magnus is rejoined by his loyal podcasting vassal Michael Bailey to talk, talk and talk some more about the director's cut of Oliver Stone's 1991 opus JFK. 3.5 hours of commentary, conspiracy skepticism and smoke breaks. The click-bait vulnerable might've preferred "Magnus did *WHAT* halfway through the commentary?!!?" but it's hard to lose enough brain cells to invent such cheap marketing tactics. Because of the length of this episode (has it been mentioned yet that it's 3.5 hours long?), there's no time for adulation from the unwashed miscreants. Listener feedback has been suspended this week. Even so, paying tribute to His Excellency's grandeur is always encouraged so the lowmen and commoners listening who have ideas for a topic should feel free to e-mail their beloved emperor at and he might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that's a promise! In an act of barely c

  • Episode 73- Shock Value- Spider-Man 2099 #01-#03

    09/12/2014 Duration: 01h35min

    In this latest ball-shocking episode, Magnus takes a fond walk down memory lane and salutes the very first Marvel comics he ever owned... plus issue #3 of that series. The click-bait crowd might've preferred "You won't BELIEVE what His Excellency's first Marvel comics were!" but nothing's perfect, right? Magnus also whips out the ol' mail sack once again this week and podcasting vassal Tom Panarese unintentionally touches off a nuclear freaking explosion. All this and more in this week's adventure! Singing the praises of Magnus is always encouraged so any of you miserable peasants with ideas for a topic should feel free to e-mail your beloved king at and he might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that's a promise! In an act of nigh-unprecedented benevolence, Magnus permits the lowly miscreants to kiss his ring regarding this or any other episode. Thus, notes of admiration may be sent to excellency@trentusmagnu

  • Episode 72- In the Beginning- Punisher MAX #01-#06

    02/12/2014 Duration: 01h12min

    In this latest ball-punishing episode, Magnus gabs about the MAX Punisher storyline "In the Beginning". That's one way to put it. Another way would be that Magnus has a total geekout over the awesome splendidness of the Garth Ennis take on the Punisher. The click-bait crowd might've preferred "You won't BELIEVE won't Magnus said about Frank Miller" but you can't have everything, right? Unless you're Magnus, that is. To commemorate Just A Good Moment, a very sleepy Magnus recorded a stream of consciousness ode to those small pockets of happiness and joy that come along sometimes waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in July. And it's the second part of this show. Because of that, there can be no feedback this week. Still, singing the praises of Magnus is never discouraged so any of you commoners with ideas for a topic should feel free to e-mail your beloved king at and he might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that's a promise! In

  • Episode 71- Shoot the Sh*t Vol. 04- Magnus & PQ Ribber Talk

    25/11/2014 Duration: 01h22min

    Happy birthday, PQ Ribber! In this latest ball-shooting episode, Magnus kicks back with PQ Ribber, a podcasting vassal of note, and the two spend time shooting the bull, gabbing about comics, ranting about certain creators and paying their last respects to Joan Rivers. This off-the-cuff show was recorded on a whim mostly because His Excellency felt like recording something and PQ Ribber, the birthday boy, was available at that moment. A wonderful time is had by all! To commemorate Thanksgiving, Magnus puts feedback on hold to look back at what a kickass year 2014 has been. For those who put a premium on click-bait gimmicks, "Magnus is superstitious about WHAT?!" Because of PQ Ribber's contributions and His Excellency's outpouring of gratitude, there is no feedback from any of the Magnus Nation's loyal subjects. Even so, acts of tribute are never discouraged though so any of you serfs with ideas for a topic should feel free to e-mail your beloved king at and he might consider thinking a

  • Episode 70- Not A Sin- Green Lantern- Emerald Dawn I

    18/11/2014 Duration: 01h05s

    In this latest ball-tasing episode, Magnus goes to great pains to show listeners and stuffy DC editors that, in spite of all claims to the contrary, Green Lantern- Emerald Dawn is most assuredly *NOT* a sin. It begins with awesomeness. Which, of course, His Excellency has in the utmost abundance. And that leads to an idea. The idea in this case being to establish that Jim Owsley, Keith Giffen, Gerard Jones and MD Bright are men amongst men when it comes to all things Green Lantern. The end result of any such undertaking can only be the face-rocking splendor which longtime listeners have come to expect and which first time listeners will have their faces rocked by. For those given to cheap click-bait gimmicks, "You won't believe what Magnus said about Emerald Dawn! My wife just went sterile listening to this!" But it's not *ALL* comics this week. Nope! This week's plentiful helping of badassitude is wrapped up with plebes giving adoring tribute to His Excellency Magnus in this week's feedback section. "You jus

  • Episode 69- With One Magic Word- The Power of Shazam hardcover

    11/11/2014 Duration: 01h14min

    In this latest ball-electrifying episode, Magnus indulges his fandom for both Jerry Ordway and Captain Marvel. For clarity's sake, this is the character who deserves to be called Captain Marvel rather than Marvel's terminally-ill copyright gimmick. Specifically, the story on tap this time around is the Power of Shazam hardcover, written and painted by no less than Jerry Ordway himself. The Power of Shazam endeavored to do for Captain Marvel what John Byrne's Man of Steel did for Superman in giving the character a proper start point. Or does it? For the click-bait crowd, "Five great reasons to read the Power of Shazam. You won't believe #4!!" The episode wraps up with peasant listeners paying loving homage to His Excellency's grandeur in the feedback section. Kissing His Excellency's ring is never discouraged though so any of you commoners and lowmen with ideas for a topic should feel free to e-mail your beloved king at and he might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially

  • Episode 68- Extraterrestrial Written All Over It- Magnus Talks About Smallville- Season 02 Part 01

    04/11/2014 Duration: 01h17min

    In this latest ball-obliterating episode, the Magnus Talks About Smallville retrospective series resumes with discussion about the episodes Vortex, Heat, Duplicity and Red. Smallville's sophomore season was marked by several major changes, advancements and improvements. An already good show becomes even better during the second season. This episode, destined to become Douglas Meacham's favorite ever, is wrapped up with a long overdue return to feedback. It has been many weeks since Magnus made himself available to his adoring public to allow them to kiss his ring and behold his majesty so time is graciously spent this week allowing the peasants and commoners to express fealty to their beloved leader. Still, more is not discouraged. Should any of you beggars have ideas for a topic, you should feel free to e-mail your wise emperor at and he might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that's a promise! In an act of almost

  • Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 67- Big Book Report- Death (with Chris Honeywell)

    28/10/2014 Duration: 01h41min

    In this latest ball-haunting episode, Magnus is once again joined by Two True Freaks co-host and former crime scene investigator Chris Honeywell for another entry in the Big Book Report series. This time around, His Excellency Magnus and his humble vassal Honeywell plum the depths the Big Book of Death, which itself attempts to plum the depths of every conceivable way to check out, go to that big LCS in the sky, swim the fishes, become worm food, buy the farm, reach one's expiration date and, most of all, shuffle off this mortal coil. Seriously, people, *GOTH CHICKS* probably don't talk as much about death as Magnus and his loyal sidekick Honeywell do in this show. And as ever, there are tangents aplenty. Politics, religion, sexual preference, the Great Pumpkins, Fight Club, virtually *EVERYTHING* you don't talk about with people gets talked about by these insensitive reactionaries. Because of this show's amazing splendidness, there isn't time for any of you lowly nobodies to kiss His Excellency's ring in the

  • Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 66- Neverending Battle- Superman v1 #149- The Death of Superman

    21/10/2014 Duration: 01h35min

    In this latest ball-poisoning episode, Magnus reaches the conclusion of the critically-venerated Superman Megaseries by paying homage to the Death of Superman from Superman #149. Last time, Superman consciously took sentient life. This time, he loses his own life. This time out, Magnus is joined by Superman professor emeritus Michael Bailey from Fayetville County. What did they say about The Death of Superman? Heartfelt praises? Scorn and mockery? Abject confusion? Or, in Mr. Bailey's case, long, rambling, drunken threats against persons unknown? The only way to find out is by listening to this instant classic! For those of you inclined to click-bait, "Magnus said *WHAT* about a fan-favorite Superman writer?!" The awesome leaks off this episode to such a degree that there is neither time nor need for feedback from the lowly commoners who adore this show week in and week out. Still, if any of you beggars have ideas for a topic, you should feel free to e-mail your beloved emperor at and

  • Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 65- Mild-Mannered- Superman- Supergirl Saga

    14/10/2014 Duration: 01h13min

    In this latest ball-slicing episode, Magnus nears the conclusion of the critically-apotheosized Superman Megaseries by taking an eye-opening look back at the Supergirl Saga primarily by John Byrne, which was not only served as Byrne's farewell to Superman (and possibly middle finger to the Powers That Were at DC) but also saw Superman consciously take sentient life. This time around, Magnus is joined by J. David Weter, one of the very few who could ever be considered one of His Excellency's podcasting vassals. Did they love the Supergirl Saga? Hate it? Disagree bitterly over it? For the click-bait prone, "WHO did Superman kill in this comic book?" This much awesome in one podcast is very close to unprecedented so unfortunately there was no time for Magnus to indulge in feedback from the beggars and peasants. Still, if any of you lowly commoners have a suggestion for a topic, you should feel free to e-mail your benevolent leader at and he might consider thinking about the possibility of

  • Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 64- Powers & Abilities- All-Star Superman Part 02 (with Jon M. Wilson)

    07/10/2014 Duration: 02h49min

    In this latest ball-nuking episode, Magnus continues the critically-deified Superman Megaseries by resuming the discussion about All-Star Superman. Issues #07-12 come under the microscope this time as Magnus and Jon M. Wilson give the remainder of the miniseries a full-cavity search that Robert Stack would be proud of. In many ways, this is the perfect follow up to last week's first part of the All-Star Superman series. Because this is the conclusion of it, duh. For those of you who fall for click-bait tactics everytime, "YOU JUST WON'T BELIEVE WHICH SUPERHERO HIS EXCELLENCY HAD A TANGENT ABOUT THIS TIME OUT!!" Because of this masterpiece's running time, unfortunately none of you fools and peasants will be heard from this week. Still, if any of you lowly commoners have a suggestion for a topic, you should feel free to e-mail your beloved leader at and he might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that's a promise! Fee

  • Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 63- Truth, Justice, American Way- All-Star Superman Part 01 (with Jon M. Wilson)

    30/09/2014 Duration: 03h14min

    In this latest ball-stabbing episode, Magnus continues the critically-canonized Superman Megaseries by discussing the first six episodes of All-Star Superman. The story by Grant Morrison is analyzed and the art by Frank Quitely is discussed quite frankly. In many ways, this is the perfect follow up to last week's realism-obsessed Earth One vol. 2. Since click-bait tactics are the order of the day, "YOU JUST WON'T BELIEVE WHO JOINED MAGNUS TO TALK ABOUT ALL-STAR SUPERMAN!!" Sadly, none of you simpletons and beggars will be heard from this week. This episode is quite long enough as it is so there wasn't time for feedback. Still, if any of you lowmen have a suggestion for a topic, you should feel free to e-mail your beloved emperor at and he might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that's a promise! Feedback for this and any other episode may be sent to

  • Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 62- Disguised As Clark Kent- Superman- Earth One vol. 2

    23/09/2014 Duration: 01h08min

    In this latest ball-draining episode, Magnus continues the critically-felated Superman Megaseries by finally talking about Superman- Earth One vol. 02. This story picks up basically where the last one left off. How did such an outspoken critic of realism in comics feel about this entry in the Earth One universe? That'd ruin the surprise. Click-bait tactics seem to work well though so you can imagine the headline says "Magnus said *WHAT* about Superman- Earth One vol. 02?!?!" No feedback this week as Magnus takes the opportunity to talk about something that (so far at least) has absolutely nothing to do with comics. If any of you simple-minded fools have a suggestion for a topic, you should feel free to e-mail your beloved potentate at and he might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that's a promise! Feedback for this and any other episode may be sent to

  • Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 61- Strange Visitor- Smallville 64-Page Special

    16/09/2014 Duration: 01h27min

    In this latest ball-chewing episode, Magnus resumes the critically-venerated Superman Megaseries by reading Smallville: The Comic #1 cover dated November 2002. It's a collection of two short stories taking place in the Smallville universe. Before season 11 came along, Smallville comics had a pretty lousy reputation, which begs the question of just how His Excellency reacted to this issue. Was it toilet paper with staples in it? Or is it an underappreciated gem? Listen and find out. For those of you who respond to click-bait crap, just pretend the above paragraph says "You won't believe how Magnus reacted to *THIS* Smallville comic!" Also, Magnus once again opens the floor to feedback from you weak-minded listeners this week. If any of you knaves and fools have a suggestion for a topic, you should feel free to e-mail your revered leader at and he might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that's a promise! Feedback for

  • Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 60- In A Uniform, Flying- Magnus Talks About Smallville- Season 01 Part 04

    09/09/2014 Duration: 01h24min

    In this latest ball-twisting episode, Magnus wraps the Smallville season 01 retrospective series, discussing episode 18- Drone through episode 21- Tempest. The back four of season 01, this batch of shows includes a popular (though incoherent) TV trope and a tornado hitting Smallville! NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME AGAIN! Until the season 02 retrospective starts anyway. All things considered, this run of episodes REALLY could've sucked out loud but several major and minor elements affected the outcome. But to what degree? Did Magnus love these episodes? Hate them? Forget them moments after rewatching them? LISTEN NOW AND FIND OUT!! Also, we once again dip into listener feedback as yet more peasant listeners trip over themselves to kiss His Excellency's ring. Also, Magnus goes on a borderline psychotic rant about the PC Police ruining the experience of nicotine. If any of you serfs and lowmen have a suggestion for a topic, you should feel free to e-mail your wise leader at and he might c

  • Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 59- Big Book Report- The Unexplained (with Chris Honeywell and Scott H. Gardner)

    02/09/2014 Duration: 02h21min

    In this latest ball-clenching episode, Magnus takes a break from the critically-beloved Superman Megaseries with another installment of the Big Book Report. This time the spotlight falls on the Big Book of the Unexplained, written by Doug Moench and illustrated by entirely too many artists to mention here. These are bizarre stories of impossible animals, lost continents, out of place artifacts, UFO's, alien abductions and weird sex with female extra terrestrial lifeforms! His Excellency is once again joined by Chris Honeywell. But this time, Chris roped Scott H. Gardner, his own co-host of Two True Freaks, to talk about all that weird stuff. With more tangents than you could ever hope to shake a tin foil at, your leader and his two compatriots plumb the depths of the bizarre and even share a few personal anecdotes. No feedback this week... unless you count that bizarre static sound in the beginning. Is that the NSA listening in on the discussion? If any of you simpleminded fools have a suggestion for a topic,

  • Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 58- It's A Plane- Superman v1 #01 & #02

    26/08/2014 Duration: 01h43s

    In this latest ball-boiling episode, Magnus continues the critically-sainted Superman Megaseries by taking a look at Superman vol. 1 #01 and #02, the first Golden Age comics this series has ever covered. What did His Excellency think of these quaint old relics from a bygone era? Well, saying so here means you wouldn't have to listen to the episode. And that would be bad. Mmmkay? Also, Magnus opens the old mailbag and responds to some feedback from you lowly peasants this week. If any of you simpletons have a suggestion for a topic, you should feel free to e-mail your wise leader at and he might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that's a promise! Feedback for this and any other episode may be sent to

  • Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 57- It's A Bird- Shoot the Sh*t Vol. 03- Magnus & Wilson talk

    19/08/2014 Duration: 02h07min

    In this latest ball-bruising episode, Magnus continues the critically-worshipped Superman Megaseries by putting everything on pause for a chit-chat with Jon M. Wilson, host of The New 52 Adventures. Wilson and His Excellency turn a something-less-than-critical eye on the New 52 and also discuss other aspects of the Man of Steel. No feedback from any of you lowly minded peasants this week. Even so, if any of you rubes have a suggestion for a topic, you should feel free to e-mail your grand leader at and he might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that's a promise! Feedback for this and any other episode may be sent to

  • Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 56- Look! Up in the Sky! Superman #246

    12/08/2014 Duration: 01h10min

    In this latest ball-ruining episode, Magnus continues the critically-adored Superman Megaseries by taking a fond look back at Superman #246. What's so special about Superman #246? Absolutely nothing. Which is what makes it so special. What does that even mean? Explaining it here means you wouldn't have to listen to the podcast. None you low-men seem to mind sharing click-bait stupidity on Facebook so one good turn deserves another. No feedback this week because His Excellency uses the second segment to break down why the Pre-Crisis Superman in general and the Bronze Age version in particular is definitive. Even so, if you lowly peons have a suggestion for a topic, you should feel free to e-mail your grand leader at and he might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that's a promise! Feedback for this and any other episode may be sent to

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