Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 56- Look! Up in the Sky! Superman #246



In this latest ball-ruining episode, Magnus continues the critically-adored Superman Megaseries by taking a fond look back at Superman #246. What's so special about Superman #246? Absolutely nothing. Which is what makes it so special. What does that even mean? Explaining it here means you wouldn't have to listen to the podcast. None you low-men seem to mind sharing click-bait stupidity on Facebook so one good turn deserves another. No feedback this week because His Excellency uses the second segment to break down why the Pre-Crisis Superman in general and the Bronze Age version in particular is definitive. Even so, if you lowly peons have a suggestion for a topic, you should feel free to e-mail your grand leader at and he might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that's a promise! Feedback for this and any other episode may be sent to