Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 75- Big Book- Hoaxes vol. 02- Internet BS



In this latest ball-hoaxing episode, Magnus is rejoined by his loyal podcasting vassal Chris Honeywell to talk about something other than Big Books. Because it's Christmas and His Excellency and Chris both have other stuff going on. To make the most of the Big Book Report label though, you could consider this an unofficial sequel the Big Book Report- Hoaxes as the stuff Magnus and Honeywell talk about this time around might've been included if the Big Book of Hoaxes had been published today. From non-existent Internet celebrities to supposed wackaloons offering modest proposals, no stone is left unturned in this discussion about all things Internet that might be termed "tawdry BS". The click-bait audience might've preferred "You won't BELIEVE who Magnus nearly booked for this episode!" but not everything is meant for sub-room temperature IQ's. Because this thing is so long (that's what she said?), there's no real opportunity for Magnus to permit the masses from declaring their undying love and adulation in th